Nike Run Club User Reviews

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  • Distance tracking unreliable

    I am unsure how many stars to give this app. I previously used Strava but found as a solo runner there was little point to it as it seems to be mostly about linking to other runners and competing on segments etc which I was not interested in. I had to set my account to private for safety reasons (as a female, early morning solo runner) which meant I couldn’t enter most challenges etc. So I switched to NRC. To begin with I was extremely impressed with the guided runs in particular. A little disappointed at the slightly less detailed stats with regards to PRs, but I could live with that. However the past two weeks I have become concerned that the distance tracker is really off. I ran my local parkrun circuit which must be exactly 5k because it is parkrun. NRC has logged it both times as only 4.7km. So earlier this week I ran 10 miles with an average 5:36/km and today I ran 5k, pushing it fairly hard, and only made 5:57/km. something is definitely wrong there and I am now wondering whether to record on both Strava and NRC to double check distances, which would be pretty annoying!
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  • Tomek:

    This app helped me very well with tracking my runs and I’m glad you can switch to a treadmill mode. I personally like tracking what I do in a day and this helped a lot. My only problem with this app is that when I did the plan, if I for some reason didn’t get the pace that it asked me to do and then it didn’t count my run as completed because I didn’t get the right pace. I think it should still count my run as complete.
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  • Top interface

    I couldn’t help but write a review.
    Though it’s been less than a week since I started using the app, it’s been a joy ride.
    Downloaded Strava first due to all its popularity but then my newfound liking towards Nike and what they appear to stand for made me want to check out NRC too.
    Used both apps for a 5k recently and Nike stood out for its timely updates, music adaptability and post workout cheer while displaying statistics in a way that’s pleasing to the eye unlike other top apps which could do a lot more with their design interface and cut down promoting paid subscriptions on their home page. It’s not very appealing.
    Overall, very pleased to be onboard.
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  • Not suitable for new runners

    The app is fancy alright. But for someone like me who is totally new to outdoor running and who suffers from shin splints, I am more comfortable with another app called “running”. The main difference is that your app doesn’t build the “run habit”. For instance, in the another app, at the beginning, I run for 1 minute then rest for two then run for another minute. Next run, I run for 2 minutes and rest for two. Next run, I run for 3 minutes and rest for 1. This is just an example. But in two months, I am now capable of covering 8k comfortably. Running for 10 minutes and rest for a minute. When comparing this outcome to my first run performance, I am very happy with it. I wanted to use yours the same way. Build my running habit, strength and endurance one by one. But unfortunately it os very rigid. I have to actually run for the whole duration or distance. Maybe you have this feature but ai didn’t manage to find it. But that would be a massive design drawback. Your app keeps me company but doesn’t couch me. That is the reason why I uninstalled it. Yet, I would br happy to reinstall it once I build my endurance to run 5k without any rest. Specially that I am using your NTC app already. I hope this is helpful.
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  • Awesome

    I started using Nike Run to track my progress and it does just that. You input you goal, for example 2 miles, and while you’re running the app will keep you updated on each benchmark. On a 2 mile run the app will lower my music playing and tell me i’m halfway through meeting me goal! It’ll say i’ve reached 1 mile, my pace, and how much i have left to go. It’s very motivating and helpful. You can also play your own music from Apple Music directly on the app. Once you finish you’re run, it’ll give you all of the diagnostics. Your average pace, your elevation, your distance. This app has helped me keep track of all of my runs this past month and it’s great. Either i’m not too tech savvy or it doesn’t have the feature but i’d love to be able to use it on my apple watch and not bring my phone on my runs. If it does have this feature, let me know! Also, there’s been 2 or 3 times i’ve clicked the start to track my run and a mile in i’ll realize it hasn’t tracked anything although it says it’s tracking. Could be a problem on my end but other than that, great app. Appreciate the motivation & thought.
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  • Love it!

