Shopkick User Reviews

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  • Easy to use, but annoying at the same time

    This app is very easy to use. I love how I am able to just get points towards getting free gift cards. However, the only annoying thing I wish this company would do is update more items to scan to get more points. I find it annoying that you can only get more points if you scan certain items/buy with receipt. What if I don’t buy these items they list? Then I am screwed basically. Unless they have a walk-in option then I can get points that way. Also too, I wish there wasn’t a silly restriction on how many walk-ins you can have at a store. I wish they would take away that limitation, however I understand why they put those limits so people don’t abuse it. I recommend using this app, but be careful how you go about it. I just wish there was easier ways to get more points. I feel like it will take forever for me to get a higher gift card because of all the restrictions.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, and thank you for very much for your detailed feedback! Shopping is what you do. Shopping is what we all do! The question, are you shopping to buy what you want and need, or, are you just shopping to get kicks? If you're shopping to buy your needs and wants, why not collect some kicks along the way and pay yourself. Shopkick is suppose to be fun, a way to reward yourself for doing what you are already going to Kicks add up quickly if you are shopkicking to have fun. I know this is going to sound weird, but, if you're not having fun, don't use the app. I hope you are having fun and enjoying Shopkick while you shop :)
  • Updated review

    This app customer service/support is horrible. If you are planning on saving your points for a larger gift card,DONT DO IT! Your account will go missing and the app will try to force you to create an account. Before re my review below the app worked as promised, but if you are the person that banks points for a larger pay out, this app is not for you. I would stay clear. It’s been over a month, no one has contacted me, support does not respond and using social media to get their attention doesn’t work. Be warned.

    Previous review.

    This app gives you kicks/ points for walking into stores , scanning products and purchasing. The kicks can be redeemed for gift cards. Wish they made the earn when you shop more understandable when you are using a linked card in store. Otherwise the app is ok. Takes a while for points to build up but earning a little through gift cards is possible.
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  • Response to reviews

    The response to these people’s reviews are ridiculous. Seldom, do you say you will fix the issue. Just blanket excuses and generalizations! I’m giving a review for that reason only. I’m here bc I got an email from shop kicks asking why I haven’t been using the app. One reason, like another said, it talks soooo long to accumulate any points only to get 5.00 gift card. After visiting Walmart so many times a month, and yes I go to Walmart that many times regularly a month the app will block you bc you went too many times. After the limited time has passed, you can go again so many times per month. I just got tired of it. The email appeared asking like where you been and ask me to take survey. Soooo, decided to give one more chance until I saw the reviews AND this generalized blanket response to the reviews. Ridiculous, Improve the app, give real tech support, make the app better and your reviews will change, but fir now, I’m passing on downloading the app.
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  • Redeemed kicks for cash

    I give it 3 stars because I’m so dissappointed right now with this app. I redeemed my kicks after all year I was saving them for Christmas season and I got nothing but a headache. I redeemed my kicks for cash but the money went nowhere. I reported it several times and the only reason I got a response was because I posted it on Facebook. I got emails on how to but not what I was expecting as response as resolve the problem. Find out what happened and where the money went because it didn’t go to my PayPal account. Even PayPal said they never got anything from you guys. So now you see I’m upset because I lost all my kicks without getting rewarded. I got most of my kicks from shopping not just for doing scans or walk ins. Dissappointed and upset with this app. Would I recommend to someone else now probably NOT.
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  • Was amazing!! But several glaring problems.

    Absolutely love being able to earn gift cards for shopping at my favorite stores!!

    But the last several updates have had a few glaring problems that haven’t been fixed yet.

    After scanning items, even though the points have gone through, the items still show up on the screen as not scanned. (But if you try to scan them again, it says you’ve received points) Unless you are SUPER organized or have an incredible memory, it is very difficult to remember exactly what you’ve scanned and what you haven’t when this happens; especially since the stores are never organized exactly how the items are organized in the app! The scans used to either turn a different color or be removed in the past when items have been scanned.

    Also, now whenever you scan something, and X out of the item, unless there are more than 5 items to scan, it starts you back at the beginning instead of where you left off! (Which is a total pain if you’re scanning things at the bottom of your feed!!)

    Please fix these! It would make the app SO MUCH more user friendly!

    PS: it would be really user friendly as well if the app had a function where if you scanned an item, it would move down to the bottom of the category. That way the unscanned items are more readily available and allows us more time to shop instead of rushing our shopping trip because we’re stuck scrolling!

