Shopkick User Reviews

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  • Banned?

    I’ve been using this app for a long time, telling others to use it too. But recently my account got banned for no apparent reason. I went to walmart far from my house because that’s usually the one with almost everything to be able to scan; however, I got a pop-up saying that my account was suspended while trying to scan something.

    All the people that I referred also got banned which is around 10 people. So, I contacted the support team explaining my situation of how a lot of people got banned because of something that is not explained to us. I haven’t gotten a response back which upsets everyone around me. I really enjoyed the app but when I tried to contact them, there was no response. I would like for the people that got banned by me to at least get unbanned or let them redeem their points.

    I also tried to create a new account because of something happened like a bug to ban the old account, it shouldn’t affect any new accounts, right? Apparently I’m wrong because my friends and family that got banned cannot create another account without getting it suspended like me. I don’t know why any of us got suspended however i would like to able to still use the app even if the account that got destroyed is not in my possession.
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    Developer Response

    I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. Gift cards that shopkickers enjoy through Shopkick are free, but they need to be earned fairly within our rules. Our Customer Support team is a bit backed up at the moment due to the holiday season, but if you've already reached out to us at a Customer Support Associate will manually review your account activity and get back to you as soon as they possibly can.
  • False Advertising

    On Black Friday, they should know with advertising more kicks than normal with a lot of shops, and with a lot of people shopping today, that there will be a lot of people using the app all at once. Of course in the middle of the day on Black Friday when we actually went out to shop at a lot of stores, it says they are having technical issues or I’m offline. You should know on a day like today that you need more bandwidth, and yet you are too cheap to do it. This is false advertising. Yes, this is a free app, and I have earned gift cards, but I’m not driving out of my way anymore to get Shopkicks. Also, some of the reviews talking about their accounts getting suspended with no explanation, especially before getting higher value gift cards scares me. From now on, if I’m going to a store any way that will earn me kicks, I will still use this app, but at this point, I don’t trust this app, and will not go out of my way to do anything in the app, and I would recommend based on the reviews to cash out smaller value gift cards frequently to keep them from engaging in any shenanigans to deprive you of what you earn.
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    Developer Response

    We really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback and will certainly keep it in mind for future improvements. So sorry those reviews made you worry. Our team goes over all of these reports to confirm the Shopkick rules were really broken. Unfortunately, we can't give more specifics on the exact way our rules were broken because it then becomes a security risk. This is common practice for all free apps of this type, for that same reason. Hope this helps! If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns please email us through the app under the "Questions and support" tab in the Settings section or visit Thanks so much!
  • Issues.

    Let me first say I love the app, but I am having some minor issues. Like scanning I will walk into a store and open my list of items that I can scan but even when I find thinks that “obviously are” the product that I’m supposed to be scanning and a message will pop up saying that I am not scanning the correct product, but it will let me scan the same product in a different flavor for example let’s say 4 pack of the flavored Red Bull energy drinks, and the other issue that I’m having is some items that you get kicks for buying them I will buy them then upload my receipt but then it will tell me that I didn’t buy what I claimed to have bought, when I upload the correct receipt. So frustrating, so far these are the only frustrations I have with the app thanks.
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    Listen, I love how you can save money and get free gift cards and all but I hear a lot of bad reviews! I have never had enough kicks points because I just started so I don’t know if they actually send the gift cards or not. Do you send the gift cards via mail? Or what? Do we have to pay for shipping? Could they please add Starbucks or dollar tree or something so we don’t have to spend as much money? Like you have to buy specific things to get kicks points! And I AM NOT happy about that! Couldn’t they allow walk in kicks to ALL of the stores? And could they add more store? Why is it impossible to get a $25 gift card or $2 gift card in general? It’s like IMPOSSIBLE!!!! The bonus kicks from the videos are only 1 kick point per video and it’s only 3!!!! Can there be A BETTER WAY TO EARN KICKS POINTS PLEASE!!!!!! ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!ADD MORE STORE!!
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  • Not Happy With This App!!!

    I went inside of 4 different stores in last evening and scanned enough items to earn about 1,200 shopkicks. The following morning my account was suspended without warning. I emailed the developer and they responded with a copy/pasted text email that I violated a policy. But, they cannot / will not tell me what I did wrong. I’m assuming that I scanned too many items in one evening by going to stores that were either open until midnight or open 24 hours. Maybe they assumed I was cheating the system by going to an all night grocery store? If it was because I earned too many points from 4 stores in one night, then maybe they shouldn’t allow the app to scan so much in one night.

