Top reviews

  • Remember it being better

    It’s quaint, and fun to relive some nostalgia, but this game is clunky as it gets. The fights are so monotonous it’s hard to feel a sense of excitement for anything. It feels like they added certain mechanics just so the fights take longer. The class is as good as final fantasy ever is, and is probably the only redeeming quality. In short, it takes too long to do anything in a fight for a tactics game taking so little skill. I feel like you could let the AI handle everything because it’s so simple.
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  • Finnath Creek Freezes

    Love the game and have had no issues with it overall. Yes, sometimes the controls can be a bit of a nuisance but overall it works fine if you use deliberate taps. The issue I am having however is that the game continues to crash during the story Finnath Creek battle. I tried over and over using different characters believing it was certain characters that caused the issue but now I’m convinced it doesn’t matter whom you use.

    The game force closes after an action is taken randomly around the beginning of the battle. This has prevented me from progressing any further in the story. Please fix.
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  • Broken

    I have an iPhone 8 Plus. Had this app for 48 hours. I’ve tried it 10 times now and it freezes or crashes every time. I have yet to get past the initial cut scene. I was excited to try this and have a great rpg on my phone to replay. But unfortunately it’s unplayable and broken. I’m pretty upset I wasted my money on this. I loved this game as a kid and would love it.

    Update: this game runs great now. The update fixed all the issues. It’s a great game and works well on iOS.
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  • This was my favorite on PS1

    I waited and waited for it to come down in price because it was my favorite ps game and I lost the disc. I agree with people who complain that it’s not optimized for the iPhone. I don’t have an iPad and it is a bit small for me to read on my phone. That seems like an easy fix via settings. But you cannot change the font size. I’m also not a huge fan of the touch controls as they are so small I often hit the wrong thing and that can be frustrating. But my biggest issue is that the enemies’ battle speed is way too fast for me to follow. There is no way to slow it down. I would upgrade my rating if we could adjust that in the settings because I like to see what’s happening on the battlefield. If you liked the original, you’ll like this port, and these little annoyances will probably not bother you. However, I can’t give this beloved game more than 3 stars due to the difficulty in playing due to the things I mentioned. On sale, it’s ok—I wouldn’t pay $14 for it.
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  • Okay, but could be better.

    Game needs some work. I understand it’s a port, but it doesn’t take advantage of the bigger phones. The giant black boarders on the side are not acceptable. Game needs widescreen to fit bigger phones and certain text and gameplay could be smoothed out. Also PVP should have been a feature. The PSP version had it. For a paid game there should be more work added to this app. Please update game to fix bigger phones correctly. This is not fair to the consumers who paid good money for this game.
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  • Great game but..

    The transfer to iOS was well done for the most part. However I would like to request a way to turn off the games music. I fall asleep playing the game at night, and if I have the games volume turned off, it also prevents my alarm clock on the phone from going off. Please please please add the feature. It’s made me late to work twice 😖
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  • Great game but poor control

    I get that the developer did everything they could to make this touch screen friendly but that it’s the only option makes no sense. Most other Final Fantasy iOS games offer controller support but this one does not. While I appreciate they wanted to make it touch friendly the controls are still clunky and difficult to use on smaller screen devices like smartphones vs the larger tablet screens. I found myself frustrated trying to select the appropriate square or action at all times. Meanwhile half the screen is left blank which could have supported an onscreen controller layout for those who preferred it.

    If the developer we’re to add controller support to this title it would immediately change my review to 5 stars. Until then I can only give it a bonus star for being a great game that just happens to be too frustrating to play.
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  • Save Bug

    For some reason when I bought the phone version of this game it synched with my iPad and downloaded automatically. My apps do that for some reason. Anyway, not sure if the software version is wrong for the iPad but after 18 hours of playing on the iPad (bigger screen so why not), it deleted my save file. I’d saved dozens of times without issue but suddenly it wouldn’t hold a save. I noticed this when I went to overwrite my last save after a battle and my save was gone. I’m the end it wouldn’t hold a save. It would act like it saved but if I clicked load it would say no save data found. Anyway, super annoying so I’m giving my all time favorite game 1 Star and asking the developers to fix this bug please.
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  • Change the preview screenshot! Spoiler alert!!

    You put one of the biggest spoilers in the preview shot. Put a screenshot from earlier in the game or at least not one that reveals the secret insidious nature of an ostensibly innocuous and very significant entity. I’m writing a review of this excellent game solely to say that. So change the screenshot already! It’s my number one game of all time, though, btw.
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  • Wonderful game

    This is a wonderful game;not so great port it crashes alot even on 5th gen devices. Speaking of that brings me to one of my only other gripes with the game that its not optimized for 5th gen devices if they fixed those two things along with bringing back online/Rendezvous mode this would be a perfect 5 stars app/port ITS UP TO U square enix
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