Quora User Reviews

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  • Quora is Good but could be Better

    Quora is a question-and-answer forum that allows members to ask questions that other members may attempt to answer. The best responses to the questions are from people that have first-hand knowledge of the topic in question, though anyone may choose to respond. Quora encourages members to list their education, work, degrees or titles and other qualifications, to inform readers of their background in responding. That can be helpful, as it indicates the basis of knowledge that informs the respondent’s answers (though I find that common sense can trump formal education and degrees in producing quality responses).

    Quora also offers members the opportunity to form pages to discuss topics that might not be of interest to the general membership but interests a smaller number of people. I think some of the motivation for that is to reduce conflicts between members with very different points of view.

    The big weakness of Quora is how it’s moderators police the site, with some members allowed to make strong statements or hurl insults and their content is not deleted, while other members might have their responses deleted for similar or even less offensive content. Quora is run from San Francisco and thus is a site that caters more to Liberal ideas and thus plays favorites. I wish that were not so, but it’s life.
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  • After awhile……

    At first I thought, very cool! But after a few weeks I found what appeared to be typical Q&A with interesting problems and solutions ranging from WRONG to BRILLIANT. But now, a new thing has gotten me so frustrated, I may have to give up Q altogether. “The ten things billionaires won’t tell you.” I assure you billionaires are not keeping anything from us and, if one has a secret, it’s not the same secret as another billionaire. The problem, though, is this pops up so frequently and the answer to the posed question so inane, it’s enough to ruin the Q experience. One more: how does the article about ways to make easy money come up over and over. Have no doubt, the author is getting paid for every successful referral. And how can these sites give away money? Their tracking info is worth far more than their giveaway. Is that not obvious. What isn’t obvious why these things come up do often unless, haha, maybe Quora is the author. That would explain both why they are so frequent and why they are mixed up in totally interesting puzzles in thermodynamics or questions in complex topology.
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  • Narcissistic behavior

    I absolutely I agree, as I go though every point made is like if I see someone describing my mother in Law. The lady is a monster, she talks about people on a very derogatory way that’s with me included. Then, she manipulates them and use them to her convenience. She acts as if she is better than anyone around her and portrays herself as a victim all of the time. She wrongs people and never apologizes for anything she makes herself the victim of any confrontation. She uses her position as a mother to create problems in my household, the lady is manipulative on a professional level, she does that on any relationship with my daughter, my husband, her friend , her husband and no one can see it.
    My question to all of this people around her is only one ;
    Can anyone see that there is issues and drama with everyone who is close to her ?
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  • Quora is a really fascinating site: it has most anything under the sun!

    If you are curious, like things solid, honest & thought provoking, or want to explore UFO’s this is definitely the place to find out what people in many societies and cultures think on any given subject. While I don’t necessarily agree with some individuals, it’s a format where you can find things you have always wondered about but never really got a chance to study or understand … AND, if you like a “story format better than mere bits of knowledge here and there, it’s worth exploring.
    The only thing that I dislike is that some people are very ‘racist or bigoted,’ and lean toward react first, and over time THAT mode of answering people generates hatred & disrespect for those with different viewpoints and/or life experience. Other than that it can be a good place to ask questions or open up a new topic! Enjoy it!
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  • I have a Q about our A.

    It’s a great app… It’s very simple to use and you do get responses that are at least at the medium to high range of intelligent beings lol. If you do have a question that is or isn’t about some thing mundane or extremely precise like a certain type of speaker for your home theater system, you can ask and you will get some very helpful responses. It’s very underrated because there’s no drama here, or very little. Just by the conversations and the responses you can tell the level of intellect between this app and let’s say Twitter. People don’t come to this app to be malicious. There’s always something interesting going on and some conversation regarding a topic that you always thought of but never discovered the answers to. If you like to learn and you come up against questions that a fellow scientist/explorer/treasure hunter may come up against as well, you may find some help here.
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  • Quora team clampdown

