Quora User Reviews

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  • Quora review

    I like quora ok but your website does not allow for free expression of thought or debate bc your website is too concerned with someone being too offended. When a person goes into the real world and have been sheltered from offensive things, how will he or she deal with job rejection, criticism from employers, people on the street telling an offensive joke, or someone getting mad at him or her and yelling with no holding back. They will need more help psychologically bc it will be a complete mental rush and may lead to depression and other things. If a woman asks “I am a single mother and cannot secure a good relationship outside of the bedroom, what’s going on?” And I answer honestly, your moderators will flag it bc it’s too offensive and this response has no name calling and just spills facts on the table. So how can someone get a real opinion if it is sugar coated to hell. My supervisors or bosses are blunt and while it may hurt feelings when being criticized to some, I find that blunt nature of my superiors to be great bc it helps learn boundaries and keeps people doing great things and creating an amazing product. Stop worrying about being offended and people will have better responses and while arguments may end up with name calling, who cares, sticks and stones.
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  • Tried to force me to download the unnecessary app

    I stopped using the site because Quora puts up unclosable pop-ups when you DONT have the app. I downloaded it and there is nothing it can do wouldn’t be doable if they hadn’t played around with the mobile version of the site to make it less functional, AND it was slower, so I deleted it. Then I would spark up the site and get halfway through a question or reading a response and the unclosable pop up. I would exit, and it would be frustrating to find where I was. Trying to engineer my behavior in such an underhanded fashion has led me to stop using the site on my phone and my PC. I make sure to open Reddit and a few other similar sites a few times a day to get the stats up on their competitors.

    In making the switch, I found that Quora is much more likely to butt-in in questions and comments to engineer the conversations in such a way as to suppress free thought and any sort of disagreement that goes against the biased views of the Quora team. I really like how with reddit I don’t get notifications from Quora’s algorithm asking me to read and answer all the troll questions (there are a LOT of trolls on this site).

    If you are into that sort of thing, Quora is for you! Not me - I would rather actually get to see the well thought-out and politely worded disagreements with my views remain unmoderated.
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  • Ask a question feature doesn’t work properly

    When I try to submit a question as part of the Partner program, the flow keeps getting stuck. After I select the people to request answers from, it takes me back to the page where I select the topics. It keeps going on in a loop where I’m not sure if the question is submitted yet. But when I try to submit the question again on the mobile website, it seems like my question was already posted. Very confusing!

    I also don’t like how it’s unclear on the mobile web or app where to explain my question in more detail. The part below the question field only suggests putting a link there. Once I start writing a question, the list of similar questions blocks the field to submit an explanation on mobile web and mobile app.

    It’s unclear how to earn any substantial amount of money from participating in the Partner Program. Each question posted seems to only generate a few cents or nothing at all. Quora also doesn’t proactively educate partners on how to increase earnings or how to receive payments.
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  • Power sucker

    The developers really need to work on optimizing this app for power efficiency. It consumes way too much power to keep it running, even in the background (iPhone 6) You can actually watch the battery percentage drop while typing. And, needless to say, my phone gets very hot while using it. I have to quit the app, if I want to preserve battery power for the rest of the day. This is bad programming and not acceptable for an app that just views text and facilitates the editing of text.

    The other issue is the inability to highlight specific text while editing your post. The app will either scroll all the way up or all the way down. Extremely frustrating and ridiculous. This issue has been going on long enough and makes one wonder if Quora developers actually use the app in the real world.
    This wouldn’t be so bad if one could enter and format text in another app, perhaps adding style tags, then copy and paste the text within the Quora app and expect it to retain the formatting.
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  • Forced to install the app to delete my account

    I have had an account on Quora for years. I responded to a post and was flagged because the a moderator didn’t like my name, even thought it’s been the same on there for years. So, I tried to delete my account, but was forced to install the app to do it. Then, it wanted the password I used when I signed up, but I used Google sign-in, so I didn’t have one. It said I needed to create a password and sent me a link. When I got the link, it said it was expired and sent me back to the app. I tried to request it again, but was then notified that I already requested a password reset and wasn’t allowed another one. I had to log in again via Google sign-in to deactivate my account. Only after that was I allowed to request account deletion. Also, I received 502 site errors repeatedly during this whole cumbersome process. I already wasn’t using the app, because I found the features buggy and lacking. Then I’m forced to install it again to leave? Ridiculous. Keep the account. If you don’t like my name, you don’t need me in your community. Period.
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  • Violation of privacy

