Quora User Reviews

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  • Q&A site where questions are judged instead of answered

    Do not download this app I’ve been on it for quite some time and it gets more and more frustrating every time as not only are there a lot of really dumb questions but very rarely will I see or get an actual answer to a question as it feels like I’m more so being judged for my questions rather than getting a legitimate answer from it and I see this with other people ask questions too, and not only that but I’ve also seen questions where some people will end up getting offended for no reason and taking the questions personally.

    The other problem is that fact that you can’t delete questions after they’ve been answered even if there’s only one answer and it gets deleted you’re still prevented from deleting the question.

    And I think all of this could be fixed if the app were executed better and had mods who check the app frequently to ban the people asking questions that aren’t important and the people not answering questions respectfully, also get rid of the comment section it’s not necessary and it’s only giving the trolls more power.
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  • It’s good.

    I saw this app on Google when I asked it some more elaborate questions. It’s a good way to get some decent answers to questions that Google can’t seem to properly answer. I like it! Most of the time you get respectful answers from experts or people with experience. One small request I have is that we should be able to expand on our questions. Sometimes I have to explain a scenario and it takes more than a sentence or two, and it impacts the accuracy of the responses or overall opinion of the people answering the questions. I also think they should relax a bit on their terms. I got blocked from using my account simply for not having my full name. Other reviews seem to have a problem with censoring questions and suspending accounts, sometimes with no explanation. This makes me nervous to post or react as often as I could. Otherwise, it’s super useful and I’m glad I downloaded it!
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  • Not a good app if you like writing. It used to be but not anymore.

    First when you report someone for doing something like harassment or sexual stuff involving illegal stuff , there is a chance if they feel it is not a big deal your own account will get temporary suspended. Not kidding. The amount of sexual content involving catfishes or non catfishes is unreal and takes away from the professional side though it is worth mentioning you have the option to turn off adult content but regardless such accounts that post possible illegal pictures aren’t being taken down by repeating offenders. Also if someone insults you and you report them they will likely not take action but if you do the same it is likely they suspend your account as well. Again this used to be a legit and credible site now it is going down the alexa ranks fast due to the over saturated ads and repeated not so thought out questions anytime you follow a space. Ex. If you like a answer about cheese , you will see questions like “is it bad to stick cheese in my eye balls?”

    Another thing is the community is really toxic though you have your good apples there are more bad ones even among topics that involves science and medicine. Please do yourself a favor and find a better place to find enthusiastic writers/bloggers.
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  • I would give it a one but I can at least still use the search bar and look at other people’s content

    I just got this app recently and everything was going good for the first day I had it. I wrote a question I got an answer almost immediately but the next day I wanted to type another question but I was BLOCKED I still don’t know why and for those wondering my first question was about engineering, nothing inappropriate just engineering, anyway I went to find customer service but the closest thing I found was a search bar for pre-written questions I also looked online and even Quora and they all said that it was probably one of my posts offended someone but the only thing I said on there was a question about how to get started on engineering. If your reading this Quora please help my in someway so I can write questions again then I’ll probably rate 5 stars because besides my problem this app is awesome!
    Edit: I’m not sure if you read my review or if it was a glitch but it’s back to normal so I’m voting 5 stars
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  • If you want your phone to boss you around, by all means download the Quora app

    This app is exceedingly annoying. There is no browsing the website once this app is installed. The site will constantly nag you to use the app, and even disable pages midway through to send a notification that blocks the page and can’t be cancelled. If you click a link within the app and the website opens on the integrated browser, there is no option to share the link. Instead you need to share the Quora post.

