CVS Pharmacy User Reviews

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  • CVS has been AMAZING!

    During this scary pandemic, CVS has REALLY stepped up & made it safer to get your RX. The fact they are willing to ship most RX’s at no charge has been a game changer! It’s made it so much safer for their customers & the fact they are doing it for free is astounding! Plus, their new premium customer option has worked out really well for me personally! I only pay $5 a month, & in return, I get a $10 credit! It’s amazing because I would spend the money with them anyway, so I double my money. Plus, I get many other benefits, including a 20% off discount for buying their name brand health products. In addition, I get many other coupons, discounts & bonuses. Like I said, CVS has really stepped up to treat their customers in the most tremendous way during such a difficult health crisis! My location in particular has a phenomenal staff that always goes the extra mile to assist me. I’m really grateful for CVS & all they do for me to make my life better & easier!
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  • Disappointing

    I am so tired of this worthlessness of this app. I do not want my scripts on automatic refill because I pick up at different stores. Last night was a perfect example of the problems I have. I ordered 3 scripts for me, 3 scripts for my husband and 2 scripts for me that needed to be renewed at the doctor. Today the three for me are ready for pickup. The three for my husband show they were last filled yesterday but they are labeled “in process.” The two that needed a new script show they were filled today but I have to call the pharmacy to get them filled. This happens EVERY time! When I call the pharmacy I wait for 10 minutes or more and no one picks up. I tried going to the drive through and it didn’t move for 10 minutes. I know they can’t help being busy but if the app were fixed to automatically release scripts when you have requested a refill from the doctor it would help. It would also help if “in process” had more info, sometimes that means they didn’t use the coupon so th e script is being rejected by my insurance, sometimes it means they are waiting for the medicine to be delivered to the store and sometimes it means it is just sitting there waiting to be put on the system. It it wasn’t for the fact the CVS I normally go to is right where I turn I would have switched to Walgreens long ago.
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  • How is this app so terrible

    I work in digital marketing, specifically in apps, so I have evaluated a lot of app UX over the years, and this one was shockingly bad. Today was my first time downloading and attempting to use this app but it is 100% unusable. I tried to create an account using the license scan feature but it only takes the photo once it recognizes the card, so it took a good 10 minutes of wandering around the house trying different backgrounds and lighting to get that to work. I get an account created & linked up with my care pass (approx 15 min into the app) and I go to check on a refill that is at a weird status, but there is nothing to reference what that status means. So I try to look around the app for my answer and anything I click on requires me to log in again but doesn’t accept the password that I wrote down and also saved in my iPhone. Both attempts don’t work. So I go back to try to find the phone number for the store for my RX and the app crashes and gives me: “An error has occurred trying to contact the server. Please try again later.” This was during normal business hours. Literally everything I tried to do in this app didn’t work. CVS is a big company and rx is kind of important so I’m baffled at how this app is so awful. If anyone from CVS corporate reads this - please hire another company to run your app.
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  • Horrible since iOS 14

    I paid $50 to get the $10/month & it while it was on my card, it wouldn’t apply to my purchase. They email me coupons & I don’t know why!!!! I go to send them to my card & get a “ooops something went wrong. Try later” & I get that message EVERY SINGLE TIME!! I tried to uninstall & reinstall but now “technical difficulties” won’t let me sign in. I call & on the one time someone actually answered, it was a moron who was only able to parrot a few words she’d been taught “uninstall/reinstall app”, “make sure your account matches” “have you tried turning your phone off & on” “I’m a pretty bird squawk squawk I don’t know squawk” A parrot would have been more useful especially when I told this woman what I’d done before she gave me the parroted answers “Why not send me to someone who knows what they’re doing?? Why not stop wasting MY TIME if all they can do is squawk what they’ve been told before saying “I don’t know. Have you talked to someone at the store?”🙄 I couldn’t help but think “did this idiot just ask me the dumbest question anyone could ask? That’s like calling Apple with a question about your phone. They have all the info identifying it as an iPhone & ask “are you sure it’s an iPhone”. That’s not ever happened with Apple but that’s how stupid the question was & I ended up with a we’ll give you a 20% off coupon to use by tomorrow since we can’t give you the $20 we stole from you. They’re useless.
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  • Pharmacy needs insurance option

    I’ve been using CVS for years and one of the most frustrating parts of refilling my prescriptions is the insurance. I have two insurance companies on file (one private, and one Workers Comp.) I have been filling the same medications since 2014, and every month, I have to call the pharmacy to have them correct the insurance they are trying to put the script through. It can be confusing as some of my meds go through WC and some go through my private insurance, but it really could be as simple as the pharmacy checking the history. Whatever insurance was used last for that particular medication should be the same they run it through again. But it’s a constant issue, even with the employees I’ve become familiar with over the years. It would be wonderful if you could add an “insurance” option to the refill section of your app. A simple “choose insurance” and list what I have on file, or even if it’s a self-entry portion where I can remind them which insurance to use. Because honestly, the app is worthless to me if I have to call the pharmacy every single time I refill. Thanks!
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  • Prescriptions on app for delivery with FSA Card

