The Guardian User Reviews

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  • Great app with one flaw

    As I said, I do like this app. I have the subscription to support them and so I don’t have ads, layout it nice, easy to use. However I have one gripe, minor as it may be. I often read on my iPad, 12.9 inch, and It bothers me that the body of the articles don’t fill to the right, or expand . If I have the iPad in landscape for example, text of the article centers and only 50% of the screen is utilized. I understand this is a small issue, it doesn’t hinder me from reading the articles or anything, which is why I still gave 5 stars. But if a dev happens to see this, I can’t be the only one with OCD that thinks about this every time I use the app!
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  • The Guardian is no longer caring for its readership

    Guardian along with Truth Out is how we now old hippies got our new on-line news after the 1968 news black-out in this country, still in effect … but think I need to stop my tiny monthly contribution to The Guardian as it’s now demanding a $10 monthly subscription to its commentary on the news… seems like the only way to get actual news these daze is from people one has met in traveling the world… haven’t been able to buy what’s left of the London Sunday Times in this country since the 9-11 disaster… Obviously the Guardian like everyone else wants more money, but for us old retirees…
    Too sad, too bad, is this good-bye? Even the last of the NYTimes still allows one a deeply discounted rate for actual digital news apart from what Apple & the GAGgle dish out… hometown paper won’t anymore… have to continue to rely on younger friends - helps to have a diverse lot…
    -alk salmon
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  • Suddenly Tabloid

    The Guardian has always been one of my most relied upon news sources. The journalism is ethical, balanced, and well researched.
    They cover stories that matter, on a global scale, and I’ve always perceived them as justice-oriented— until recently.
    The bitter and scathing coverage of Prince Harry has been honestly shocking. The publication I have always regarded as a legitimate outfit seems to be no better than tabloid trash, attacking the Sussexes for simply telling their story.
    Guardian, get back to real news. And when you do human interest stories, show your customary humanity, instead of this new viciousness. Your loyalty should be to journalism — not the British monarchy. All you’re doing is showing that all of Prince Harry’s assertions about the British press are legitimate.
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  • The Manchester Guardian

    Oh! All of a sudden you recognize the greatness of the paper you are reading. It’s the Manchester Guardian. It hasn’t hidden its worker-supporting nature in 200 years. I don’t know what life was like for workers in coal-smoked factories of the Manchester of all of our imaginations, but yes, this is that paper. Someone always has to prove that the poor have brains or taste the ability to appreciate art. The brains role fell to the Guardian. It is not privately owned. There are no shareholders. It is supported by its readers. It has never had to hide its left-leaning editorial bent, just prove that the people who read it are very capable of understanding it. The Guardian is a flame that cannot be put out. It is beholden to no one and respected by all. Make sure you donate.
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  • Clear, Concise and Perceptive

    I’ve never gotten so much out of a newspaper before having access to the Guardian. My husband and I would read Guardian book reviews and follow the course leading up to the Man Booker Prize award yearly. It took a cell phone to open up how much more the Guardian offers. Their journalists don’t just pounce and scribble about our current problems, but from reading, it’s evident that thought and réflection is given each issue that’s covered. Such a well done journal.
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  • generally biased news

    this shouldn’t be necessary, but i want to preface this review by saying i do not consider myself a supporter of any main political party; instead, my views are my own, and i like to consider the merits of all sides in order to make informed and carefully considered decisions.

    with that being said, it is frankly insulting how biased these news articles can be. every article seems to find a way to take a dig at republicans, which often they deserve. but i can make that decision for myself, i don’t need the columnists inserting their biases everywhere. if i want their opinion, i can ask them on twitter or i'm sure i can find an email.

    the content on here is not super thorough, but for a free news app you can usually get the picture. it’s just very frustrating to deal with the lack of integrity news organizations have these days. having been born in the 2000’s, i’ve never been able to find integral, honest news that doesn’t push biases, from any side.
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  • Concise, Cogent, Complete, and Convenient!

    I depend on The Guardian to provide factual, up-to-date, accurate reporting, free of the political agendas of the two dominant political parties of the United States. The view from across the Atlantic provides clarity and independent, disinterested expositions of current events, while the US “news“ presenters often try to distract their readership with politically-motivated, one-sided, manufactured issues as these two old dinosaurs battle each other for control of the US government and its Treasury. I can trust The Guardian to provide the whole news, without the echo chamber and propaganda of the politically motivated press.

    Without The Guardian and the US National Public Radio my information about current events would be limited to two separate ideological bubbles, operating in a vacuum as though the other doesn’t exist, feeding their audiences only the half-truths that they want them to hear.

    I applaud The Guardian for its support (financial and intellectual) of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and the fearless, dangerous work they are doing to expose the global secret economy and web of influence of the world’s uber-wealthy families, politicians, and kleptocrats.

    I am proud to be a paid subscriber.
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  • Essential news service

    I couldn’t have survived the pandemic without the Guardian by my side. The only minor annoyance is the plea for donations (not too annoying since I LOVE that the weekly mag doesn’t have ads), and the fact that even if you are on a monthly donation plan, the app doesn’t consider this to be equivalent to an online subscription (which, to be fair, it isn’t). So I get most of my reading done via the snail mail paper copy we subscribe to, and just top off at the app.

    Room for improvement: pls improve the app search algorithm. If I am searching for an article or book review I’ve already read in the hard copy magazine and I know the key words or names, half the time the article won’t let itself be found via the app search engine no matter what I do. Sometimes this can be resolved by googling the article in question, and sometimes not, but either way it’s very frustrating. Still overall, great app, and I’m glad it’s out there making the world a better place!
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  • Better than most newspapers in the US

    During the pandemic I signed on to a few new subscriptions ensuring that I would never run of articles to read and subjects to discover. The Guardian was the best of all my discoveries and I continue to be impressed by the timely and well researched news as well as the wonderful information about books, food, theatre, art exhibits, and other forms of culture. Though I’m not a fan of reading on line I find the Guardian’s online version to be better than any newspaper in the US. Since subscribing myself, I’ve given a few gift subscriptions, a high compliment.
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  • Most reliable news and information

    My interest in the the Guardian was piqued by its analysis of two events years apart, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. There was not a reliable and trusted news source for me after the advent of Fox News until the Guardian app became available along with subsequent paid membership.
    The Guardians moniker is an apt description of its mission which is to be a guardian of truth and justice for our planet and all that inhabit it.
    It is ironic that I have to rely on the Guardian since corporate interests in my own country, the US, caused the death of “truth in journalism”. I truly appreciate that the Guardian is available to anyone with access to a phone or computer with probable exception to China and others with repressive regimes. Thank you.
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