Superbrothers User Reviews

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  • Fantastic game but I have one HUGE problem

    This game is astounding from its beautiful music to its fantastic atmosphere and shaking camera which absorb you in the game. The camera is really a nice touch. However, I`ve noticed that after my first time of playing this game that it was working fine until about the third time I tried it, and that`s when it happened. The sound was coompletely gone! There are no effects nor music, and those are the two major elements that make this game. And I don`t know if this is a bug or not, but all of my other apps are working perfectly fine and I found it shocking to find out that my favorite app's sound was diminished. Please fix this, until you do my rating will remain a 3/5. And to anyone else buy this fantastic game, and support those who made it!
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  • Disappointed

    I'm surprised there aren't more negative reviews. This game does have atmospheric music and interesting graphics but the constant 'blip, bleep' sound effects are irritating and the dialogue is just terrible and reads like it was written by a seven year old child.

    The main issue is that the game plays at a snail pace for at least the first hour of gameplay (I didn't play it to the end). Most of the time is spent watching your character walk slowly from one side of the screen to the other, engaging in said awful dialogue, or trying to solve uninspired puzzles. It doesn't help that the controls aren't particularly intuitive and at least on the 3GS the blank loading screens are interminable.

    This is for really patient gamers only!
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  • Boring

     all that u do is walk around maybe worth 1.29 but not 4.29 seen better things than this online for free
  • Actually impressed me

    I figured with all the hype I'd hate this game with a passion. If you're into point and click adventures (Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle) you'll definitely enjoy this. The audio was definitely more impressive than I thought it'd be and the graphics are gorgeous. That being said, if you think you'll just pick it up and go and not have to think DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! This game is brilliant in how it makes you solve puzzles intuitively without providing much help, while making them challenging enough that you won't blow through them. I love it, but I grew up with these types of games. Ymmv.
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  • Incredible and Immersive!

    This game is incredible IF you let it. If you are looking for a mindless game to do while you have 5 minutes, look elsewhere! So many people complain that they couldn't figure this out or didn't know where to go. What has HAPPENED to us? ENJOY this game. Who cares if it takes you 4 hours, 4 days or 4 weeks to complete. Why is there a rush to finish something? And what happened to figuring something on on your own? You read a good book for the ups and downs to get to the end. You watch a movie for the suprise ending or twist.

    Yes, it might not be for everyone, and I understand that, but at least give it a chance and give it time.
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  • Disappointed

    I bought this game thinking this game would be sick because of the hype and the fact that it was game of the week. I was expecting an action packed game filled with sword fighting, magic, and puzzle solving but in the end all I found was disappointment. The game is way slow in the beginning and kind of picks up on the way. The only parts of the game I enjoyed was the artwork style of the game and the music. Besides that this game was a waste of three bucks. It took to long to get anywhere, the fighting system was pathetic seeing all you have to do is swing your sword nonstop until it hits your opponent, the puzzles got tedious and repetitive and the ending made no sense. So all in all this game was ok, I can't figure why so many people love this game and, I guess I never will that's just their opinion and this is mine.
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  • There's not much to it. But it's a winning formula

    A mixture of clever and witty writing, intuitive atmosphere and challenges, and breathtaking audio make this a truly unforgettable experience. I had heard a lot of good things about this "game", but nothing prepared me for the enjoyment I get from this app.
  • Simply put: great!

    I've played through most of the game, and I am not disappointed! I was at first though, only because my expectations were incorrect. The game is slow at the beginning, and frankly I thought I had just wasted 3 bucks! But it picks up, and becomes an excellent puzzle/adventure/action game! It is very odd, and amusing. The scenery puts you in a faraway land long ago, but the dialogue is fresh and witty and 21st century! The art is refreshing, and the music is soothing! My only problem (and I even understand it, I just don't like it) is this: it takes a while to load after every little walk, but still, very very good game! A MUST BUY!
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  • Amazing!

    This game is an art! The soundtrack and other sounds are amazing. The backgrounds are also so welldone. Character art could need more work but they are okay.

    Now, this is not everyone's cup of tea though. It is a high concept game. It is an abstract piece so beware. But if you are into an experience rather than a traditional time killer then definitely buy it!

    My main gripe that it is too short!
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  • A True Adventure.

    One of the best games for the iPhone, easily surpassing most competition. it's a throwback to the days of classic adventuring, where the world is alive and breathing and (not so) welcoming of your presence. Every facet of this game shines: The sound is top notch, with wide stereo seperation when necessary and beautiful music. The graphics are outstanding; while the screenshots make it look 8-bit, there's a fluidity in the motion of the characters and world that makes it look surprisingly natural. Even the controls fit it perfectly; your initial setup is like a point-and-click adventure, but more complex controls eventually become apparent.

    There are almost no faults I can find with Sword & Sworcery. Occasionally doing a tap and hold will not register, and sometimes selecting the "next" arrow in conversations can take two tries, but those are extremely minor compared to the rest of the package.

    With all this in mind, the game is still a true adventure. People looking for a fast-paced action game should look elsewhere. But if you appreciate the worlds adventure games create, and have a decent set of headphones and a quiet environment, there's nothing better than Sword & Sworcery EP.
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