The Guardian User Reviews

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  • Redesign gets an F.🔥❌ Newspaper still an A+! ✅💯

    Alas, the redesign is a mess. 1️⃣—-> Hiding sections leaves large bolded headings that waste space. They should vanish entirely. 2️⃣ —> Font control is convoluted. It's split between the Control Center for headlines and within articles for their text. 3️⃣ ——> The font size jumps too much — we need finer control. 4️⃣ ——> In addition, if you enlarge the font size for the main page, the organization changes dramatically. It goes from a normal mixed newspaper style to a blocky, uninviting, 2-across rectangular grid — far too uniform and industrial looking. 5️⃣ ——> The Guardian now imposes its own main page organization, and the section order cannot be changed. That is a major step backwards. WE FIND OURSELVES READING FEWER AND FEWER GUARDIAN ARTICLES EVERY DAY! Surely, that's not not what you want! 6️⃣ Your “My Guardian” section is NOT an alternative. It has an enforced layout, blocky and grid-bound, and includes Podcasts for EVERY section even if we don't want them! 7️⃣——> Today, March 26, your Home page displayed photos for a story that blocked the headlines! 8️⃣—-> Which designers thought these changes were a good idea? Which “Engineering Managers” signed off on them? Please listen to your readers and app users and fix these issues, even reverse your actions. Your email on the changes offered no justification. Seriously, you are ruining a wonderful source of news, committed journalism, and skilled reporting.
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  • Redesign gets an F.🔥❌ Newspaper still an A+! ✅💯

    Alas, the redesign is a mess. 1️⃣—-> Hiding sections leaves large bolded headings that waste space. They should vanish entirely. 2️⃣ —> Font control is convoluted. It's split between the Control Center for headlines and within articles for their text. 3️⃣ ——> The font size jumps too much — we need finer control. 4️⃣ ——> In addition, if you enlarge the font size for the main page, the organization changes dramatically. It goes from a normal mixed newspaper style to a blocky, uninviting, 2-across rectangular grid — far too uniform and industrial looking. 5️⃣ ——> The Guardian now imposes its own main page organization, and the section order cannot be changed. That is a major step backwards. 6️⃣ Your “My Guardian” section is NOT an alternative. It has an enforced layout, blocky and grid-bound, and includes Podcasts for EVERY section even if we don't want them! 7️⃣——> Today, March 26, your Home page displayed photos for a story that blocked the headlines! 8️⃣—-> Which designers thought these changes were a good idea? Which “Engineering Managers” signed off on them? Please listen to your readers and app users and fix these issues, even reverse your actions. Your email on the changes offered no justification. Seriously, you are ruining a wonderful source of news, committed journalism, and skilled reporting.
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  • Superb newspaper. Latest version of app messed up the display and font size.

    1️⃣———-> Alas, the redesign of this solid app has introduced a visually problematic design. Hiding sections now leaves large bolded section headings. They waste space. They should vanish entirely. We can always get them back by going into settings and selecting sections. 2️⃣———-> Font sizes are messed up now, too. We no longer have control over the size of the article text. The individual app text control from the iPad Control Center only applies to the headings on the opening page — not the articles themselves. 3️⃣——-——-> There should be separate size controls for the main page and the articles. 4️⃣ ———-—-> In addition, if you enlarge the font size for the opening page, the page organization changes dramatically. It goes from a normal mixed newspaper style to a blocky, uninviting, 2-across rectangular grid — far too uniform and industrial looking.
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  • More and more problems

    This app is my favorite. However, in the past few months it has become extremely buggy and frustrating to use.
    First, at some point last year articles stopped being cached properly. I reported the issue yet the problem persists. The vast majority of articles are not accessible offline even when I open them first.
    Secondly, every single time there is an update the dreaded “support the Guardian” appears until I restore the purchase. I have a premium membership- I shouldn’t have to restore once a week. Incredibly frustrating. Again, I have reported this several times. A week passes and the same thing happens yet again.
    Finally a new problem since last week, when trying to access comments I get a pop-up saying I need to activate notifications in order to view comments.
    I don’t understand why there are so many problems these days but it has become very annoying to use.
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  • Best Paper in World, but…

    The Guardian is bold, extremely well and clearly written, plus easily read. They break news and dig, dig, dig to present issues of interest across the spectrum. It’s what an active paper should be! The priority is on a just global society, good governance, no coddling the truth and on transparency rather than capitalism, business or brutish sensationalism. And no namby pamby treatment of giving equal weight to slimy partisans. They protect democracy and unzip issue framing, and press spinning by partisan and PR types.

