Nike Run Club User Reviews

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  • The perfect app for normal people

    I initially downloaded NRC when I joined a sports team because our summer workouts required us to send a few screenshots of runs in a run tracker app. I had always hated running, but was so surprised at how easy Nike Run Club made it. I quickly found myself feeling like I could tackle an extra mile or two after the required distance, and then one day I decided to try one of the guided runs. I was shocked at how motivating it was to have someone in my ear the whole run telling me I was doing great, keep it up, they’re proud of me, etc. I got so hooked and am glad to say that 2 years later I’m training for my first half marathon (next week!)
    That being said, I know a lot of my friends who ran XC in high school prefer Strava, but as someone who is just getting into running as an adult, I find Nike Run Club a lot more user-friendly and easier to digest. And this app never glitches out on me, and has all of the tools I could need as a newbie runner. I had never thought of myself as athletic in any traditional sense but I appreciate how much work Nike seems to have put into making running accessible for everyone, regardless of your shape, size, or skill level (even if it is just to sell us things).
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  • Try it out!

    This app really is amazing. I’m one of those people where if something doesn’t really work for me, it really doesn’t work…if it works for me, it really works. This app really works for me so far. The guided runs are really helpful to reduce stress/anxiety about runs. The advice and information the coaches give fills up the time and is oftentimes humorous so it takes your mind off of the work you’re putting in a little bit. The training plans have also been really helpful for me because they make it easy to just get out and run and not really stress about planning, pace, effort, progress, etc. They get you where you need/want to go as you run. They also track a bunch of metrics for you so you don’t have to bother with keeping track of it yourself. I hope they add more training plans because the only ones I see now are the beginner plan, 5k plan and the half marathon plan. I would love to see training programs for 10k, running fast miles, marathons etc. Hopefully that’s in the works. Still, at the very least, I would recommend everyone try out this app. It’s at least worth the shot and a few weeks of running to see if it’s for you. Oh, and it’s completely free.
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  • Amazing app and free! It’s a no brainer

    I rave about this app to anyone that will listen. Sure, it can be a bit glitchy with the inbox of notifications and friend sharing data, but the content that is provided is simply excellent. I love that Nike has kept this and the training app as free, exercise and fitness shouldn’t be only obtainable by those who have the cash to achieve it and that is why I am a die hard fan of this and the NTC apps. I love Apple, but charging £10 a month when you get the same great stuff from Nike is a waste. The Nike coaching is fantastic, Coach Bennett, you’re my hero and keep me smiling on every run (even when I was pretty confident I would never smile on a run!)

    I started on a couch to 5k app then transitioned to NRC and I’ve not regretted it. I feel like an athlete thanks to Nike. I did personal training and genuinely worried about how I would keep the workouts up, I needn’t have worried.

    Nike, THANK YOU! I don’t think I can express my gratitude enough for keeping me motivated and coming back.
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  • Perfect for novice runners

    I have always been on and off athlete and after putting on much undesired covid weight, I made a promise to myself to get back in gear as soon as the gyms reopened. I did, and have been on a fitness craze, lost a good amount of weight, and decided for 2022 to set a new goal - run in a race. Starting small - signed up for a local 5K at the end of March, but knew I’d need to up my running more seriously. My son is a runner and uses Strava and another friend uses the Nike Run App, and others use watches, devices, etc. I do not have an Apple watch and no plans to get one, so I read up on best running apps. For beginners (which I consider myself running wise) the NRC was rated best, hands down. So after downloading it and using it for about six weeks, I can honestly say I love it. I love the tracking mechanisms themselves, the challenges and badges and the guided runs. I feel those have all helped motivate and challenge me - esp monitoring my pace WHILE running because it is easy to slow down and get sluggish (at least for me). Maybe I will outgrow this app one day, as another reviewer mentioned. I would love that because it meant I actually achieved some of the goals I set! Wish me luck on my race!
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  • Good for the sole, improve for the community