    It would be wonderful to be able to place my own prescription delivery on the CVS App as the automated system advertised, once my prescriptions ready and to be able to use my FSA CArd for payment instead of my debit card. The app allows you to chose your payment method , then when choosing the FSA card , the system ask for the CVV, when you enter , it gives a error, and you can’t proceed, or you have to use a different payment method. This has been going on for months, and it’s very inconvenient, because I have to call the pharmacy everytime to enter for delivery, and use my payment method on file being the FSA card. As if they don’t have enough to do already. They are busy and this is something I can do , but the app doesn’t allow it, it shouldn’t be asking for the CVV, that seems to be the issue and it should process the FSA Like a regular credit card to proceed not like a debit, The pharmacist doesn’t seem to even be aware of this issue. My wish is that , this gets fixed , we are in a pandemic and people need the most convenient way to get there prescriptions and pay for them. Thanks in advance. Please fix this ongoing technical issue.
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  • Wow. Just awful.

    I am writing for my 85 yr old mother. During the past few weeks, she has had so much trouble ordering her prescriptions from CVS. Although I set up her Rxs on the app, it is not “senior friendly” at all. Heck it’s not even friendly to me, and I happen to be very tech savvy. This app is awful. I recommend doing anything you need to do on their website. DO NOT USE THE APP unless you want your blood pressure to go up. I had to take over her account because she actually has high blood pressure, and was so stressed when she used the app that it would go up 15 pts! That’s horrible for a healthcare pharmacy. I know you guys can do better. To top it all off, there’s a pandemic going on, which adds even more stress to our elderly. My mother and I both tried numerous times to contact the pharmacy, to no avail. I was on hold for over an hour. I finally spoke with an associate, who I thought had straightened everything out. He didn’t. Needless to say, after a week of trying to get her Rxs in order, it still hasn’t happened, and she is still without her prescriptions. Just appalling. Time to change her 5 medications to a different pharmacy I guess. Say goodbye to $350 a month of out of pocket purchases CVS!
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  • Customer service

    I just got off the phone with a representative who said his name was John. Today is December 16, and the call took place between 3:00 and 3:37.
    I called to report that I had a problem with my one dollar Extra Buck, whose expiration date is December 21. When I tried to use it, the cashier said it was coming up as already used, but it had not been used. It is definitely mine because it has the the last four digets of my card number
    At the bottom. I found John to be very unhelpful. He put me on hold several times to look at my account, and I gave him the expiration date of the coupon as he kept asking at least four times. I asked to speak to a manager, but he said there was no manager there. I kept asking, and he said the manager was busy. I had a hard time understanding “John,” and it seemed to me that he was not really trying to solve the problem. I realize that it is only a dollar, but I did not feel appreciated as a customer. I felt he was stalling, hoping I would give up, which I finally did as I ended the call.
    I hope that the call was recorded
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  • Deals

    I am not happy about the cvs app change on the deals. It was much easier to browse coupon deals by going into each category. For example I would go to category “grocery” and all the deals would be listed and I would just scroll through and select the ones I want. With the new change you have to select all the categories you follow, and all the deals for “all” categories are listed as one list and you have to scroll through the whole list to find what coupons you want and select. The new feature makes it more difficult to shop and select deals. Please bring the old one back! By customers using the new feature will not be using the coupons because it is way to difficult and cvs will lose sales this way. Also, want to mention that each deal does not show the whole description of the item, you have to select more in order to see the item in full view. I’m not happy with new feature and I don’t think anyone would take the time as I did to let cvs know this situation. Please let the technology department be aware of this situation. Kind regards, Your customer in Orange, CT.
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  • Dear CVS: Invest in UX. You need it.

    This app generally works pretty well. But there are a couple of *critical* features that don't work.
    I've tried to transfer prescriptions between CVS locations because I moved, and for whatever reason got to the point where the app simply gave me a message that said they couldn't be transferred. I found that INCREDIBLY annoying. To the point where I was picking up prescriptions 30 minutes out of my way because the app wouldn't transfer them. That really needs to be fixed.
    Also, if the CVS I'm working with makes a mistake with a prescription that I have automatically refilled... say, a prescription that was supposed to have a 3 month supply but there are only 2 months of the prescription in the bag when I pick it up... on the app, the button to have my prescription refilled just isn't there when I need it to be, because I need the automatic refill earlier than anticipated. But the app assumes I don't need a refill early and doesn't give me the option to refill it! C'mon, that's just dumb!!! Obviously, accidents happen. Don't make presumptions about what I need and remove options! I just spent 10 minutes on hold trying to request a refill for this prescription, because there was no button to simply request it in the CVS app. That's ridiculous.
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