Superbrothers User Reviews

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  • I bought an iPad just for this game!

    Congrats on the persuasive marketing of this mediocre game. Tales of people buying iPads just to play this 3 hour game, and claims of artistic genius... Um, that's pretty hilarious...Obviously the ratings are initially skewed, and I have seen some 5 star reviews posted 5 times by the same person... But since i purchased the game, the 5 star rating dropped half star so some real reviews are coming in... As far as the game goes, the music is great! But unfortunately the game gets to be pretty tedious due to the gameplay being repetitive, incredibly easy, and really lacking any real engagement. As for real masterpieces, World of goo has better music and gameplay is actually brilliant and engaging...
    We played a mediocre game... we are so awesome.
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  • Brilliant experience! This is a must play.

    If you're on the fence about the gameplay, note that it's fairly slow and there's not much action. However, If you enjoy the classic Zelda handheld games then you will enjoy the gameplay in S: S&S EP. Although, there less action, the game requires thought. This is a unique and innovative audio/ visual experience.

    I would recommend that everyone with a portable i-device try this rad game, however it is $2.99 and not everyone will appreciate it for what it was meant to be - ie an innovative, interactive puzzle/ adventure retro cinematic experiment. Thus, we see the few unhelpful, vague negative or indifferent reviews of those who, although they have a right to dislike the game, unnecessarily invalidate the positive reviews S: S&S EP earns. So, having said this, do your research before you complain about spending $2.99 on a game you don't appreciate.

    Personally, I can't wait for the sequel!!!
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  • It's OK

    Having played now for a solid two hours I think it's pretty clear that most of these "it's AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING" reviews are coming from the developers. I mean all of them use the same language about what an incredible work of art this game is, while few really comment on the gameplay.

    I think the gameplay is kind of boring, but the music is pretty cool. It's definitely not Zelda, as I saw one reviewer say. Not even close. To me, the graphics remind me of Kings Quest 1, but the gameplay reminds me of a simple, boring, side scroller with few actions to take other than to keep scrolling, to occasionally run away from a ghoul, to defeat a boss that looks like a Triforce, or to solve an easy touch screen musical puzzle.

    The reviews led me to believe this was a revolutionary experience, but frankly, it left me pretty meh.
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  • Jaw droppingly beautiful

    I am the in all accounts a big hipster hater. I love this game to death, stunning visuals, awesome tunes. Just because somebody likes retro style video games doesn't make them a hipster. See hipsters like things in an ironic since while retro enthusiasts genuinely l appreciate the gameplay and art behind old school games. I am 16 and love nes and zx spectrum and commodore games in a non ironic sense. I appreciate the work and craftsmanship that went into those old games. Hipsters would act more like, hey this is out of date and I like it, how ironic. That is idiotic to like something just on the bases of irony. Hipsters are the stupids people on earth. I genuinely love retro games and this is a fine. So all you reviewers saying it must be hipsters who love this games sorry try again. This game is embraced by us the proud and the geeky. So unless you consider us comic shop going, anime watching, smart nerds hipsters. You will understand that we genuinely appreciate this game. So buy it, it's stunning. It has a game depth that I hope to achieve some day when I become an iOS game developer. Props to every body involved with this
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  • Excellent!

    This is not an action/fps for those that are rating it low thinking it was full of first person shooting madness. It is an exploration/adventure game with a throwback to when videogames actually had stories and not just leaderboards. If you have no interest in reading storylines, strong character involvement, mystery/beautiful landscapes just for the sake for being, not for blowing up, and amazing soundtracks then this isn't for you.

    If you can't figure out what to do because your character doesn't have a gun and a target sight, then this isn't for you. If you have trouble with reading comprehension, then this isn't for you. For the rest of us, you'll definitely appreciate #Sworcery, the closest thing on the AppStore to Nintendo magic.
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  • More of an experience than a game.

    The stunning visuals and perfect soundtrack make this a must buy on ipod/pad. The way that you play sword and sworcery makes it feel like a sort of relaxing experience rather that a traditional game. You dont really do anything apart from walk around and examine objects - there is also the occasional fighting scenes but these are more just about having good timing- but that is what makes it great. It is an unusuall game but for that reason alone it has kept me coming back for more and more.

    So if you want it best looking, best sounding "game" avaliable on the app store then buy Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery and immerse yourself in a truly satisfying, relaxing experience.
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  • Great app, minor glitches...

    I always read the reviews prior to purchasing an app that's more than 99¢, and although most hold true to what the game is like and what you should expect- great and unique soundtrack, unbelievable "updated" 8-bit art, there were some small things that need to be addressed.
    Sometimes it was hard to move around the screen when playing that specific song while in the "bubble" (I found myself getting caught on the edge of the screen with no way of getting back), while I love solving puzzles, sometimes the clues are hard to interpret, and finally- the trigon triangle thing...getting past his third shield was hard, it would have been awesome if the clues as to how to destroy it were slightly more accurate.

    Otherwise this game is simply amazing. Can't wait to see what else you guys come out with!
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  • Amazing

    I rarely give an app the whole 5 stars but this is completely worth it. Everything about this game is great. The art, the music, everything.
    People need to calm down about prices. It's less than £2! Thats not a lot of money, just because some apps sell at 59p doesn't mean they all should!
    This game is worth every penny but you truly have to experience it for yourself.
    Also to the reviewer who said it takes 15 minutes, you're definitely doing it wrong!
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  • Brilliantly executed

    Love the whole style, ambience and humor of the game. Only flaws are as already mentioned the sound sometimes dies and you have to quit and reload. I also thought some o the puzzles were incredibly hard. Chosing the right trees in order could have taken me a whole day and there was no clue I could see as to the order of them. Also the cycle of the moon puzzle is so convoluted that i fear the developers will run the risk of losing a percentage of their audience who want to play an adventure but want more immediacy and would give up at that point. The game took an eon to come out and yet I feel it's still a little short ?. Hope there will be add ons and more levels coming soon. I bought the soundtrack lp as the Music is great.
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  • I hate it 

    I really don't understand how people can play this if I were you I wouldn't get it I wish I could give it no stars

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