    I use to really enjoy this app. It used to be filled with intellectual conversation and allowed users to answer or ask questions anonymously if users didn’t feel comfortable putting their names on something, because certain groups out there will try to get you fired or depersoned for your beliefs. However, Quora took features like this away, creating a need for people to create alternative accounts. Since, it has become a cesspool of trolls, lies, and honestly just trashy content in general. It’s no longer a site for discussion on philosophy or a place to ask questions for growing their knowledge. It’s now a place for people ‘asking’/‘answering’ questions to confirm their bias, blocking those who disagree with them, and censorship honestly. I’ve tried to have conversations with people who agree with me and others who don’t. Sometimes they block me, sometimes they dont. It’s not like I’m being rude or anything either, I try to be cordial and considerate most of the time. They say something like ‘Quora isn’t for debate or discussion, it’s to answer questions.’ No it’s not, or else there wouldn’t be a comments section for questions. People of Quora don’t want their opinions to be tried by others anymore, they just want everyone to agree with them in an echo chamber.
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  • Political awareness

    I never have been much into politics until George W Bush was put into place by his brother Jed. That’s when I realize that the electoral college was so outdated. I believe it was initially implemented because many Americans were not able to read or write, but percentagewise I don’t believe that that’s the case anymore.
    I realize Reagan was the beginning of the downturn of the Republican party but Bush really started unraveling programs and policies and giving money away for no reason.
    So in 2016 when Trump was elected via the electoral college I was horrified. My staunch Republican friend from Colorado told me I needed to give him a chance. I told him he wanted to be king. Later I realized I was wrong. He wanted to be dictator.
    So when I found Quora I began my journey to better understand politics.
    I read it nearly every day. Your writers are intelligent, honest, satirical and spot on. Thanks to all of you.
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  • How to catch a cheating spouse with them knowing

    It’s pertinent for for us to be happy in our marriage or relationship and for us to get this we need to know what our partner are doing in their private life. This is not because of anything but because of our future and our mental health. This made me to find a real and professional hacker online to help me gain a full access to my spouse cell phone and to my greatest surprise the hacker did a credible job because he gain me a full access to everything he does with his phone and now I am happy. For any hacking related services most especially on infidelity and cheating I will suggest you contact this man to help you hack your spouse cell phone remotely. Contacts him via email: Adriancyberghost @ gmailcom or text, call & WhatsApp on +1,8,5,7,3,4,25,7,2,3 he is always available online and always ready to help.
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  • Quora keeps erasing my responses

    This has happened to me a couple of times in the past week and just now. Both before and after I upgraded my IPad to iOS 15. So I don’t think the upgrade is to blame. I am typing a response and all of a sudden my keyboard becomes unresponsive. I start tapping different spots in the paragraph just to get the cursor moving. Nothing, then suddenly the cursor will just jump to a spot or end up highlighting everything I just wrote and then everything disappears. All my carefully thought out points to answer the question are gone. It just happened to me a few minutes ago. However this time I was able to take a screen shot of what I wrote in response to a Quora question before it all disappeared. Completely unacceptable. Now I don’t know if this is an Apple issue or a Quora issue but it is certainly is an issue. I would like to point out that this has not happened to me while writing in any other app nor while I am typing this review. Please fix this. I will update my review once it is fixed.
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    Developer Response

    We're sorry to hear about this issue. To help us troubleshoot, please provide further details via our 'Report a Bug’ form, located at: https://goo.gl/9J7hwi
  • Forces giving personal data just to read posts?!

    used Apple ID to login and the app FORCED me to provide my email address and name anyway. It said "optional" but after many tries, 10 minutes of waiting for the app to spin after trying to skip entering an email address (defeating the point of using Apple ID to login) I entered a random email address and I was treated with several minutes dealing with captcha crap... really?! If they have so many issues controlling fraud and/or Quora isn't sophisticated enough to deal with modern threats that they require more captcha tricks than I've ever seen I'm definitely not trusting any content... and most definitely not posting or providing my info. I see the app has high ratings... it might deserve them once you jump through all the hoops and provide personal data, but after such an inconvenient and annoying process FORCING login, FORCING giving personal data and giving info I don't want to give just to read something, I am deleting. There are far too many legit platforms I can use that don't do this... I'm surprised so many use Quora... sheep I imagine. Nevermind...I just skimmed/read a ton of so reviews... they are reviewing posts on Quora not the app or experience with the app. In fact, I stopped trying to reviews that weren't about content on Quora - only found a couple about Quora itself and they were 1-star.
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