    I started running exactly a month ago and I’m starting to run every night, I used to be someone that hated running and one day I told my friend that I wanted to workout with him because I’m working to be a QB and he said are you down to run 2 and a half miles and I said yes but in reality I was not. I tried and I only ran .43 before stopping and I couldn’t breathe at all but now I can run 6 miles with no stopping and I run every night and usually run 5 miles every night. My friend admitted to me the other night that after that day he thought he would never run with me again, he said he thought I didn’t push myself hard enough which is VERY true. Now every night I get to 5 miles and I want to go another mile and I get to 6 and I want to run another. I have had one problem with the app which is that the map screws up and it’s not as accurate but still close. I may not be the fastest runner and my pace is not the best but I’m getting better. I share this not to brag but to push others to be their best and get better because trust me I know it gets hard but you will one day be the person you want to be. This app has helped me so much on my running journey and is my favorite app.
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  • Finally found the perfect running app!!

    NRC is the perfect companion to someone who struggles to get out and go run; the support Coach Bennett offers through the guided runs is just what I’ve been searching for. I’ve previously used both MapMyRun and Runtastic and the “coaching” provided by both doesn’t amount to much more than telling you your splits, distance, and when the pace changes on intervals. It’s done by a computer generated voice and just doesn’t have the real person connection. Coach Bennett will relate to you and motivate every step of the way while not being overbearing and in your ear the whole time. There are minutes set aside during every run where it’s just you, the music, and the run. It gives you time to reflect on what Coach has said let’s you focus in on what you are doing. The last thing I’ll mention are companion playlists, while most of the songs are some form of pop or pop/Rock they are upbeat and provide a nice soundtrack to run to. Even for me who isn’t a big pop fan, I’ve added a few songs to my personal library thanks to NRC.

    So, if you’re like me and struggle to find motivation to get out and get going, give NRC a try and hopefully you find it as great as I do.
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  • Amazing but one small glitch

    I’m loving the app. However there is often a glitch that will mean the app will pause my run while I’m still running meaning it doesn’t track me and I lose out on tracking. This is very frustrating and demotivating for me which hinders my run and happiness level after my workout as I know that I’d run further but I can’t know how far. I’ll be running one of the guided runs (without stopping to even walk) and all of a sudden I’ll hear the app say “resuming work out” and I’ll see the app hasn’t been tracking me for the past 10 minutes as if I’d paused it and I immediately get fatigued and demotivated. This has happened on more than one occasion and it is so annoying as I can’t tell exactly how I’m progressing. Please please please sort this out as I’m absolutely love the app apart from that and it has really gotten me into running. I just want to run freely with peace of mind knowing that I don’t constantly have to check the app is tracking me, it puts me on edge which (as you’ll know) is not good for my running.
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  • The next best thing to an actual running partner

    I have been using this app since 2012. It has helped running become a huge part of my life. I have been able to track all the information I would want to know about my running with this app. I have got an Apple Watch and it syncs with that just fine which enables me to monitor my effort through my heart rate while running so I can build on my endurance as efficiently as possible but NRC also offers a myriad of other benefits for people looking to take a different approach to their running. The guided runs on offer are wide ranging and very motivational. The coaching platform is an excellent choice when preparing for race day and have used it on several occasions myself to achieve consecutive PB’s at 10k distance 3 years running. NRC isn’t a substitute for the motivation and passion for running which must come from within but it sure helps to maintain it when you might otherwise struggle as arguable one of the best things about the NRC app is the huge and supportive community online who will other you support when your down and cheer you on through your high’s. I run alone most of the time but when you have got the NRC app your never really alone and it’s almost as good as having an actual running partner. Well worth a look if your seeing the benefits of running in others and wanting a bit of that for yourself.
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  • Great coach but couple of things to sort

    Coach works well and for someone who has never done much running, I managed to place quite well last year in a duathlon.
    My issue is that you can’t return to previous weeks and add in a workout as with so many training apps these days it’s not always this one that is used. So even if it’s the following day and you remember to log a workout on here you can’t if it’s gone into the next week.
    I did have some trouble last year with the watch and phone app not syncing but that seems to have been fixed.
    The NTC workouts are quite good also. Works quite well with Apple Watch and has a lot of data options which is good.
    Another thing though I got a phone call this morning which I answered, it stopped the app and didn’t restart itself when I started running again. So missed half the run 🙁
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