Google News User Reviews

Google News
Google News
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  • Avoid at All Costs

    Google stands astride our planet like a colossus, raking in billions of dollars per second, tracking each mouse click of every man, woman and child on the internet. So how is it they make an app that’s as lousy as this one is? First off, it’s a battery-killer. Don’t open Google News if you’re not near an electrical outlet or you’ll quickly be out of juice. Once it is open, expect the stories you click on to load very slowly. That’s if they load at all. There’s a one in three chance that the page won’t load and you’ll see that stupid Google ice cream cone that says this app won’t work because it’s lousy. Maybe it’ll wait until you’re halfway through the story when the app freezes, the page locks, and then gives up and decides not to work. You could copy the link and read the story in Chrome but, if you do that and come back to News, the app resets itself. That means that, if you were looking at the “For You” section, all those News stories you were looking at will be gone, so if there was something you’re interested in that you haven’t read yet, you’re out of luck. Those are just the major ways this app is lousy. There’s plenty of small things that it messes up, too. Google should be ashamed that, not only do they put out a stunningly awful app, they’ve done nothing to fix it for years now.
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  • Rare fail for Google

    Google news app is a rare fail for google: uses way too much screen space you have to scroll endlessly. The stories are in random order: here’s a political story, here’s a human interest story, here’s a celebrity gossip story here’s a story about Trump here’s a story about food. Etcetera. Attempting to scroll frequently results in leaving the story altogether. It’s not possible to go back to the story: You have to scroll endlessly to find it again. The for you section has one of the worst story picking algorithms I’ve ever seen: If it feeds me one more celebrity gossip story I’m going to scream. Marking ‘show me fewer stories like this’ seems to have no effect whatsoever. Nor can one search effectively to find the story one just swiped out of while attempting to scroll. GOOGLE: FIX THIS APP!

    Update in 2023: there are so many pay walls and popovers and dead links on this app that it’s becoming almost not worth using. When I remember how this app used to be It’s really quite astounding how bad it’s become. And yet I still use it every day. I don’t know maybe this year I’ll finally get rid of it.
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  • Use to be great. No longer the case for Canadian news.

    Google now pushes foreign news articles in Canada because they do not want to pay for the news they push.
  • Shame on google

    Shame on google for trying to scare Canadians into cancelling the online news act. American tech should not have a say in what news Canadians have access to. Permanently deleted from my list of news apps!
  • Bad decision to remove Canadian news

    This all will soon be useless in Canada due to googles decision to remove all Canadian news content.
  • Boooo

    At least 1/3 of the articles I try to open results in a blank screen, uninstalling
  • Too many ads

    Recommends good articles that I’d like to read but clicking on any of them is a nightmare with huge ads and auto playing videos. Can’t use any longer.
  • Mostly unrelated to what I’m Looking for

    The app allows you to follow different sources but then will not populate your news feed with stories from the sources you followed. Instead it just shows you random stories from sources you have expressed no interest in and if you do want to see stories from your sources, you will have to go to each source individually to see what they have posted. Overall it makes the app very inconvenient to use and leaves you with a bunch of news you don’t actually care about. Wouldn’t recommend to anyone who is particular about where they get there news from.
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  • It doesn’t remember where I left off

    I would like the app to remember where I had reached in the news feed.

    Maybe refresh from the top each day?

    Every time I open it, the news starts at the top again.
  • Frustrating and Full of Glitches

    I give Google News App two stars because the layout is workable and the algorithm better selects articles which interest me than does Apple News. But the good news ends there.

    The app will not launch articles in their related apps (such as NYTimes or Washington Post), nor will it communicate with Apple Keychain. Makes it a PITA to read such articles, so I don't. Instead I close the Google App. Also, on articles from sources which will open, the header won't remain visible allowing user to close the article and return to the main page.

    These are just examples of the countless frustrations and glitches. if the good elements of both this App and Apple News were combined the result would be a really great news service. As it is the apps are as miserable as the news itself.
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