    Love the app other than these three issues!! 😊
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  • Glitchy but fun

    Let me say right out of the box, this is probably the glitchiest app I’ve ever used. On the other hand it’s also the most fun and rewarding. On the glitchy side, the app would crash or freeze for no reason. Constantly give the message that I was offline even though I had full signal. And of course the latest to rear it’s ugly head, when an item is scanned, it will still show as an available scan until you close the app and reopen. Very irritating!! In a previous occupation, I worked with disabled adults and this app was perfect to assist them in identifying products and where they were located in the store. I’ve also been able to buy some pretty cool thing with the gift cards!!
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  • This app attacks those who work hard to get Kicks

    I’m a college student in a large city with many stores. When I found out about this app I downloaded it and started taking the transit often to get to these stores. The best part is that some stores are really close together like BestBuy, Ulta, Target, and Walmart are at walking distance from one another. As a result I gained a lot of kicks, I was so close to getting a $50 Walmart gift card to buy food and essentials. Than out of the blue I get my account suspended. I don’t understand I followed the rules and the comments before me also mentioned that there are problems with checking in on the app. I used to love this app and was about to reap the rewards for dedicating my time to going into these stores and scanning items. This happened today and I want answers as to why my account was banned and why many accounts that work hard to get kicks are getting the boot too. I am afraid of getting terminated. I’m scared because I don’t want to get banned and lose my ability to use the app. I want to save as much money to pay for college and this app was reassuring that a Walmart gift card could help with getting food while the money I make from my job actually goes into college. This app is not student friendly. Extremely Disappointed
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry you are having this experience. We have award policies in place so our shopkickers can earn as many kicks as possible. If you think there has been an error, please reach out to us at so we can look into it right away.
  • Randomly Banned for collecting Kicks “too fast” I suppose

    Just as I was about to cash out on a $10 PayPal gift card my account was suddenly “locked”. I happen to work right next to three stores (CVS, ACME, TJmaxx) all literally in the same shopping center as me. Naturally it became very easy to collect my kicks daily as I know where exactly to go for each store as some scans will allow you scan again for kicks the very next day.

    As I’m about to cash out I get a pop up that my account is suspended (literally just as I acquired 2566 kicks for the $10, go figure). I have sent multiple messages and emails to customer service about the account suspension but no response in weeks to my situation. The irony of this is they usually respond to inquiries in about 2-3 days whenever I had technical related questions when my account was in good standing. But becoming wrongfully suspended they don’t seem to care or respond.

    Bottom line if you happen to be located near a shopping center and collect Kicks at a quick pace they’ll just outright ban you out of fear you’re cheating. I thought I had a good setup for myself being my job is conveniently located to their partners, but I was obviously wrong. Don’t waste your time.
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry. It is very unfortunate when we have to remove a member from our community. It is not in Shopkick's interest to do so – people earning and redeeming kicks for gift cards is what makes our business work. However, we have an obligation to make sure the policies are followed so that Shopkick can remain free and fair for all members.
  • this app needs to do better at communicating to the people

    So i’m rarely on this app tbh unless i’m actually going grocery shopping and if i see things i need them i’ll use it and i’ll scab my receipt to earn some points. So the first time i do it i submit my receipt and it says it’ll take 48 hours to process so i can receive my kicks tell me why it took more than 5 days and i had to send an email too. The first email i sent NEVER got answered so 2 days later i sent another one and another 2 days they finally responded and they gave me my points. I’m just confused on why you’re gonna say “you’re kicks are getting processed and it’ll take 48 hours” when it takes WAY longer. Like please be more honest or precise on how long it will really take because it came to a point where i was like do i really even want these points and wanted to stop using this app. Also when i sent my emails they always say we’ll get back to you when we’re available and i’m just confused do you guys only have 2 people working like there should be someone always available waiting to help or serve others JUST LIKE ANY OTHER APP OR BUSINESS. Please do better because i’m tired of sending emails.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your feedback. While most receipts do process within 48 hours, sometimes hiccups can arise during validation (especially if there's a larger quantity of shopkickers submitting receipts than normal) so longer wait times can occur. I'm so glad to hear that our Customer Support team was able to assist you and grant you all of the kicks you needed for your receipt when you reached out to us. We have a small Customer Support team assisting a large Shopkick community, and we tend to keep normal business hours Monday through Friday. We hope you understand, and continue to enjoy all that our free app has to offer. :)
  • Poor Customer Service

    It takes a ridiculously long amount of time to receive a response when there’s an issue. I’m a bit frustrated because on several occasions when I have purchased items that were giving kicks within the app I did not receive those kicks. I made sure to scan the item to be sure it was the right thing and earned the points for scanning it but then wouldn’t earn points purchasing. When you click on the receipt icon it would clearly show the item would give you kicks but then you just wouldn’t earn them. I have submitted receipts and contacted customer support but they take a ridiculous amount of time to email you back. And then they enjoy arguing with you about whether or not your item qualified. I always make sure I have the right item before ever purchasing it and follow all guidelines so it’s pretty frustrating when somebody emails you back and argues about if your purchase qualifies
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