5K Runner User Reviews

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  • I’ve never been a runner… until now!

    I know everyone says this but even when I was young and fit, I hated running. Now I’m in my 30’s and I really needed an accessible form of exercise without all the obstacles of going to the gym.

    I downloaded this app and started mid week 2 because of the assessment which was probably a bit ambitious. I only have the final week left and I can’t believe the difference. My stamina is already so much better. I’m not winded nearly as easily and I’m able to walk miles and miles without my feet hurting.

    It’s hard to believe that a few weeks ago the idea of running for 5 minutes straight would have been beyond me, but it’s true. Yesterday I did ran for 20 minutes straight. This app helps me understand that it’s not just about speed, but even just DOING it can set you up for success and help you understand yourself better. Love it!
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  • Never thought I would run again

    After having three children and experiencing severe diastasis rectii, a pelvic organ prolapse and osteoarthritis in my knees and ankles, I had written off running. But being in my 40s and starting to struggle with perimenopausal weight gain and anxiety, I knew I needed to up my exercise levels. I decided to try Couch to 5K because I figured gradual intervals would make it less hard on my body. I’m so glad I did! This app has made a massive difference in my life, and I really look forward to my runs. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to run but has a head full of excuses. I love how it optimises the runs so it’s always just the right level of challenge. I really benefit from the reminders, the structured approach and the cheering coach who says ‘Hey runner!’ Each time I start my run. This app will honestly help you go from couch potato to runner, you just have to download it and get out there.
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  • Very well made.

    I went from no running experience whatsoever (in fact I used to have running/sprinting based exercise induced asthma) to being able to run 30-35mins! That’s more than I’d ever ran in my life due to fear of asthma attacks! I am very pleased with the app; and have moved onto C210k (on the way to training for a half marathon). However I may still use this program for speed improvement training (you do kind of outgrow it once you’ve done it once- but that’s a good thing- though there’s potential for re-use in speed training). It progresses at a good pace and whilst it looks intimidating at first it is paced well. Every week I’d happily tell friends my latest running record out of excitement at my progression.
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  • New to running

    Helping me to get out and moving a bit more looking forward to achieving a full 5k - the motivational feedback along the way helps
  • If I can do it, YOU can do it

    This app has carried me through several seasons of life & let me tell you, it’s a game changer. If you feel like you’re not a runner & the thought of running for more than a minute at a time scares the daylights out of you, this IS the app for you. I was always the slow kid in PE on those dreaded timed mile run days & continued to be that person into my thirties. One day I woke up & decided I needed to change my lifestyle. I was two babies into parenthood, weight wasn’t coming off, everything I ate stuck to me, I was tired, yada yada. I started this app in August & by October was running the full 5k. I could not believe it. I felt great. Holidays hit & I fell off the wagon. I did it again. Then I got pregnant & again, fell off the wagon. Once baby was 3 months, I did it again & maintained. One year later, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and fell off the wagon once again throughout half of my chemo regimen. But alas, I began the app again while having chemo. Then I took a short break for surgery, went back, & am about to start radiation. I’m still going strong & don’t plan to stop. If a run ragged mom of three young kids who is also in active treatment for cancer can do it, YOU can do it. Quit the excuses & just download the app and give it a try. You don’t fail unless you stop for good. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. Happy running!
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  • Not actually free

    Not actually free it’s 60$ to use it past day 5
  • I can’t believe I’m a runner now!

    I never write reviews. But felt the need to here. I am a 54 year old male. Hated the thought of running. Thought it was for the young, skinny types. While I had been walking, the thought of picking up the pace and running was the furthest from my mind. Then I hit 240 pounds and hated myself. I had tried this app in the past, but through a combination of apathy and low self esteem, I never made it. But something clicked one day, and I thought I’d give it another shot and see if I could make it all the way and run a 5k. I started in November of last year and found myself impressed with the simple and easy progression of the app. No pressure to kill yourself just get up, commit to a half hour or so and before you know it, you’re done. Then I started to see the pounds drop. Then I started to create playlists on my phone. Then I started buying gear. Then I signed up for a 5k. Then I actually RAN the 5k. I didn’t stop, I didn’t walk. I RAN a 5k! I didn’t come in last, but came in in the middle of the pack in my age group. I came home and signed up for another 5k. And another. I am collecting shirts, medals and realizing…holy crap. I’m a runner. This app got me there. No question. And now I’m training for a 10k. With a half marathon next and hopefully a marathon by this time next year. Try it. Stick with it. You might become a runner too.
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  • This app is not free

    App is advertised as having a free version. It does not. I completed my first four runs & then wax left with no option but to purchase or quit. I have downloaded an actual free app. Very misleading.
  • Totally worth it

    I rarely write reviews but this app is simple to use and fully worth the price. When I first got the app I debated paying monthly or paying for permanent access. I’m so glad I got permanent access for one price because I’ve definitely saved versus paying monthly since I’ve used this at different points over the years.
    I like how the app queues you when to walk and run but you can still listen to your music while using the app. Each run can be optimized by how you rate your run as well which I appreciate (Too hard? That’s okay, no rush to advance yet. Too easy? Let’s do more! Just right? Stay the course)
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  • I Did It!!

    I got this app because I had no idea where to start when it came to getting back in shape. I have tried and tried over the years and I always get discouraged and stop. When I got this app, I honestly expected much the same. I put off eve starting the journey for weeks. But now I’m four weeks in and I am honestly beaming with pride in myself, and I feel nothing but encouraged to keep at it.
    This app feeds you your runs in a way that feels so manageable and good. I finished day one and I was like “oh wow! I did it!” And every run after that, same thing. I did it! It’s a challenge, but never so hard that I feel discouraged or too out of shape to keep going. Even when the intervals go up, I feel a little nervous before I start but then! Hey! I did it!
    So seriously, if you feel like you want to get in shape and you have running goals, and you have no idea how to begin climbing that mountain, get this app. Yeah you have to pay for it but I promise it’s worth it. You can do it!!
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