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  • Really enjoy Quora

    Even with some ups and downs from other people on Quora, it is the best place to talk and learn from others! Currently, I am not able to bookmark answers that I want to keep. The 3 little dots (***) are not there! Can you fix it for me please? 👍 Sincerely, Karen Thomas-McKearn August 24, 2023: I spend most of my day reading and answering questions on Quora. I am retired and doing this allows me to keep up with the world and what people think and answer for questions. I don’t want to sound like a know it all, but I can’t believe how some people give answers that are false, fake, incorrect and distorted. I try to tactfully correct them with facts and accurate updated information! I don’t want to argue, but present people with the information even giving them the locations in the Bible or the internet. I do block and mute atheists because they downvote my religious beliefs and answers so less believers can read it. I am not angry at them, but it’s not fair what they are doing. There is one atheist who is a member of a religious group and I believe he uses our names to find out who we are and then he gets involved in disputing our answers and downvoting everyone. That is really wrong! Actually cheating!! What difference does it make to him and his fellow atheists to dispute what we say? They always ask for evidence!! I have actually given them evidence and then I don’t hear back from them! Go figure!!
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  • Why?

    There is a new outlook towards politics you have Republicans and Democrats what is right and what is wrong you have Republicans they are open to the ideas of saying anything you wanna say and thinking it’s all right you have Democrats that want to say what they want to say, but hold it in a different professional demeanor think about your choices for the next leader of our wonderful country. Some people think it might be broken, but would you rather live here or somewhere else? If there is somewhere else leave and don’t come back either way Ava, promising leader of our country should show a demeaning of respect, honor, and loyaltylies are always in politics. The world is cruel and we don’t need negativity that is in abundance right now within our country the world needs positivity hope and loyalty for whoever candidate you’re gonna vote for remember one thing it’s in your conscience whatever you feel, do what you feel is right if you’re doing things to spite our country. Then you are doing it out of vengeance and aggression. Hold onto your pride, hold onto your beliefs and hopefully you can make the right choice. God bless, and may the world be a part of all of our place as the dominant species of this planet
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  • I love this app so much

    This app is taught me a lot of stuff and allows me to share things that I have learned along the way, but apparently I love this app so much whoever is paid due disassemble my life and stock me and do all kinds of nasty things that fall under the category of target somebody for being a real one and standing up against evil and the deep state, apparently I accidentally showed my penis to a 16-year-old and then I realized I did when I read her profile and immediately tried to delete the pictures and I apologized and told her I did not realize her age when she was on some other space asking men for pictures. So it was a mistake, but whoever thinks that they can modify and manipulate my page temporarily took away my ability to leave comments and I despised you for that, luckily I deactivated my account and then reactivated it and that took the obvious hack away from the app. This is awesome and I’ll continue to use it if you want to reach out to me you can find me at. Auorakinesis because I have answers for everything, but I’m also a learner. Don’t forget those who learn the valuable lesson of the student and teacher at the same time always qualified to teach the more you learn the more you know check out your Pythagorean square. My personality type is a 111 which means I’m qualified to teach, but it’s so much more fun to learn. Thank you very much for making this app so good.
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  • Narcissistic

    I’m ok with finding out about narcissism. My ex-husband has 3 or 4 disorders and won’t get medication bc he knows everything and puts me down and does not encourage me for what I want to do. For instance.. I have a diamond back terripin that’s 27 years old and I have some cancer cells coming into my weak lining to my stomach. I’ve told him and he doesn’t care one bit bc then he’s in control to let me know he doesn’t care. He also has social anxiety and cannot relate to anyone who knows anything that’s fact. He also has depression/bypolar and won’t address that bc he doesn’t think anything is wrong with him bc he thinks he knows it all. He kept away his half pension that I most desperately need and no help with funds bc that builds him up to get over me. I’m not doing good with keeping my apartment rent which is $2,225. He makes $5,000 a month and I asked him if he could out $1,500 in my checking account electronically. He refuses bc he wants me so far down and loves it. How sinfully horrible is that after 21 years of marriage and I was unable to have his baby and lost 4 of them and had covid and all my pets died. He didn’t help me at all with my emotional state of mind of losing 4 babies. He wanted to kill me and the police took him out of our home. He’s so proud and is now hallucinating and said that was me that got taken away!! Like what??!! Then he wouldn’t take me to my OBGYN to have a DNC to get the fetus out like 4 times! How horrible is that??!!
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  • Thankful for patient loving suggestions