    I despise monopolised requirements to provide personally identifiable information for the sake of than selling that info to affiliates of the company thus pushing the consumer to buy something they are not interested in and making the company money. The sad part is the company denies this justified malicious business practice and smothers it with legalese and candied phrases connivingly scripting the companies representatives to ignorantly state things like ‘We do not sale identity information’ but refuse to admit that they do sale public information about you; like you name, address, phone number and your family and friends that you have an affiliation with. This ‘public information’ is stolen from your profiles of your social networks like - in this case - google or Facebook, that they force you to register with to ‘access all features and provide the best possible experience’. I say monopolised because a significant number of articles are exclusively linked to this platform meaning that it’s not very productive to remove this platform if you want to stay in touch. You can’t hide these facts from me I can translate the legalese, from you terms and conditions, into laymen’s terms.
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  • Loving Quora

    Wow, just discovered it a few weeks ago and already it proves too much of a distraction! It’s given me many occasions to reflect on an issue that I know is important but maybe don’t know very much about -I have a particular blind spot re: Latin America - or it’s something I have studied but perhaps haven’t thought about in a while and thus am forced to collect my thoughts before answering. I’ve made some surprising discoveries doing that! It sometime shows me how or how much my views might have changed - strengthened in cases, weakened in others. I’ve had some very rewarding exchanges with people here. Happy to report something I wrote was apparently funny enough to make a stranger on the other side of the world pee her pants! I’ve also come across, unfortunately some disturbing questions or comments - most of which just show how deeply polarized a society can be. And then there have been a few intentionally provocative (in an ugly way) statements that I did not restrain pen or tongue long enough prevent me from replying with an uncivil post — a few of which have been deleted by the admins, appropriately in my view.
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  • Love Quora, don’t like being forced to the app

    The app is great and works great for me. However, when I click an email from Quora to read more, it opens in safari and my feed proceeds there. Lately, not long after I start reading, I get a permanent message window, blocking the rest of the answer, telling me to download the app and preventing me from seeing the rest of the comments I am trying to read. There is no way to clear out of it. When I click to go to the app, it goes to the App Store first. By the time I get to the app, it is not on that question anymore and I don’t get to finish reading what I had started. I need to figure out how to have the email open in the app or there needs to be a way to click out of it or if I click to go to the app, it should continue where I was so I can finish the question I was reading. I couldn’t find a way in the app to leave feedback about this so I left a review here instead.
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  • This app ruins the Quora experience.

    As much as I enjoy Quora I’ve come to despise the app. It ruins my ability to access Quora content via the website or email by blocking website content and misdirecting requests to ‘read more’ from an email.
    Before I had the app I would get directed to the website from a daily email I would get. Right around the time I’m in the middle of a good answer, a pop up appears on my screen recommending that I download the app. The problem is that there’s no way to close the pop up. You either close the page before finishing the answer or download the app. Useless.
    Finally I had enough and downloaded the app. Now my emails open the app when I want to ‘read more’ of an answer. Unfortunately the app doesn’t take me directly to the answer I was interested in. It takes me to a feed with different questions. So I give up on the email question that brought me to the app in the first place and start browsing the feed and reading an answer to a new question. Right around the time I’m in the middle of that answer, the screen switches to the answer from the question in the email. Useless. After finishing the email answer, it doesn’t take me back to the question that it interrupted me from, instead it takes me back to my feed and that question is nowhere in sight. Useless.
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  • Good Premise Horrible Execution

    Two very big issues have lead me to delete my account as well as the app itself. First is their arbitrary and seemingly biased enforcement of their, “Be nice,” policy. What my experience has been is when your views favor a conservative or really anything that isn’t fitting with a liberal, politically correct point of view, it will be flagged then deleted. Of course it doesn’t matter that you haven’t sworn or attacked someone personally. It also doesn’t matter what was written that you were responding to. Their attacks are perfectly ok. Whoever it is that’s making these decisions are completely biased. They are the ones who decide if your tone or whatever it is they find offensive is a violation of this ridiculous policy.
    Secondly the app itself as well as the interface is terrible. It’s not user friendly, confusing and makes looking at or for the very content you were just given a notification for difficult. The concept is great and hopefully another developer creates a better and fairer program that actually allows free speech. I believe it’s because of these issues Quora hasn’t become a big success.
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