    I’ve used this app for years, from a time when you had to put a tracker in your shoe the size of a small pebble (If you didn’t own the right Nike trainers). It’s helped me through several marathons, countless halves and all the training runs that come with it. I was going to say ‘countless miles’ but that’s right there - 920!!
    I’ve loved the position messages from Kevin heart and other athletes and have really got into the coach bennet guided runs this month too completing all the 5k ones in about a week. **Positives** For me the ease and simplicity is key, maps and notes to see what and when with explanations and the chance to reflect on previous races and runs. **Negatives** there’s nothing for the community, no way to see other runners in my local town or find friends who use the app - unless I search for their emails one at a time. A virtual event, better news feeds or something to enable the network to open would be a huge benefit to the app. Plus who doesn’t love a bit of competition? 😉
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  • Brilliant

    This app has coached me from non-runner to training for a half marathon. It helps me get back on when I fall out of routine and challenges me to improve gently and safely. The only reason I’ve given 4 stars instead of 5 is because the app lacks interval programming and I have to use another app for that. However, Nike’s Fartlek runs can counter that absence if your not running a set program. On days where my entire self is rejecting the idea of running, a coach in my ear ensures I succeed. On days where I’m in control, my music is on hand. Everything syncs seamlessly from watch to phone, etc. I wholeheartedly love this app and highly recommend it, regardless of where you’re at in your running journey.
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  • Great app for achieving personal running goals!

    I’ve used this app for over a year now and I love it!

    I particularly love how it’s designed to help you enjoy running and focus on your own personal running goals. It doesn’t compare you to top runners in your local area (which is always a bit demoralising for me) but just helps you to compare against yourself.

    It also helps you to do a lot of runs where the focus isn’t on the speed or distance. There are heaps of guided runs for easy runs, or recovery runs, or runs where you need some motivation, or runs where a coach tells you to run at different paces at different times (these are my favourite as they are heaps of fun). There’s so many guided runs you would struggle to get through them all. If you want you can also just run without a guide and the app can just keep you up to date on you time/distance/pace etc.

    All up I think its the best app for working on your personal running goals, where theres no judgement, and you get to have some fun whilst doing it!
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  • Love this app but hate the “coaches”

    I love this app, perfect for tracking and keeping motivated. However I hate the voiceovers of different coaches congratulating you at the end of every run. I don’t do guided runs, I only have the distance and pace feedback turned on however every time I finish a run a voice clip plays with a “motivational quote” they ruin my mood after a great work out, I understand why some people might want this feature but I think it’s stupid, please add the ability to turn it off
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  • LOVE. Get this app if you don’t have it already!!!

    Had this app for coming up to 3 or 4 years now and it is by far the most encouraging app for getting into running (and continuing running after you start). I absolutely love all the features of this app from the badges (you can get a cute badge if you run on Valentines day haha) to the run tracker which you can even use on a treadmill!!! I have done runs on a treadmill and outdoors on foot over the years and this app efficiently tracks and gives feedback info (stuff that is actually interesting!). This app helps me to get back into running when I stop for a few months because of all the encouraging milestones you can achieve, including a range of monthly goal distances like 20kms up to 160kms (not there yet haha). Of the various running apps i’ve used in the past, this one takes the cake by far!! It’s also free which is just so amazing. Do yourself a favour and just get this app 🤪 thanks Nike!!!!!
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  • Extremely good, but...

    I love Nike. I am a runner and I train mostly in Nike gear, and I have been using NRC since its beginning. The app is intuitive and suitable for any runner, the guided runs are simply amazing (coach Bennett is my best running companion) and overall there are very few matching options out there (mostly paid). The training plans however have disappeared in the latest major update, which is a real shame. An odd move, especially in the current climate attracting more people to the sport of running. Minor glitches will be sorted out with a further update I am sure, but will the training plans come back? I doubt it, and although it isn’t a deal breaker for me it is certainly disappointing. I still recommend the app to anyone who runs or would like to start and fall in love with this amazing sport.

    Edit as of 30th September 2021
    The training plans are back! I’ve completed the 14 weeks half marathon plan and I’ve smashed my HM PB at the Hackney Half - a great result also thanks to the plan. It’s refreshing to see that Nike listened to many runners calling for the training plans back, I’m looking forward to the next starting line!
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