Barclays US User Reviews

Barclays US
Barclays US
Barclays Bank of Delaware

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  • This app needs to be fixed

    This app is slow in terms of transactions for instance let’s say I make a purchase and it cost 50 dollars, it will take like a few days like 5 days before I can pay it off. Why?? It doesn’t need to be this way, my Bank of America app lets me pay off my balance immediately after I make a purchase or at least like a day or two TOPS. It seems like to reason for this is to get people to unknowingly rack up a bill higher than they can pay off so that they end up paying the high interest. It’s shady. The only reason I have not cancelled this card yet is because I want to use Hawaiian miles card but guess what? Southwest is in Hawaii now, so I think I’m gonna just get a credit card with them now. Your reign is over. Make some changes to your set up or you’re gonna lose a lot of customers in Hawaii. You have some really bad reviews, think it’s time you make some changes.
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  • Worst app || bank full of malpractices

    1. If your card expires, then they will turn off the auto payment “automatically”, but will let you use your card. Eventually, if you don’t check your account every two weeks or so, then you will realize that you are being charged late fees and interest. But the bank wouldn’t inform you.
    2. The app wouldn’t let you sign in until you have your full card number in front of you. So if you are generally trying to check your balance, you cannot unless you first activate the reissued card. So you will continue to pay late fee (“quietly”) but you wouldn’t know.
    3. In the end, they will inform the bureau about your delinquency. You will learn about the delinquency when you have your credit alert turned-on. Luckily, I had. But it badly impacted my credit, right before I was about to apply for home loan.
    4. After calling, they admitted the technical issue and waived the interest but dost waive the fee. They didn’t communicate to the bureau either. So now I have to carry the burden of their malpractices and poor app interface until my credit score comes back.
    5. If you login, you will realize how poorly designed app this is. A college graduate can make a better app than this!
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  • Card gets a worse wrap than it deserves

    Ok, the app is far from perfect, but if you:
    a) have a decent limit
    b) don’t max out your card regularly
    c) pay on time OR contact them before any missed payments

    It does everything needed, and a different FICO score than my BoA app which is useful. Since main complaints seem to be about the card.. Idk what people have, but without perfect credit I got a 9.08% APR. Perhaps you have a rewards card if yours is much higher? This alone makes Barclays worthwhile.

    If you miss payments or even stay maxed, yes, they’ll reduce your limit. If you want idiotic lenders, then deal with higher APRs. There’s a trade off. People seem to think Barclay can’t move your credit as they want - mine has been raised, lowered, and raised at their discretion, and any request for a raise was denied barring my first one. I quickly saw they like to see 50% or less revolving balance. That’s reasonable. If you can’t keep that up, you’re spending yourself into debt you can’t get out of, and they see it coming. They’re reducing their liability by reducing your limit. Use it wisely and it will only ever be raised.

    With 20% + being normal, idk how anyone can complain. Also, yes there’s a payment turnaround for available funds.. it’s their money after all, I’m borrowing it, seems reasonable unless they have a bigger relationship with me (not my main bank so I don’t expect it).
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  • Horrible card, horrible app

    This is the only card I’ve had over the past 22 years that randomly lowered my credit line (excellent credit) by $10,000 without a single late payment since owning the card for 2 years. Worst yet is this was done with no warning or notice. None whatsoever. I’ve read some complaints online about this but I figured it was happening with people that were late a lot, had bad credit, bad debt to income ratios, etc. I never thought it would happen to me but they lowered my credit line twice with no notice. The second time it was lowered to just barely above what my balance was on a business trip. Now imagine that you have to book a flight back home, go to pay but it’s declined due to your credit limit being lowered to just a few dollars above your current balance. That’s how shady this company is. If you’ve downloaded the app then you’ve already gotten the card so all I can recommend is keep a very close eye on this companies management of your credit and identity and cancel the card as soon as possible at a time that’s least impactful on your credit. If you don’t, I can confidently say that you’ll wish you had at some point.
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  • Can’t paste password