    Thank you very much for all your detailed suggestions. I am grateful for the paragraph I read. I found a baby parakeet very scared and timid of people only wants to socialize with the birds. He hears outside every time I come very slowly to his cage he covers in the corner, he never comes out of his cage. I’ve been talking to him every single day all day five different quotes I am happy to say I can hear them when he’s chirping chirping chirping in his cage. He is very very scared of any type of movement so I really appreciate all your advice we had to clip his wings. I watched videos they suggested anywhere from 5 to 10 feathers per wing, but we only clipped three so he can still get some hours with him per day because it’s very important to me that he feels loved and safe. He’s scared of my hand. I put it in his cage several times a day and hold it still, but if I have a long leaf of lettuce in my hand, he will come and eat it from me, he scared of toys in his cage, but he loves his mirror so I keep that in there with him thank you very much for all your help. wish me luck I will not give up on my little Skittles
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    I love hearing bits and pieces my husband tells me, as he’s the one that reads Quora the most. I’m the one who votes, and all the stories have some meaning to them. We are getting old, been married 49 magnificent years. We have toured the world, went right out twice to the USA to touch sides. We were there for over a month each time. Went to see KIP MOORE in Scotland, all in business class. My hubby and I are now getting too old to want to travel. I’m now doing abstract art, and my hubby at 72, is still working a half day job, from the same company he worked for for over 20 years. He’s a master, with integrity, he’s a CPA. In South Africa, you have to retire at the age of 65, which is insanely stupid. But there you have it. We also do not get any pension from the government, at $120 a month for the poorest of the poor. But our vice president lives in a $36 million home near Cape Town. Where did all that money come from. Bribery and corruption is rife in South Africa. When Jacob Zuma was president, with a grade 5 schooling, they had to prepare him and make the words bigger and bolder, as he was an A…….hole. So peeps who have read this, what are your thoughts of South Africa.
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  • Room for improvement, but interesting/thought provoking

    I like to open up Quora when I have a moment to read and I end up taking several moments! It is very interesting to get many different perspectives from various people with different backgrounds.

    I believe that some of the quality of answers has gone down and some members have turned more to polarizing and provoking the other members (ie trolling and baiting) than there used to be.

    I think more people used to be open and would give fair, thoughtful, informative answers and I felt like I could more or less trust that the answers came from a place of good intent.

    Now it seems that, more than ever, there are people that spout off their opinion as if it is fact and don’t really care to listen to other people’s views or consider anything other than their own perspective, thus causing unnecessary and uncomfortable altercations that should have no place in civilized discussion.

    I used to like Quora more because it seemed to be more civilized. I still do enjoy it quite a bit, but I think that the members should refrain from being too stubborn and snotty about their opinions and recognize that they are just that-opinions. If you want to state something as fact, then prove it! Otherwise sit down, shut up, and don’t bully others into acceptance. That’s not going to help your cause anyway!

    I don’t think it should be on the moderators to oppress people but people should be able to behave and govern themselves better.
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  • Taking back my power

    Tell me please how this is done when I was severely sexually abused many times as a child . I worked on myself made myself whole again then met him it’s been 71/2 years , and I fight with myself every single day ! I’ve been on my way out for years ,at one point I felt like I could never spend a day without him or even a hour with out hearing his voice now I’ve grown to the point we are not living together I can go days without talking to him and after so many days I end up seeing him briefly … however it takes me on a rollercoaster ride everytime! I’ve gone as far as calling police he is facing prison time I believe however he is still out of cusotdy with a restraint order in place , it doesn’t change anything though. He does what he does when he wants to ., Everytime he comes back and tells me how much he loves me and he is sorry I fall for it . To the point I am sick with myself and the decisions I make with him . It angers me so much inside because I know better , and I don’t and can’t continue living that same life , but my mind keeps allowing me to go right back into this .
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  • Correct

    I would have never recognized my significant other was cheating on me if not for this amazing tracking service that gave me real time exposure. I have always wanted to know everything happening in my relationship especially with her sudden change in her attitude towards me after she quickly closed her browser windows that fateful evening and anytime I got close to her phone. Once I found some red flags like an email address I didn't recognize, I got more suspicious. I got in contact with a private investigator named kevin through an IT guy at work. He told me to talk to him on his private email address at (connectspyaccess01@gmail) coherently explained why I wanted her phone monitored and cloned. We got to the money part and I was a bit hesitant sending money before receiving the service but kevin gave me his word alongside a money back guarantee that was set in place. Within some hours, I had a mirror version of her phone. I could see everything she was doing. From her calls to her texts and dating websites and apps. It was like Harry potter's magic. At the end, I am a huge testimony to his exploits and I highly endorse that you write to him if you’re already in my shoes.
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  • Complete tracking

    rarely write reviews, but I had to for this! Because I tried several apps with no luck. Back then I was very confused, mad and always felt awful with my partner's cheating attitude. I really wanted to track and catch him red-handed. I downloaded the app Mspy hoping it will help with it but I wasn't satisfied with its features as I needed to monitor my partner closely. Luckily I came across a genuine recommendation review on this app about an ethical private investigator named Davis he's a head of a team of hackers I wrote to his email at (connectspyaccess01@ GMAIL COM) explaining how I wanted to have a complete access to my partner's call log, iMessages, SMS, social media activities, gallery, text deleted or not, his precise location day out. I paid for his service and in about 3-4hrs I had a complete access to his phone, I was really amazed I got a concrete evidence. It was unbelievable seen the evidence of cheating on me. Who like to live with a cheater, I used the evidence I got to file for divorce. I'm thankful to Davis for helping me out of my dilemma and suspicions. His services are highly rated and affordable. If you are having trust issues and need valid evidence, or any hacking or tracking service how about you contact Davis for the incredible services you rendered.
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