    Functionally, the app is fine, but it doesn’t add much, if anything, over the website. I browse with a VPN. I’m sure Quora gets a lot out of making me use their app, such as access to my information, but really, what does forcing use of the app do for the consumer? Naturally, as there’s no added utility for the app *for me*, and it only serves to annoy me, I give it one star. I’ve never had an app do this so insistently, and it turns me off the service altogether. I’d rather not use it at all than get constantly harassed and pushed around by my own smart device!
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  • Great, Thought Provoking Content

    Your mind will be *challenged* to say the least. You’ll be pushed to the upper limits of your imagination and gain insight on how to cope with the subtle nuances of reality. It’s rather interesting. NOTE: not all spaces on this app are pro-enlightenment (meaning some folks are h**l bent on complaining about Twitter posts and triggering your inner cringe via microaggressions and senseless trolling..:even going si far as to flag politically correct and socially conscious comments). Simple avoid these spaces and avoid those who try and stalk you or trigger you via circumventing their remarks or responding to them directly with enough ferocity to repel them outright so that you gain a great night’s rest. At the end of the day, I earned it - you did, too! RIP Mamba Bryant, Nipsey Hussle, and all we’ve lost for no reason. Carry the torch into the future, we shall (Yoda voice).

    - OG Wan
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  • Quora review

    I have generally enjoyed reading Quora. The ancient history section is particularly interesting for me. Today I read an interesting piece on politics called the White Elephant in the Room which discussed how people in forum should take a breath and relax and show respect and truly read what colleagues are saying. He suggested people might actually change their opinion on certain matters. I remember when I would drive from my home in New York to Yale University, I would listen to an Evangelical channel. My colleague it’s whom I shared an office asked me why. I need to know what people of a very different opinion think
    The section on education is overly repetitive, and most of the questions could be answered by a simple google.
    Though there is a great deal of repetition in general, there are some interesting points and opinions. I don’t know if this site has an administrator (which it needs for the repetitive questions) or works by some algorithm. Anyway, no one is forced to respond to every question that might be one’s area.
    The atmosphere is relaxed and have not seen any disrespect or nastiness that are part of other forums.
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  • User interface drives me crazy

    Lots of social media apps annoy me because I am reading something interesting, close the app for 5 minutes, open it again and the screen refreshes and often I cannot find the item again. Besides that issue, often when I’m trying to find where I left off in the comments of an answer, and I’m swiping my finger up in order to scroll to the end, I reach the bottom of the page (not the last comment, because I have not even expanded all the many comment “nests”—just the bottom of the comments visible so far) and inadvertently swipe the entire thread up and it disappears, never to be found again. Why are there no “expand all comments” buttons on many social media apps? Why does the same gesture (swiping up) both take me to the spot where I left off but also accidentally make the post I’m reading disappear? Why is it so hard to find things I started but did not finish reading (unless I had the chance to interact with it in some way, meaning it would show in my activity)? Am I the only person who finds these behaviors so frustrating? Every time there’s an update, I hope they have finally fixed these issues, but so far no luck.
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  • Biased left-wing propaganda echo chamber & unusable website.

    This app makes the website totally unusable. You are forced to download it, even if you do have an account and are logged in on the website, because there are pop ups that you cannot close that will only allow you to close the tab or download the app.

    I suppose it’s for the best anyway, this entire platform is a giant echo chamber/hugbox built for the #resistance conspiracy cat ladies and “Russian collusion” fan fiction writers of the world, who will fiercely downvote your post to oblivion lest you contribute anything resembling factual, cited information and burst their self-congratulatory bubble.

    If you are looking for a place to have your questions answered by self-appointed “experts” and other such dregs of the bottom 1/5th of the IQ range, where the idea of quality contributions are the same copy-pasted generic prattle or pseudo-intellectual bombastic answers from respondents attempting to appear like wisened, respected academics and *not* the unimpressive, 45+ year-old part-time retail managers living in their parents’ homes posing as “experts”, this is the place for you! If not, avoid at all costs.
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  • Forced to be here

    While I prefer reddit and the app (Apollo), I tend to google things and stumble on Quora once in a while. The mobile site is great. However I wanted to expand a comment and was forced to download the app to read the last two sentences. I would only use this app once or twice a month and hate taking up space just to read a comment. As with Yelp and Pinterest this forced app integration is annoying. I google something click a link read it and move on. Instead I google something click Quora, read half, force to download app, sign in, go back to google, click link , open in Quora, finish , delete app. Something that should have been so simple turned out to be painful and complicated and *80% of the time I just go to another source. I choose to use reddit browser or app I’m not forced to. The app itself is not bad. It’s just the premise behind it!
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