5K Runner User Reviews

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  • Where have the audio options gone?

    Please, please, please make an option to get rid of the awful voice overs! A previous version had the option of just chimes for start/stop running, but now you can’t turn off the additional voice that blares in over your podcast with “START RUNNING!” or “WOW YOU’RE DOING GREAT, YOU’RE AN AMAZING PERSON!” 🤮 or “SLOW DOWN AND WALK!!!”. Please reinstate the option for no voiceovers. I’ve searched everywhere in the settings. Also while I’m complaining I should point out it’s pretty silly that 5K Runner can’t tell you how many kms you’ve run while running, and also that you can’t stop a run early (even in the cool down phase) without losing the entire thing. I use MapMyRun alongside this app to check my distance/total time as I go, but it’s just dumb having to use two apps when I already paid for one.
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  • Needs a lot to work

    It’s a good start for new runners, but I found it’s lacking in the eighth week. The app is less about completing a 5K and more about building stamina. It starts with walking-running intervals (good) and ends your 5K journey with a 45 minute nonstop run (bad). At some point during the training, it should make more sense to measure how far you’re running. Which brings me to the next problem… All the bugs and incompatibly issues with Apple (even after going back and forth in emails with support). It almost never measures and records heart rate. It fails to tell the Apple watch that I’m working out so Apple is recording its own data as well as 5K’s so my KCAL and exercise time doubles after a run. Well— Almost doubles. Apple and 5K record different amounts of KCAL (maybe because 5K fails to differentiate between total and activate calories). And as a nitpick, I like leaving my phone at home to run. With just the watch, an accurate map isn’t recorded. Overall, it got me started on my 5K journey and I can recommend it as a timer for new runners. But I won’t be finishing the 5K journey with it.
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  • Great app with one disappointment

    Have loved the app so far, got me from nothing to 5km over about 8 weeks which for me is amazing. The issue though is in the Apple Watch support. It worked fine for weeks 1-8 and the end of the main program, but while the iPhone app can progress to week 9 and beyond to continue improving performance, the watch app doesn’t. You get left at the “Great Job” and have the ability to scroll back through your history, but not to then follow the continuing program as per the iPhone.

    Is there any chance of that support coming?
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  • Ok. But poor integration with apple health & workouts

    The app is generally ok for getting you running again. For the price it is very basic -

    It lets itself down with poor apple integration. • Heart rate is only sporadically monitored, which is probably why the app is unable to graph. If after immediately finishing a run you turn on a workout in IOS, the heart rate monitoring in the watch shows quadruple the number of measurement's. The lack of measurements in 5K means that calorie data is off. • The warmup and warmdown time are not measured at all. And no credit is given for that time in activity under workouts. The route tracking as advertised does not show on the iPhone app, nor anywhere else for that matter. The map screenshot should be removed from the App Store advertising.
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  • Literal couch to 5k

    I haven’t finished yet but I’m on schedule and only one week away. I seriously thought my body just couldn’t run. I assumed some people had “runners” bodies and some just didn’t, like me. When I started the first day I could hardly run a minute… here I am running 15-20 minutes without stopping and it feels GREAT! I’ve fallen in love with running. It’s such a wonderful release, me time, and great energy to start off the day. I already signed up for my first 5k and have running shoes on my Xmas list this year. I stayed exactly with the program, being honest with myself when a run was too difficult. The program would optimize my schedule and have me repeat a difficult run until I got there. Don’t feel discouraged repeating runs, no one program could ever work for every person. But you will get there!
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  • Overall pretty great! Watch out for what you pay for though!!

    This app is a great version of the Couch to 5k program.
    It got be back to running after a >10 year break, no injury and very few aches and pains in the process.
    The loss of one star has to do with their payment structure. I purchased the Lifetime Premium thinking it applied to their other running apps as well, why would I purchase a lifetime membership for a program I’ll probably only do this one time as I progress on to longer distances? I really thought it applied to their other apps. I think they should be much more explicit in their explanation and pricing structure. I contacted customer support and basically just got a curt response simply stating there is no cross app purchase for memberships. They did not reply to my second message. Given this, I do not intend to use any of their other apps.
    Be sure you know what you’re paying for when you buy the in app purchases…
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  • My favorite running app

    I’ve been using this app for years and I absolutely love all the versions of it. The 3k one taught me how to run from zero experience and now I love running
  • Bad runner, but love this app

    To start, I am not a runner in the least. I have the physique of a runner, but zero lung or stamina capacity. This app has helped me with both as it is a run / walk internals app that starts at REALLY easy levels and allows a gradual increase. You can run up to three times a week or more if you want to hit your 5K goal faster. I love the way it signals you to start running or walking, let’s you know when you’re half way to turn around, and tells you when you’re in cool down stage. I also love the metrics it shows at the end with your route and calories burned. The app also allows you to rate each run so it can customize your next run based off of rating.
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  • Best app

    I am a couch potato, I hate running and could barely run to the letterbox. I can now run for 10 solid mins straight and live each day to go for a run and it’s all because of this app
  • It got me to start running, but needs some updates

    I tried running on and off again for years. This time I decided to use the 5K app. Here’s a list of pros and cons I’ve found so far:
    - starts off very gently and eases you into running for longer periods of time
    - voice coach is supportive and helpful in reminding you about posture and being mindful about how you run (how fast, how hard your feet hit the ground, etc)
    - aural reminders and encouragement go a long way
    - warm up and cool down time is totally necessary
    - adjusts your next run based on how you felt about the one you just finished

    - voice coaching stops after a while and like other reviewers said it would be nice to have a gentle reminder to tell us to be mindful of how we’re running
    - the time increments increase too rapidly after week 5 or 6, we should be able to control how many more minutes we can run for (I.e. 20 to 25 minutes is far too much of a stretch when I had only been increasing my time for two or three minutes at any other time) this makes it difficult to stick with the program
    - it focuses on the amount of time you spend running rather than how far you’ve gone. You may have unwittingly ran 5k before you finish week 8
    Overall it’s a great app that I’ll keep using, but it is somewhat disappointing to read that you don’t have full access to the 10k app even though you paid for the 5k. As a self professed non-runner before this app, it did a great job getting me into running.
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