Gmail User Reviews

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  • No support if there are errors

    User beware!! Apparently, if you tap “report not spam” on an email in your spam folder, the email does not go into, inbox, trash, personal, all mail, promotions, important, flagged, draft, etc. It just disappears from existence. Reloading the application doesn’t work, desktop version doesn’t work, etc. there’s a huge thread on the google help center discussion board about it! This is a common bug that google won’t address. Further commenting on the thread, or any thread dealing with the issue is blocked. There is no article about it in the self help center for common questions, and no actual person available to help. There’s no email to submit a question or concern, no chat; nothing. Google workplace does have customer service care......for a fee. The email I lost was from a potential employer about my application. Part of the screening process is a timely response to the email. The email that has been wiped from existence. I just took a massive loss for myself and my family because of a bug that they won’t take responsibility for.
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  • Casper Dunkel

    I am very handicapped physically and the lady driver that picked us up on Friday in Clearfield at 5:05 PM was absolutely AWESOME!!!! She deserves cudo's with her customer service. However, we were forced because of LeBus schedule to not come north on weekdays, which I feel is outrajous, you will take us out there but not bring us back???? We had 4 free nights at Montego to use and wanted to do so. But because of your policy we had to stay one night and waste 3. And then we have this ignorant driver (Curtis)that would not let us board the bus, even though we were prepaid & had as much right ad anyone else. He said office mistake put us going out & not coming back on that day. Maybe si but would be awfully strange to go 2 days in a row & never return. The guy reservations were made with was fully aware we were going on Friday returning on Saturday was discussed over & over. So either way you do need to make some employee changes.
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  • app does not reflect changes made in desktop

    I have several google accounts I use for both work + personal life. Up until now, I have enjoyed the gmail app, finding that it is simple to use, and has everything I need to view, create, organize, and respond to emails. However, I recently went through a large email dump on my desktop, deleting about 52,000 emails across all my accounts. When I go to gmail on the web browser on my computer, it shows zero emails in the inbox. On the app, it's still showing thousands of emails in the inbox, despite having deleted them. I thought perhaps it would take the app a few days to catch up since I had deleted a large amount of emails at one time.. Unfortunately, even after several days, the app still does not reflect these changes. What use is an app that still shows me thousands of emails in my inbox that I have removed? Why does the app not match my current inbox status? I tried restarting my phone. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling. The issue persists. Very annoying, and renders the app completely useless for me.
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  • Simple, I like it that way

    For those who want a simple approach to the online world, this is the app for you. As I’ve heard others say, this very product designed by google has simply become the standard in the way email websites are presented today. There’s no doubt about it. The interface, I would say, is user friendly. The app itself is fast and from my time using it, I have experienced no bugs (that’s not to say they don’t exist, however.)

    There’s one minor inconvenience and I’m not even sure if this is a google classroom issue or a gmail issue. I use this service for schooling, and I rely on it much more these days because of the current state of the world, and consequently I have to do online schooling. Gmail and classroom don’t work together. I’ll receive an email hours after the assignment itself has been posted, so at times I’m not in the loop as to what I need to have turned in. When I do receive an email for classroom, I’ll tap the “open” button and it doesn’t take me directly to the assignment/announcement. All it does is open the app so now I have to dig through classroom to find it.

    Regardless, this app is great and if you want a simple approach to email, this app is the way to go.
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  • The Good and the Bad

    The good is that I have yet to find another email app that handles the label/folder thing as well as Gmail’s native app. I can easily see my labels. I like the snooze feature as well.

    The bad is that it is clearly not a high priority for the company, as their work on this reminds me of kids out of high school with limited leadership. QA misses huge things regularly, implantation of new features is often clunky at best, and they frankly haven’t done much with it over these many many years.