    I use a password manager. The app occasionally disables Touch ID and requires you to enter your password manually. But it’s not possible to paste a password in the field in the Barclay app after copying from the password manager. And to add to the frustration, the app clears any text you enter if you try to view any other apps by double tapping the home button. So now when I have to log in, I either have to write my password down on a piece of paper, or if I’m out and about I get my girlfriend to type it into her phone so I can copy. That totally negates whatever security measures Barclay is seemingly trying to employ by disabling copy/paste. It’s been a while since I’ve had such a bad user experience with an app, and I’m an app developer so I come across a lot of bad UI/UX.
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  • Consistent Issue

    There’s definitely a theme developing within these reviews… my only gripe is the fact that every now and then, I can’t use Face ID to unlock my account and I have to remember my password. I have all my passwords written down on my notepad, but what if I don’t have it with me (which happens often)?

    If Bank of America, AMEX, and other banks don’t require passwords intermittently to access my account, then why Barclays? I find it hard to believe that it’s because of “security reasons” — especially when Face ID is more secure than a password anyways.

    To be fair, the app layout is very easy to work with (for the most part) and it is designed more beautifully than other mobile banking apps, but the negatives outweigh the positives.
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  • Barclays, have you ever tried to use your own app?

    Basically have the same complaint as everyone else. I enabled Touch ID for a reason. I appreciate you trying to do me a favor by making me sign in with my password almost every time I use the app but what favor are you actually trying to do? Enable Touch ID....period. Stop logging me out. Also, what possible reason could you have for not allowing the paste function into the password form? My password is some random long string of garbage because I use an encrypted password app and just cut and paste my passwords in. Another favor I guess? To sign into your app, I literally need to find a pen and paper, write down my password, open your app and then plug it in and hope I don’t have a typo. Seriously, just, so, awful. You guys are light years behind your competitors.
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  • Notifications Anyone??

    This app needs a lot of improvement. The UI could have been designed by a 5 year old. It's stuck in the minor leagues... while the other banks are playing in the major leagues.
    I am thankful that it is fully accessible to the blind. Easy to navigate, but not feature enriched.
    Many people are complaining about the login, and I get the frustration. Although, I haven't had any issues with TouchID with my iPhone 8. It has worked every time I've logged in. I've not been asked to constantly reaffirm credentials.
    Barclays... Please improve on this app. I'm pleased with my customer service. User experience with website and app, not so much.
    The biggest security issues... Where are my notifications? It doesn’t protect me after the fact. Notifications should occur at point of activity, not when sale posts.
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  • Password Input is awful

    The app, like many other apps with sensitive information, periodically logs you out and disables Touch ID requiring you to put your password in again for security purposes. That’s all well and good, however many people now use password managers to keep up with their passwords and therefore it is nearly impossible to type out this password. Copy paste would be the solution here...if it worked. The app recently broke the paste functionality so I cannot paste my password into the app. Oh, so just swap back and forth between your password manager app and the Barclay app typing in 4 letters at a time that you read and memorize. That would technically work too...if the Barclay app didn’t reset your typed characters each time you changed what app you have active. This app is pretty bad for multiple reasons but it was at least somewhat functional. As of now it is LITERALLY unusable for me without having a way to login.
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  • Ditto, Ditto, and Ditto

    I have to echo many of the others’ comments, hoping the volume of like comments will eventually motivate you to actually listen to your app consumers and implement features that are pretty much standard for banking and credit card apps these days —
    1. Able to schedule a payment for a pre-populated current (not statement) balance. I can’t stand balances on my cards so tend to pay as soon as they get put on balance.
    2. Push notifications of user-selectable transactions (not just/only email)
    3. FICO scores. Update them regularly (monthly) or drop the service. Sometimes it goes three months without an update. (And there are lots of FICO scores. Could you say which one you’re actually reporting?
    So, you lose three stars - one because your not up to the standards of other like apps (citi, cap1, discover) and two more because you’ve had these issues and these comments from day 1 and haven’t been responsive.
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