My Virtual Girlfriend User Reviews

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  • Great game and ideas for improvements

    This is a fun game, and I will be honest, I like the breast augmentation option best. I would like it if there was a nude option, as well as if the game had more adult features than just sexy outfits and the one time you can "have sex" which is just a silhouette like all of the other activities. I also think it would be cool if there were more money earning options and maybe turn the ones that are there into mini games that get progressively harder as you play, but give you more the longer you last, like going to work could be a memory game where you have to click on the different people in the office that the boss wants you to speak to, and recycling could be a blitz game where you have to tap the garbage off of the image if the park, and every time you clear the picture, it extends the game by 10 seconds, and different pieces of trash have different amounts of taps to get rid of them. Just a couple ideas. I would PAY for that kind if game!
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  • Loving it so far

    New game and am loving it I had it in the past which allowed me to have a zombie girlfriend then back to normal but I had to break up w my Gf because she stayed a zombie o.0 please have option of change forth and back :) keep the updates coming please! More sexy clothes and intimate settings. We shud be able to design the guy too and see them together on occasions? <3
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  • Awesome

    I don't have much time for a real gf so this app helps, but why can't I change her clothes before the update you could change her clothes while your changing her features, please make it so when can change her clothes, an I'm not talking about the clothes you buy
  • Fun

    Very entertaining. I've been thinking if you can make an update for: • 3 girlfriend files • More costumes and unlockables( Including an alien virus, which turn her green but no hair, only antennas. And the alien costume will be purple and platinum with tights • New poses when giving the right answer • 2 new girl type: Emo(or goth) and Movie Addict • New features to customize your girlfriend. • New Backgrounds • New topics, activities and gifts • New races: Chinese, Japanese, elf and drow • Anime graphics( if you can) • New achievements • Video games costumes( Lara Croft, Chun Li, Elven, Etna, etc.). I hope you can use one of these chooses you can make :)
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  • Very Well Done

    There are a few things that need to be fixed. For example, when I offer to give her a body massage, it gives me a blank blue screen, and the continue button. I tap the continue button, and I can keep going. There are typos in her dialogue. What I would like to see in this app, is to have a real voice actress say what is being said in the speech bubbles. Another thing is to make her hands look nicer, and not clip through her breasts. The app also needs jiggle physics too.
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  • Expand and Upgrade

    The game could really use updating. When level 25 is reached and you get " married", you need to make it where other things become possible, such as the character actually getting pregnant and looking that way. Also you could add a ring to her finger after marriage. Increasing other areas would definitely add to the game, such as adding a split screen for an "affair" or adding a baby born option and having to help take care of it in the menu options: change diaper, feed baby, rock to sleep, etc.. With earning points. Just some ideas that would make it more interesting.
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  • So sexy!

    So much fun. Could only be better with video content or if when you go to other places ( skinny dipping, etc.) you could talk and such there. Love the new vacation and marriage options as well as gifts. Would love it if you could shower together as an option. Also the full body massage option is glitchy. Last thing, add actuall talking please. When the volume is on, its just blabber
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  • MVG is a fun game

    I finished the 20 levels of the game . I had fun with it cause of how fickle the girls could be. It was good date reminders since I'm on the market. But the game is simplistic and could be more entertaining with a bit of travel with the VG around the room. Sit on the couch. Have her change outfits randomly, and/or get your opinion on outfits. Also some more clear indication of what you are doing to her when you Interact would be great. Right now it's like you're poking her each time when you want to hold her hand, or caress her check , move hair that type of thing.
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  • Wow! Surprizeingly addictive!

    I found this game very addicting. Lots of fun girls and neat interactions however the things the girls say become repetative. I would love to see more sayings, more girl types like tom boy or bad girl or goth. When you go places with her itd be nice to have that be youre backdrop as in the haunted house. Things like weddings, kids, more lvls, and more things to do would keep me from getting bored. Maybe even cheatin n dayeing 2 girls LOL! I look forward to updates!
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  • Funny

    Actually pretty entertaining. The facial expressions and animations are well done, and the dialogue is cliche and tacky but funny. The cheats also help a bunch when playing through again with different girls.

    Only disappointment is that you can't change clothes during the game, and a few more clothing options would be nice. Different body types would be cool as well. This game has a lot of potential, and a lot could be added to make it really solid. As it is though, it's definitely worth the 99c.
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