    Currently cut & paste has big issues and they thrust their Meet functionality so in my face that I can’t even see my entire list of emails anymore. It’s literally almost an inch high of space to push for something that shouldn’t even be part of the Gmail mobile app at all! And this is par for the course with their updates over the last 10 years. I hope they resolve these issues quickly. Meanwhile I’ll continue to look for an email app that handles labels/folders well instead.
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  • Simple and easy with minor flaw

    I have zero issues with this app but one. It is easy to use, looks clean, and is handy to have to avoid logging through my work portal to access.
    However, it always says I have a notification. I open the app, read/delete emails, close the app and that little red 1 is still sitting there on the app. I open the app again, refresh emails (always still nothing), close the app, then force close the app and it. Is. Still. There. It drives me bonkers, I hate seeing that little notification. I’ve had to disable notifications from the app to rectify this which means I have to go in and manually check. Again, not a huge issue, more of a personal one for me (I just like the look of a clean phone and usually open apps with notifications to get rid of them immediately) but it would be really handy to have that little bug fixed in a future update.
    Hope this helped!
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  • Why the change?

    I’m not loving or even liking a recent change they made. When I click a link in an email and it opens in Chrome or twitter or insta or wherever, and then I click the little arrow at the top left of the screen that says “return to Gmail” it previously would take me back to the email I had open, unless a long period of time had passed and then it might not do that. However, now it does one of two things, neither of which I like. It either goes back to the email but it is a blank screen and I have to click a left arrow button to get back to the email being open so I can read it, and figure out where I left off in the email. Other times, it goes back to Gmail as if I just opened it up after a long time and it checks for new mail. Then if I want to continue reading the email with aggregated news articles to to see what was next up, I have to remember which email it was and go hunt it down. Please, please, please...go back to the functionality around this you previously had where it would go back to the email you had/have open before you clicked a link, with the email still open and ready to continue reading (from the same spot) before I clicked away.
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  • Fix your Contacts System!!

    I just bought an iPad Pro from a 2011 MacBook Pro to do all of my business work on and Gmail is the mail business email I use. As I’m working on my iPad, I notice that I cannot send an email to the labeled contacts I have in my google account. I have 30 different people in that label and I cannot keep track of them all unless they have that label which was the main reason I switch to gmail for my business. I figured it was fine and I would just use gmail on Chrome since there is NO APP for Contacts on the iPad. Because iPad is an iOS device, google showed me a very outdated and unuseful verson of gmail to get me to download the app that I already have, and I ALSO couldn’t email everyone in my labeled contacts. I had to actually open up my 2011 computer to get the job done, and I have to open up Chrome to even view my organized google contacts. Google, this is not ok. Give me an app or just let me see and use my CONTACTS in GMAIL! This should be a no brainer! FIX YOUR CONTACTS SYSTEM!
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  • Great but just one thing

    I’ve been using Gmail for as long as I can remember. There is no better email service and I’m convinced of this. That being said I have one complaint. I’m one of those people that hate seeing the little red number on his apps. So I constantly check my notifications and read my emails and stuff to make sure it goes away. However, about 80% of the time, I’ll get a number, and I’ll go in and it matches the number of unopened emails. I’ll read them all, 1 at a time, and after I exit the app, it still has a red 1. And it will stay there unless I delete and re-download the app. Or if I wait long enough for another email to come in and I read that one, then *sometimes* it will go away. Anyway, I realize it may seem small, but it really gets under my skin. It’s been doing it for months now. If that were fixed, it would turn my 4-star review into a 5-star review. I hope you see this Google.
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  • I’m hating my GMail Account, but feel stuck

    Ok, now I’m really upset. My main email address will no longer show me my emails on my main work device, my iPad. I have left questions through the website, have tried calling, have emailed them, and nothing. Seems a multi-million (billion?) dollar company could certainly afford a switchboard operator and some techies on staff? I do too many things I don’t want to lose in my emails, and I’m afraid Google is not longer reliable. And...once again, I don’t expect a reply.

    Absolutely hate the update since “All Inboxes” arrived. Since then, Google Mail has decided that my two alternative accounts are the only ones I need to see. My default (for about 12 years now) email account is only visible to me on my phone, and no longer on my iPad. I have sent emails, chatted, attempted to find a phone number 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😅😂😂🤣😅, and all to no avail. I do business on the email account, and now it has to be done on my phone.

    I have emails I’m missing that will ultimately cost me business. I need a mail server that is reliable. Anyone have any suggestions? Because Google is not reliable.
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