    The shortcoming is in how one can contribute to support this two century old paper. The payment mechanism inhibits paying larger amounts and needs flexibility to accommodate more supporters who want to pay in different ways - card, checks, payment systems, gifts of stock, etc.

    Aldo those who can only pay smaller amounts get locked out if they are heavy readers.
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  • Throttled content = deleted app

    I subscribed to the guardian in 2020 because they did good work and didn't report false information. I stayed subscribed until a few weeks ago when you announced you'd be raising your prices. And then today, imagine my surprise when I found out we are limited in the number of articles we may view in the app. You have to pay an additional subscription to use the app to access the same articles that are free online. No. I was willing to pay you every month for absolutely nothing because you do good work, but when you strong army like this nonsense, not only did I unsubscribe, I deleted your app. This is total garbage. really disappointed. You were getting five dollars a month out of me for absolutely nothing, now you get zero. Thanks for driving this customer away.
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  • The pages are difficult to read

    The design is cramped. It's like buying coffee in an American supermarket. Hard to concentrate. The font is too small. There is little variety. It's always the same people writing about the same things, and basically saying the same thing over and over again. I feel like you have gone overboard with using color. It reduces the gravitas of the site. Try to organize the site into "interest groups." Politics, culture, art, Tories, Labour, and then have sections for England, Wales, N Ireland, EU, the US, etc. The current mish-mash style is confusing and annoying. Try not to keep popping up every minute with asking for donations. It's annoying and counter-productive. I think you can do better if you have guest writers every week. Every article I read is thrown in my face with a running total to "contribute." When you resort to this kind of vile guilt trips, then it's not really going to be a contribution, is it? Stop harassing your readers. If free access is a problem for you, don't make a option. There are thousands of other free sites one could access if one doesn't want to pay for your subscription.
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  • It’s another point of view

    The Guardian provides a different point of view when compared to most US newspapers. The two things that Americans should understand are that, of course , it is an English paper, so many aspects of American life, culture and politics which seem so “normal” and therefore unremarkable to us may seem strange and even inconceivable to British people - even those who know America better than Americans themselves.

    A good example is our continued inability to get up the gumption to place any sort of restrictions on the possession or use of firearms.

    The other salient aspect of The Guardian that American readers should be aware of is that its editorial slant is decidedly liberal-to-Left-Wing. This doesn’t make their reporting inaccurate or their columns and editorial commentary necessarily seem wrong-headed or unreadable by conservatives, but conservative and libertarian readers should prepare to have their view of things to be challenged at times, to put it mildly.
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  • Real Facts written by Real Journalists

    I read/listen/watch many news sources in various formats. The Guardian is courageous in its global news coverage, that seeks to print only the truth, and not sensationalize or spread misinformation to get “Likes”. Disinformation is not in its vocabulary.

    I am able to learn first hand the difficult stories of real people and real situations that affect me, the planet, the economy, the world’s people and so much more. It provides me part of what I need to know to make informed decisions, especially when it’s time to #vote in any election I am privileged to take part in.

    I am seventy years old and donate when and where I can to support their sincere efforts to keep an honest and free press alive.

    Please also donate and/or subscribe to help them in their heroic accomplishments as they are “boots on the ground” in sometimes very precarious environments where they must risk their lives.

    The “free press” isn’t and can’t be free, (as everyone has bills and salaries to pay, to eat, keep the lights on, keep a roof over their heads, and just be able to produce such honest/unbiased content), if you don’t support them. Please do so.
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  • Guardian was Great 5 years Ago but Not Today

    I have really enjoyed the Guardian until the past few years. Years ago, it was tolerable to see a few young writers offer up a few novel interpretations of history or culture we never knew about, surrounded by a the wealth of objective apolitical news reporting by professionals your loyal readers could readily consume. But now the vast majority of your news articles are opinion-based, political, or racially charged hit-pieces dismantling some part of western culture your writers utterly despise. It is so bad, I now have to scroll through 90% of the articles just to find a single one about something innocent, like the wildlife in the UK, the world economy, etc. ….some world news event that is apolitical and free of ‘victimhood culture’. Your news now is just editorialized, hyper-charged opinion. Activist hate has spread like wildfire through your news org. Its now so biased and jaded against large cross sections of people, races, ages, religions, or genders there is nothing truly objective left that can see the world of good people as worthy. Your news it seems is just not fit to print without hateful interpretations looking through the dark colored lense of identity politics.

    I miss the Old Guardian where all people and all news had value as is. Now it is heavily filtered, heavily jaded, and toxic. I just cant listen to the passive agressive rage in so many young writers any longer. I have to say goodbye.
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