    I was scanning with other people at the same time. We all scanned the same items / earned the same points and none of them were suspended. So, why just me? UNFAIR!

    It bothers me that they will not take the time to tell me what policy I violated to get suspended. This is POOR customer service!
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  • It’s not too good to be true!!!

    This app is so fun, literally you earn gift cards for walking into stores you are going into anyway... my kids love to scan the items featured in the app, so running errands is less torturous for all of us. You earn “kicks” quickly if you keep Bluetooth on and remember to open the app upon running errands. I’ve earned and already used TJ Maxx gift cards and Bed Bath and Beyond gift cards, etc. I was really skeptical of course, but it’s true ladies- paid to shop!!! What??? Just be careful when you go to “redeem” I accidentally deleted one of my accrued GC once, I was rushing at the checkout and pushed the wrong button, so make sure you read carefully at transaction time, other than that LOVE this app!
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  • Don’t use. Thieves

    Me and 3 other people, all elderly, would go shopkicking together because we live in the same house and it was fun going together. We started switching phones because a couple of us hated our phone. We put our sim in each other’s phone and used it until we all decided which one we would keep. Signed out of the app and entered the sign in for each of us on the phone we would keep. Come to find out all of us got suspended because that was breaking their rules. They kept or I should say they stole all our earned kicks that between the 4 of us totaled close to $200. So if you get a used or refurbished phone and the previous owner had this app on it at any time, they will block you. Even though you need a confirmed phone number and matching SIM card, they will still block you. I emailed them explaining all this to them, but they still said we broke the rules and will not lift the suspension. They get paid by every company on the app and the companies pay for the gift cards for the people redeeming kicks. So this app is keeping earned money from suspended accounts, AND getting their pay also.
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry. It is very unfortunate when we have to remove a member from our community. It is not in Shopkick's interest to do so – people earning and redeeming kicks for gift cards is what makes our business work. However, we have an obligation to make sure the policies are followed so that Shopkick can remain free and fair for all members.
  • Ripped Off

    So I’ve been using this app for a very long time and I haven’t personally had any issues but I don’t use it very often however I have several friends and family members that have been using this app for at least 3 years building and saving points and out of the clear blue sky for no reason at all their account has been suspended. It tells them they broke some kind of rule but we all looked at the rules and we can’t find anything they did wrong. They have reached out to shopkicks and get no response. I’m not sure how much they had saved I do know one friend had over $100 saved up and now it just got stolen from him. This is so wrong!!! A lot of these people are single moms or disabled or out of work and to work so very hard to earn this money then have it stolen from them that’s just wrong, immoral and possibly illegal. If they don’t get their apps deactivated real soon I’ll personally be looking into taking legal action against this company.
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  • Ibotta is much better

    This is an okay app but it has taken me SO LONG to earn even the slightest amount of money in gift cards. I sometimes buy the ridiculous items they suggest (waste) for kicks and twice now have not been given credit. It says the item is not on my receipt when it clearly is!!! Happened today so I resubmitted it with my fibger pointing to the stupid line where it clearly shows the item. Customer service doesn’t address the issues when you contact them (if you can figure out how to do that). I’ll mostly stick with Ibotta. They respond much quicker and always either explain or resolve any issues. I can earn AT LEAST $20+ per month with ibotta and actually buy things we truly use regularly. I’m up to $12 this month and it’s not even midway through February. Took me several months to get only $10 through shopkicks and it has to be used on gift cards. So not horrible but don’t waste your money on actually purchasing the weird products.
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    Developer Response

    We may offer different kick amounts at different times depending on a variety of factors. Please trust that we always try to deliver as much value to as many shopkickers as we can. :) If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns please email us through the app under the "Questions and support" tab in the Settings section or visit and our Customer Support team will help you out. Thanks so much!
  • Updates are crappy

    I’ve been using this app for a couple of years without too many issues. However, recent updates have been disappointing. First the scan used to be able to click scan and have time to align your camera to the barcode, now as soon as you click scan it opens and clicks for you with absolutely no time to align. This causes me to not be able to capture the scan and I can’t get any points. Very frustrating!! More recently the new format is an issue. You can’t tell if there are new items to discover or if you’ve already clicked on them and got the surprise kick inside. There used to be check marks showing you’ve already viewed it. Also, even when there are new ones, there are rarely surprise kicks in them. Really don’t care for this new format and that it keeps getting harder and harder to get rewards. May stop using if they don’t fix these issues. ☹️
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