Period Tracker User Reviews

Period Tracker: Monthly Cycles
Period Tracker: Monthly Cycles
Shanghai Fenghe Information Technologies Co., Ltd.

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  • First the crashes now this

    The app crashes all last week, there were about 3 update pushes before it was fixed and I finally got the roe v wade pop up. I’d never set up and account and it said data was stored locally so I wasn’t worried. Yesterday it was fine. Today, it asked me to login. Only I don’t have an account. And now everything is gone. Used this app as it got more and more unwieldly since 2016. Even after restoring local data the past year has gone. Use a spreadsheet, it’s more reliable.
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  • Lost data

    Has occurred more than twice over the last 7-8 years - open the app like normal and found everything been reset, did login and only bits and pieces of data (10%?) recovered. No explanation. Day calculation not reliable when data is minimal (restarting from fresh), app was suggesting a 4 day cycle.

    Found this app to be good and have been using it religiously but when you put so much trust and reliance but it cannot promise to not lose your years worth of data is just not worth it.
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  • Lost information

    Been using this app for almost 6 years now and had no issues. With its most recent update I had to sign in which wasn’t something I ever remember having to do. Instinctively I used my email and password I commonly use and now all the information that was ever saved is now deleted. I’ve used all the different emails of mine possible and they don’t even say that the password is wrong it just signs in with no data. I saw that there were issues with that specific update and just installed the crash fix update put out today. If there is any way to restore my data please help or put out something to fix this.
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  • Easy Use, helpful info

    I’ve been using this app for over two years and it has made tracking not only my cycles but understanding my ovulation cycle so much easier. I like being able to look back at the symptoms that I had during the Maldonados at the time of menstruation and also helps to track sexual activity. The graphs and charts are really user-friendly to share with your medical provider
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  • Have been using for almost 10 years

    A few changes lately to get used to, but the concept is still the same. My trusted companion to log periods and symptoms for almost 10 years now. Love it!
  • Exporting period data

    I like the app and have used it for years but I just went to export my data to provide to my doctor and it doesn’t allow you to export your actual period data. I’ve been using it since 2016. The chart it creates to export doesn’t include when your period stops and starts and how long it lasted. It only includes weight mood and symptoms. This is not helpful. The app itself has a chart of average length of the period and shows when the period starts and stops but you can’t export that chart. Please fix this.
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  • Best period/ovulation tracking app that you don’t have to pay subscription.

    No need to pay for monthly/yearly subscriptions. Admittedly adds can be slightly annoying but it’s well with it considering the app does the same job as the ones that require subscriptions but it’s free!

    I’ve been using this app for a few years. It’s very good. Very precise. I’ve relied on it as a method of contraception, to get pregnant and for things like booking holidays or knotting events like my wedding to make sure i’m not menstruating that week.

    I am always prepared for my period as I am sent a notification a few days before which gives me time to stock up on pads and tampons etc.

    It’s been a consistently effective method of contraception for my husband and I. We use the withdrawal method (I accept this is not completely safe so using protection during the fertile week will be more safe) when the app tells me I am at my most fertile. We do not use protection when I am not fertile. This has always worked for us.

    It have also used this app successfully alongside ovulation tests when we were trying for our son and I fell pregnant within 6 months.
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  • Over it

    I’ve been using this app for nearly a decade and I’m ready to switch. Over the years the ads have gotten obnoxious to the point that I get annoyed just opening the app. They recently changed the layout and it’s just overly complicated to navigate now. It was nicer when the app just opened to the calendar so you can see the information you need and log periods quickly and easily. Now I have to click through ads and tabs just to see the calendar…the most basic function of period tracking. So, this app was once good but I really don’t recommend using it anymore. I switched to an app simply called “Period” which is a lot like what M. cycles used to be.
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  • Great App

    I really enjoy this app and 🖤 how it syncs with the section of apples health app under menstrual. The app is great for notes too for other medical info you can record even though you’re not currently documenting your menstrual cycle.
    I do however really dislike the ad you have when you’re first opening the app. If you don’t get you password or the facial recognition button pressed, the ad will block you from being able to close the ad, move around the ad, or succeed in anyway to login. Sometimes it takes me up to four tries to get the facial recognization login to activate. I also wouldn’t every pay to use this app, because I have an iPhone and my health menstrual tracker works great. I did use the free trial, and made sure I canceled before my card was charged. I did this to see if there were other paid options I might choose to use in the future to see if this would allow me a bigger advantage with the app.
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  • Sadness

    I’ve been using this tracker for years but had a lot of hormone fluctuations that caused me to not have my cycle for awhile during this past yr. I’m welcomed with an entirely different app and am confused and irritated. Idk why every app needs to charge for functions that were free before. Even their previous updates were irritating but I continued to use it since it still functioned. Ig someone needs to get paid but ugh this app is COMPLETELY different than what it was when I got it and I’m not about it lol what the heck. Anyway, I’m off to go find a new app unfortunately as this no longer serves its purpose to me being free and straightforward to use booo sorry devs you served me well before but not anymore 😢 sadness to the max
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