5K Runner User Reviews

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  • Extremely good

    This app is great and really effective. The app (which is gorgeous) includes a program that combines walking and running and it increases the running on every workout. This worked great for me and it's how I got into running (40+ years young). The audio coach comes through the headphones and tells you when it's time to walk or run, so that you don't really have to do anything except listen and do what he says. I also love the motivational coaching that goes with it. The progress is just right, and really sets you up to making it to the end. I also enjoy their motivation thoughts on each workout and the great guidance through the app.

    All in all - a great great great app.
    Update - started running again after quitting for a year and the app still did its magic. Got me back into shape fairly easily. Actualdly it took me less than 4 weeks to do it instead of their advertized 8 weeks, but I think that this is because of muscle memory (and maybe a little bit of self belief which made me skip ahead whenever it felt right). it worked great the first time, and now but now my body was able to get back into it even easier. Happy this app is doing its magic again, and it’s time to continue to 10k!
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  • Halfway there and still going!

    Yesterday was week 4 day 3. When I started My pace was 2 mi in 30 min and the full 5k took 46. Yesterday the 2mi mark was 25 min and the 5k mark was 38. I’ve tried several of these couch to 5k apps before and have never made it past week 2. I either got lazy or the runs got too difficult too quickly and I became discouraged. Right now I’m pretty motivated to keep going! I was hesitant at first to pay because 9.99 is a bit steep. But it has been worth it and maybe since I paid I feel more obligated to follow through.

    The only downside to the app is that it doesn’t give cues while on in the background. I would also enjoy more words of encouragement during the run.
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  • Don’t buy lifetime...

    First I will say I loved this app. The pacing is great and I can run a full 5k after doing the program. Sure it’s something you could do yourself without the app but I loved that I could just hit go and concentrate on my running instead of timing myself because I knew the app was going to tell me what to do. Now I paid the lifetime instead it the 3 months. That’s where I get disappointed. Silly me had hopes that paying the lifetime I could use other apps by the same company to continue to improve my running. Well, jokes on me. I downloaded 10k Runner to see and guess what: I could have just downloaded that app in the first place and did the 5k program I paid for FOR FREE before the 10k app made me pay. All in all I don’t regret spending the money on the app because that helped motivate me to keep using it but I wish I would have paid for 3 months instead of lifetime because that gets me nowhere. I don’t use the app anymore because I use a Fitbit and their app to track my runs now because it gives me my pace mile by mile. Which is another disappointment with this app. You have to figure your own pace at the end of your run and that will include your 5 minute warm ups and cool downs. In short: good app? Yes. Just don’t spend more than you need too.
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  • Has multiple versions to buy

    This program is great; does what it says, allows modifications, lets me set it and forget it. Even pipes up to encourage me to run randomly.

    When I got to week 2, I found I needed to upgrade to keep using the program. This was frustrating at the time because my phone took forever to download and I had to wait to run.

    Also, being in a hurry, I didn’t research my options - and I feel they were somewhat unclear. It seems you can pay between $5 and $12, depending on what you want. Frankly I don’t even know what I paid - I thought the lifetime was my best deal, but now that I’ve finished I realize that unless I stop running and have to start over someday, this will not be much use to me.

    At this point, having completed the run, I’ll have to pay for the ‘next step’ I decide on. I wish I’d just gotten the 10k program to start, because it doesn’t seem there’s any discount or way to progress from the 5k. So that’s a little disappointing, and why I chose four stars. I’d give five if all the price tiers were clearly labeled.
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  • Less Than One Star

    I wish I could give this app a negative star review rating but... I can't. I was training to run last summer when I tore my MCL in a fall. I decided to try this app after being cleared by the doctor to return to running. The app, on the surface, had a high number of reviews and most were positive. The design was stylish and it was free, I had nothing to lose? The question mark is intended at the end of the previous sentence.

    Today I gave this app a try and first I found the small bits of "motivation" to be uninspiring. The app boosts you up by immediately giving you a badge for completing your first run. Then I noticed the reality...there are only FOUR, yes, 4 runs on the free version of this app. If you want to do the whole 8 or 9 weeks (it varies with couch to 5k apps), you'll have to pay.

