Quora User Reviews

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  • Useless Questions

    Quora used to be an amazing app where I could learn a lot about life, ask questions and receive thoughtful answers, and learn other peoples wisdom, but now the only questions that pop up on my feed are ones that are asking “what is a screenshot that deserves 100k likes?” Who actually cares? Are these bots that ask these same questions over and over again?

    I personally couldn’t care less about these posts because that basically makes this site a meme website when it’s not supposed to be. I find these questions in the Psychology space In quora, but what does that have to do with psychology? Do I just need to reorganize the spaces that I follow on quora so I don’t get these stupid questions or is it a lost cause? And when I try to find some actual meaningful questions and answers it always comes back to the ones that ask “what made you smile today?” Or “what disgusts you?” It’s okay if I see these questions sometimes, but if it’s over and over again then it just gets ridiculous. Especially if it’s about celebrities I couldn’t care less about
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  • Frustrating to Navigate

    After having used the Quora app for about two years, I have come across a few annoying issues that really ruin the experience of the app. Firstly, every time I open the app, I have to wait for the app the respond to my touches. It can take anywhere from around 10 seconds to almost 20 seconds. I don’t know what it’s doing in the background, but it’s annoying. Next, when I want to search for a question, it seems to freak out and freeze the whole app. It opens the keyboard, and I can type on it, but there is a massive delay from when I press a key to it being displayed on the screen; it only happens when I open the app after not using it for a while. Next, very often when I am scrolling down through my feed and I tap on the “read more” on an answer, it doesn’t respond to my touch as if the read more button doesn’t exist. I can tap and tap as many times I want, but it will not open the answer. Tapping on the answer itself does nothing either. This happens randomly and I don’t know why or what triggers it. The last issue is the most annoying of them all. When I’m reading the comments, and I accidentally swipe left or right just a little bit, the whole app with hang and not respond at all. I have to manually close the app and reopen it again so it can work. These issues sometimes hold me back from even opening the app. Overtime, it seems that more problems are being made than fixed with every new feature update.
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    Developer Response

    We're sorry to hear about this issue. To help us troubleshoot, please provide further details via our 'Report a Bug’ form, located at: https://goo.gl/9J7hwi
  • The app always falls short

    I love Quora—-the website that is. It’s educational, entertaining, and fun all at the same time. There are so many people who have a deep understanding of things and so knowledgeable in the way they provide their answers—-with some who are not so knowledgeable, though a lot fun to exchange replies with nonetheless. But wow a sharp decline in both quality and user friendly interface could not even begin to describe the disappointment that is this Quora. It almost feels like two different entities, where one is just a cheap knockoff. The Quora website experience, although sometimes clunky, is enjoyable in both content and site navigation. The app is like the Great Value or Wish of what the website is like. I mean the continued and almost neverending error you get while trying to even just open the app is just HORRIBLE. Then it lags while you navigate through the app screens, where many times buffering is so long it will just crash. So you try to open it again and guess what? Ahhh of course the neverending error of just trying to open it. I mean what a hack of an app and an embarrassment to what is otherwise a great thing.
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    Developer Response

    We're sorry to hear about this issue. To help us troubleshoot, please provide further details via our 'Report a Bug’ form, located at: https://goo.gl/9J7hwi
  • Good and bad at the same time

    When I joined Quora I-don’t-know-how-many-years-ago, it was just pure fun reading stories and answers from across the world. Then I discovered the depth of experience and knowledge that existed in Quora, and I started looking for specific information. Next, I started asking my own questions; this had mostly positive results, but sometimes brought out crazy answers and attacks! It only got worse as time went on. I sometimes commented on answers, and gave my liberal opinion on the day’s issues. More craziness came out! I got reported for being offensive and attacking when no such thing occurred! Finally I had enough when I asked a question about Russian efforts/tactics in social media across Europe (hoping to get expert answers from across Europe) and I got a warning from Quora that I could get booted off if I asked such questions! How dare I presume that Russia had social media influencers!
    Enough! Now, I occasionally check on answers about cats and dogs! Sad that Quora has come to this.
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  • Many More Goods Than Bads

    I really enjoy people’s answers to questions about many things,. I like the Spanish version; I grew up in Peru and it updates my knowledge about Spanish culture and language. I really like the religion section because I get to talk to people who WANT to talk about religion. Most of my acquaintances in real life don’t want to talk about religion. Even at church we have a set way of talking about things. But on Quora I can talk with many people from all perspectives in life from atheists to conservative believers of all faiths. There is so much to explore there!

