5K Runner User Reviews

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  • 55 and fully alive!

    Amazing app - aged 54 I started running in feb’18 having never been a runner! Now after a year of running 5k three times a week I’ve entered my first 10K run and am doing the couch to 10K app. My life is transformed by a tiny, cheap app, some good running shoes and lots of determination - I can’t rate this app enough. Do what it says on the tin and you’ll reap the most fantastic rewards. Plus there are no gym fees, you get to exercise outside with the elements in your face all year round. I experience that running lowers anxiety, releases depression and stress and helps gain self esteem. It’s also good for your bones to run. At 55 I’m possibly fitter than I’ve ever been - massive thanks to the inventors of this app. Don’t get me wrong it was hard work to start with and still is sometimes but it’s so worth it - you’re worth it! Might be the best few £s you ever spend 👍🙂 Please note I don’t smoke, I have a glass of wine about four times a year, I also don’t eat gluten or sugar and drink 2 litres of water a day - it all helps.
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  • Love it !

    Actually love this app 😍 Using it makes me feel so motivated regarding working towards my fitness goals because I know it’s going to push me just enough to slowly build up my strength which will result in my being able to push myself even harder later on. Definitely one of the best apps I’ve come across. 👌
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  • Run on grass instead of asphalt

    At first I tried it in my street, on asphalt. It was boring and not good for my knees. So, I left it for too long. Today I am back, but this time, I ran in a park making the bench as a go to at one end and my back pack at the other end. I ran towards the bench and walked back to my backpack. It was awesome ! I will do it again tomorrow.
    P.S: don’t leave your backpack behind like I did. I live in NEW ZEALAND, so I can do that ! 😃😃
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  • True to form!

    My friend and I used this app to start running .... we couldn’t even run 100m with out stopping before we started. The flexibility of the app allowed us to repeat a few weeks along the way when didn’t feel we were ready for the next step. It took us a little longer but we made it to the end and beyond! Running 8-10km 2-3 times a week plus the local park run. This app really does work and the flexibility allows you to progress at your own pace - and you can still listen to your own music 🏃‍♀️Highly recommend!
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  • Absolutely Perfect

    I’m in love with this app. I am a couch potato by nature who used to hate running with a PASSION. While I’m not overweight, I am definitely ‘under-fit’ and my endurance is quite pathetic. I am taking a health class that requires the students to come up with and implement their own fitness plan. In the pursuit of creating a workable fitness plan, I begrudgingly downloaded this app, knowing I needed to run but strongly disliking the idea. I did the first run and was amazed to find that I didn’t feel like I was going to throw up or die after it was done. I continued to run with the app, and gradually began to hate it less and less. (I might even be enjoying it *gasp*) Each new combination of running and walking is challenging yet balanced, and I’m finally starting to see results from running, unlike every other attempt I’ve made. I paid the $9.99 for full access to the whole app and so far it has been extremely worth it. I love the simplicity and workability of the app. I can usually find my way around an app fairly easily but it’s lovely to not have to guess or scratch my head trying to find what I’m looking for. 11 of 10 stars!
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  • Excellent but accelerates a bit fast

    First couple of weeks are at the right pace but then you end up jumping ahead too fast in the last couple of weeks. Easy to fix, just do some of the mid level workouts for a few more weeks than the app recommends before moving higher.
  • Just what the doctor ordered (literally)

    I am pre-diabetic which means if my weight gets away from me I could enter into diabetes. My doctor had recommended exercising which until now I’ve avoided. I knew I needed to start running and what I lacked was motivation. It’s too easy to cheat, cut corners and basically get out of a meaningful run or exercise if you lack discipline. I lack discipline, and won’t deny it. This simple app commits you to a specific goal each time you use. I would feel guilty cutting corners with this app and so I don’t. Each workout gives you a tangible and achievable goal. When you reach that goal you feel both physically as well as mentally fulfilled. So yes, 5 stars. I am doing the trial but will buy the unlimited $10 full app. It’s worth every penny. A copay to the doctor for one visit is 3x’s that so yeah pretty easy choice.
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  • Made me enjoy running

    This is a good app with a nice, clean interface that makes it motivating and easy to use.

    I am a 21 year old guy in decent shape, and damnit I should be able to run. But, about three months ago, I would have been hard pressed to run a mile. I ran/walked a 5k with my co-workers in November 2017 and I finished in ~35 minutes and felt like throwing up (the average time for my age group was around 24 minutes).

    My girlfriend started using this app in May. I picked it up and did the first day May 16th. I got hooked really quick and decided to shell out the $10 to buy it—that was my biggest iOS purchase to date.

    7 weeks later on July 21, I finished!

    Now I can do the 5k in around 23 minutes, and today (July 29th) I ran my first 10k.

    In a little over 2 months I went from disliking running a mile to kinda enjoying my 10k run.

    I think the app convinced me to take my time slowly add on distance, instead of running too hard and feeling exhausted and discouraged.

    Mileage will vary from person to person (pun not intended but I stand by it)—I think I was probably in a rather unique place to take advantage of this app—but I still think it will be well worth the money for most people in most situations. I highly recommend!
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  • If you are new to running don’t hesitate

    Great app for people wanting to start running who are either unfit or not confident enough to train without guidance.

    I am mid thirties and although active, I haven’t regularly exercised for the last seven years because of having children. I wanted/needed to get fit again doing something that 1) wouldn’t cost a fortune (like a gym membership) and 2) I could fit in as and when with my lifestyle...running seemed perfect so I gave this app a go and I am so glad I did! It was great to slowly get me fitter without breaking me or making me want to give up. This is manageable for all ages and fitness levels - don’t be afraid to try it - you can do it! It really is well worth it if you need a bit of support and encouragement to keep going. I did skip a few weeks here and there just because my fitness was at a higher level so I was able to do that.

    I now love running and am starting the 10k app.
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  • Love it!!

    I haven’t made it all the way through do to personal reasons and life. But I love running with this app. Buzzer to run and walk. A “coach” voice letting you know “your awesome” “halfway there” “almost done” “great job”. Inspirational quotes to start your workout. You can listen to music. I listen to pandora and it still chimes in to keep you going. And a lock screen so you don’t accidentally skip an interval. I just love it. It’s totally worth paying for in my opinion and yes I’m a cheepo and never pay for apps but this is definitely worth it if you are looking to start out slow. And let me tell you I have never been a runner in my life and after 2 kids I’m ready to get back in shape. And this is definitely helping. Pick your own pace and don’t give up! 😘
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