Period Tracker User Reviews

Period Tracker: Monthly Cycles
Period Tracker: Monthly Cycles
Shanghai Fenghe Information Technologies Co., Ltd.

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  • Deleted

    I’ve used this app for years, but after the last couple of horrible updates I’ve now resorted to deleting it and starting over with a new app. Severely disappointed.
  • Update made it worse

    This app used to be great. Now with the update you have less services and you have to pay for what was standard before. Missing basics that are now lost. This used to be the best app. Now, it’s the worst.
  • Updated and the look changed completely

    This app used to be great. Then it updated and the look changed drastically. While it looks nicer, there are now ads and persistent pay wall asks. Not cool devs! I will no longer use this app.
  • Old version was much better

    The new design of the app is not only ugly but much harder to use. I cannot figure out how to even log that my period has started and it’s showing me as being late. When I press “log period” it only lets me input dates from a week ago. I cannot choose today as the start date. It used to be easy to to this. The old design was also much better aesthetically. The new design looks tacky. If there was an option to switch to the old one then I would. I may have to download another app but I have been using this one for years so it’s disappointing.
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  • Hate new update

    I’ve been using this app for years and have loved it for its look and simplicity and accuracy for predicting my period. However, since the new update I hate the new look and the algorithm for predicting off the last 3 periods isn’t working and I didn’t realize that until my period started a week before it predicted but after I looked at it it started on an accurate date based on my last three cycles. If the problems don’t get fixed I may switch to using a different tracking app. I also hate how you now have to scroll more to select having taken a pill - that’s a daily thing so should have the ability to turn on birth control mode and have that at the top. Prior to the recent update I’d have rated it five stars and if the issues with the new confusing interface and non working algorithms are fixed I’ll gladly change my rating.
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  • Love this app but not the new update

    I’ve been using this app since 2011. I’ve tried other apps through the years because there were some features in these other apps that I really liked. However I kept coming back to this one because overall I felt it had more of the features I wanted then some other apps. It was also very user friendly, quick and easy to use which was helpful because I could add things quickly while on the run so the basics I could keep track of constantly, and when I had more time I could add specific symptoms. It has been really helpful to be able track over the years and see patterns. I would have given it 5 stars easily.

    However having said all that with the new update the app is almost unrecognisable and not necessarily in a good way. I can grow to appreciate the new changes but certain aspects of the app that made me love it and stick to it for 9 years have disappeared which make me sad. It used to be so simple and quick and now it not all that user friendly. I also not the biggest fan of the aesthetic but hopefully in the future they will add different themes like in the old version to enable users to customise. I don’t know what the future holds for the app, I will definitely be giving it the benefit of the doubt and stick around to see how they update the app, as no initial design/redesign is the fully fleshed out model, nonetheless it has motivated me to search the market for other alternatives.
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  • Agree with the others!

    Just like some others on here, I’ve used this app for years (since 2012 actually), but the latest update is terrible. It looks very childish now, and it’s hard to figure out how to edit a day once you’ve already input the info. I’ll probably continue using because all of my info for the past 8 years is on here, but I’ll definitely be using it less.
    However, I do like how you can choose more than 1 emotion for that day, which you couldn’t before.
    But they definitely need to have an option to go back to the previous layout, so much easier, simpler & it just looked better.
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  • Too many ADs now 😡

    I used this app for 6 years and loved it. It used to be simple to log your period and symptoms. Since the update, it’s completely changed. No longer user friendly and almost impossible to use, because of all the Ads.
  • Change back to previous layout

    I have been using this app since as long as I can remember. I love how accurate everything is and how it was easy to use. However, with the newest update I can boldly say I hate it. I have no idea how to use this app anymore and I find the new look of the calendar and features to be as I can bluntly say ugly. It’s starting to frustrate me that I don’t even know how to mark the day of my period on my calendar anymore. I am a big fan of this app it has helped me so much but I’m not a fan of the new layout. I’m begging the designers/developers/creators to please go back to the original layout it was perfect. There was nothing that needed to be fixed or modernized about the previous layout. It was efficient and eye catching as well, I especially loved how we could customize our calendars to an extent. I loved how even though there were extra features in the app you had to pay for there were many features that were free and fairly so. Please, go back to the original layout, it was simple and nice to look at as well as minimalistic, the new update is a pain.
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  • Confusing!

    The new settings on this app is confusing! I’ve been using this app since 2015 and this is the first time I’m lost. March was fine but since the app changed it’s layout, I’ve been trying to figure out how to log my period for April. After logging my cycle that lasted from April 6th - April 9th, the app keeps telling me I’m 23 days behind on my period (what da heck?!?). After trying to re-log it several times, it’s now saying my next period is in 21 days, then it says my next period is in 3 days which are both incorrect!! It’s also making me log my feelings/mood/period flow, etc. for each day which is annoying. I’ve never had to do so much work to simply log my cycle. It’s frustrating because right now, it’s not giving me the accurate date of when I should expect my cycle to begin for the month of May. All of the new icons and emojis are really cute and helpful, BUT the app was very simplified before, so I’m not sure why all of a sudden a need to complicate it. It just should not be this annoying to simply log my monthly!!! Before, I was able to tap on a date and the app would ask if it’s the first day of my period and I would simply click yes. Then I’d be able to tap on the last day of my period and select yes for the end of my cycle. PLEASE, PLEASE fix this ASAP!! This has always been a great app, please simplify it like it was before. Thank you so much!
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