    I'm not sure why the app designers don't just make it a straight forward, paid app and not waste anyone's time or data or physical investment in a plan that's only going to ask for money to complete. Yes, you CAN find another app for free after starting this one, but, these programs work on a progress system and some change the run/walk ratio over time so you are eventually doing more running than walking and complete the program as a runner able to go a distance of 5k. Having to go four runs and find out you have to pay to continue and if you can't you now have to find ANOTHER couch to 5k app to complete your goals.

    Hopefully someone reads this.
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  • This really DOES work!

    So while on vacation at the end of August I decided I needed more exercise so I went for a run. It was humbling to only be able to run for 30-45 seconds at a time without needing to walk. It was also very motivational! I downloaded the app and figured I’d give a try to get to 5k. I was skeptical but figured even if I did every step 2 or three times I would get there, and if not then at least I was getting exercise. Will I can’t believe it but following the program I was able to get to running for 35 mins (3.53 miles) and only repeated 2 of the sessions. Very rewarding! Now I’m starting the 10K app and looking forward to the next challenge! Thanks fitness22!!
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  • Awesome app

    I've finally mustered up enough motivation and determination to start working out again. I haven't ran in over 2+ years. I used to go to the gym regularly (2-4 x's a week depending on my work schedule) and lift/cardio. Needless to say, I'm very out of shape for not working out in such a long time. I've downloaded this app previously and really loved it. I decided to download it again and I'm really glad I did. I just completed 3 days in a row. This program really eases me into running again. I love that I can listen to music without switching back and forth and that it not only beeps but it also lets you know whether to run or walk. I don't ever buy apps but I honestly might buy the lifetime $10 just because this is my third time downloading it and I keep stopping after the free trial.
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  • Great App. I hate running, but this is working.

    I love the 5k app. I hate running , but it is keeping me going and I have bought other Fitness 22 apps because of it.

    There are some things I've had problems with - and if they are user error, I will own up to it.

    1. I have now accidentally run 2 out of 4 runs twice.
    A. It would be helpful if there was a "Are you sure you want to do this run again?" safeguard.

    B. It would also be good if there was some indicator section on the screen of what run you were running when you are in the middle of a run. I could stop running the wrong run and start running the right run sooner.

    2. I have started running when getting motivational notifications and wondered if I should start getting spun up for the run portion of the training because there is no lead into the running sections.
    A. A statement with countdown would be helpful. "Begin run in 3. 2. 1. Begin run". I have a Tabata trainer that does this and it's great. It also works on the countdown to stopping, too. "Begin walking in 3. 2. 1. Walk." "Cooldown in 3. 2. 1. Cooldown for 5 minutes then stretch".

    Otherwise, great job!
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  • Literally changed my life!!

    I'm not exaggerating, my confidence has soared and I'm so happy! I did a family 5k and finished shaking and unable to breathe or get off the ground in 44 minutes.. but i got hit with the running bug, which was in April...
    I stuck with it 3 times a week, sometimes missing a day here or there, and repeating a few days, but I just recently ran my own personal 5k, and finished being very tired, but not as beat as my first one... and in only 35min! 9 minutes off my time! I'm down 8 more pounds since adding this into my daily routine, and I am now moving on to the 5k pacer app! More importantly than just smashing my time, I was able to RUN THE ENTIRE TIME! That is just crazy to me! Your body really gets conditioned to running! Whether you repeat days or weeks, or miss a day here or there, keep going! Trust the program! I'm so happy I did!

    And for the love of God...
    -stretch after running!!
    -do the 5min warm up walk!
    -go to a runners shoe store to get fitted for real runners shoes, I can't stress that enough!
    Knock on wood but doing all this I have never had any injury or anything beyond typical muscle soreness!
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  • Great App!

    I started this program at my heaviest of 218 and I knew it was going to be hard to stay on track. Once I started with the daily routines- I didn't want to stop. It has only 3 workouts a week but most weeks I would repeat the workout again and do it 6 times a week! I was one of those people who always said "I can't run" but now I don't anymore! I definitely am not an avid runner( I would say more a jogger) but this app has really opened my eyes to the world of running. And I'm down 28 lbs so I am overjoyed! I am now up to running 3.5 miles without stopping! I can't wait to start doing the 10K app because I am training for a 10K in January! If anything, try this app out- it's only 8 weeks and 24 workouts in all! I definitely have recommended it to everyone who asks how I lost so much weight! :):)
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