    I tried the app and was ok with it until something changed and the Quora screen would no longer rotate on my iPad. Every other app I had would rotate so I think it is the Quora app. I can’t type answers with my head sideways. So I had to delete the app. I guess they have a new version. I guess I should try it.

    I love Quora! If they would just let the app screen rotate . . .
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  • Variety of topics and levels of interaction for everyone

    I love this app because it has multitudes of topics so anyone can find a large variety of things to learn about. I am extremely curious, especially when it comes to people’s views on things. I love to see the variety of experiences and facts that influence people to hold specific opinions. This helps me see many viewpoints and ways of perceiving topics I’m interested in.
    I have on several occasions even changed my mind when I’ve been presented facts in a new way (and/or) whenI was given an anecdotal story that made me reconsider views I had held prior to hearing that person’s specific experience!
    I love the variety of answers from short to long, overviews to in depth analyses, from scientific answers to more personal or emotional answers, and just how differently a question can be perceived piques my curiosity! I love this app!!!
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  • In a world of Blather, sharp voices emerge

    Not everyone, but the core of this site is the people who are passionate about their own pursuits. Look into the Shakespeare threads and you’ll find professors, academicians, actors, lifelong afecianados and more than a few high school kids or college undergrads trying to get the others to do their homework for them, and it’s lovely to see the occasional pedagogue call them on their shirking ways and steer them back to the proper ways.

    IT’S Not just the bard, of course...the other day I wandered into a thread of moterheads deeply informed on the nuances of V-8 combustion engines and how to make them faster, louder and more exquisite. No idea what they were saying, but there’s a pleasure in reading passionate savants go at it, no matter what the topic.

    Do you like antique watches but no one else you know gives a feather or a fig? Start a group here, or find one ready made. Nobody wants to hear your opinions on Betty vs Veronica? Poke around here, you’ll find dozens. G’wan, it’s omnispectic! Jump right in!
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  • A lot better then yahoo answers

    I love that I actually get real answers on this app. On yahoo answers people call you racial slurs for asking a question about Islam or I could ask “what’s the best movie to watch?” And people would tell me to F off or give a sarcastic answer and I would literally have have 28 “answers” on the question and not one of them would actually answer the question and it’s really messed up. Where as here everyone is so much kinder and not many trolls. I love this app it feels like a safe place and I could ask the strangest of questions and not one person would judge me for it. The only problem I have with this is few of my questions are still unanswered and it’s been 8 months. But most of the time they are answered fairly quickly. The other thing is I wish there wasn’t a limit on the number of letters used in the question and I wish is I wish I could comment anonymously. You might be able to but I’ve had this app for a couple of years and still can’t figure out how.❤️I definitely recommend this app tho to anyone. I absolutely love this app.
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  • Understanding Narcism

    I was married to a true narcissist. He has every symptom of Narcism. Starting with getting hit by a car at 12 years old. He was in hospital for a year. His family didn’t see him much and when Christmas came around that year, NOBODY came to visit him. That was the childhood trauma. Explain why he does super shopping and spent $10,000 + in Jewelry and other expensive gifts. The kids got EVERYTHING on their list and a whole bunch more. He’d go to Toys R Us on Christmas Eve and fill up Two trucks full of presents. He had to wrap them himself and on Christmas morning he sat there like the gift king and told each of us just how much he spent on the gift. That’s is Christmas. After that he is right back to his usual self. A narcissist. I could give you examples for every symptom but the list would be way to long. I was married to him 18 years. I did that to protect my children.
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  • Non valuable questions

    I spend hours reading informative answers to interesting questions, but am bogged down by the relentless torrent of questions which have no apparent value to anyone. I am thinking of questions which run “how many words can you make from the word ‘language’ which contain ‘g’” or what is the next number in the series ‘1234’ which is not 5.
    I also find quite a large number of questions don’t have any meaning or context. Also trivial questions such as how do you spell ‘color’ or repeats. Finally the large number of questions which could be answered directly by Google or a Dictionary.
    It is the sheer labor of looking for questions whose answers are informative or personal experiences that slightly diminishes the pleasure of reading and writing answers to good questions on Quora.
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