Google News User Reviews

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  • Love I can curate but why is it all jumpy?

    One of the best news apps as you eventually can get it tuned in to “exactly” what you want to see.
    But the jump “up” after a while, as it adds additional articles to your feed, after reading something, is very annoying. I have to prevent my thumb from scrolling up, while I wait for the “jump” / insert of another article on a topic I just read. Sooner or later I forget and I touch the screen and the “jump” takes me all the way back to the top of my feed again, where I then to curse and have to flip/ scroll past ALL the stuff I already read
    Hoping one day this will be fixed.
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  • Recent versions are buggy and crash often.

    By "crashes often" I mean it displays the ice cream cone frequently. Returning to the feed page and clicking the same article loads fine. Super annoying bugs: click on an article, the the back icon to return to the news feed and the app dumps you 26 -92 articles prior to the one you just read so you have to scroll down past those articles to return to where you were in the news feed. Autoplay videos: the setting to disable Autoplay does not appear to do anything as videos still play. Once I have read an article, I don't need to see it again in the news feed. If I down vote an article that is part of a collection, why do I have to down vote every other article in that collection to make them go away?
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  • Buggy tech and clumsy algorithm

    Really buggy and slow on iPhone 7. 20% of pages just display blank white page (requiring me to open them in Chrome). Scrolling down gets progressively slower and frustrating. Just seems to be a bit cranky behind the scenes.

    In terms of the news algorithm, it’s a story of two halves, literally. You broadly get the news you want for about 50 articles, then it goes into “football mode”, filling every other story with football. I hate football and have selected every option I can find to remove the suggestions, so I assume the algorithm is just clumsy and assumes “men like football”. Just crass.

    I use this in conjunction with Apple News and broadly get what I need.
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  • Great app - No notification sounds

    I like the app overall. Only issue is that there is no sound for notifications. There is no sound toggle in the app itself but even when turned on i the Apple settings there are none. It’s been like this as long as I can remember. Would be nice to have the option there.
  • Good news source but terrible app

    Google news in general is a great service, aggregating various new sources into one platform so you can dig into topics and see various points of view.

    That being said, this app is garbage lately. When you click into a story and then back to the feed you almost always lose the place you were in the feed when clicking on the story when the app reverts you to being at the top of the feed for the specific section you’re reading. A real pain for anyone trying to get a easy digest of top stories.

    Even more concerning is that lately when using the app my phone loses connection to my WiFi for about a minute. Only happens when I use google news. Very strange. Even Speedtest can’t find my network for 1-2 mins when this happens.
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  • Slow and buggy, getting worse with every release, on an iPad Pro

    This used to be a great app, but it's gotten slow and buggy with the last few releases. Getting worse every time, to the point where I can't use it anymore. A shame, because it used to be the way I consumed news.
  • Could be much better - keeps crashing

    This app is just constantly crashing on me. I open news stories and they don’t load, or it says unable to load and the app just crashes. A lot of the time it’s halfway through read a story that it does this.

    I’m not sure what the algorithm is but it also has a habit of showing me random stories from local newspapers that are the opposite end of the country to me and of a low level topic that I’ve not shown any interest in.

    Finally, 50-60% of the stories I do want to read end up being on sites that I have to subscribe to or pay to read, which means all I can ever see is the headline!

    Short story is that if you want a rough idea of what’s going on and some basic headlines then it’s fine, but if you want to read anything more in depth then look elsewhere.
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  • Google news is fairly good

    The Google news app for the iPhone is fairly good and the news articles are well curated. I am a blind user and have to use voice software to navigate the app.

    The app is fairly well coded for blind users and the tabs across the top make it easy to find different categories of news for example world or UK. sometimes when clicking on a news article in order to read it, my voice software sometimes fails to read it properly. occasionally my iPhone hangs when I scroll through a news article to avoid the adverts.

    This is a little bit annoying but otherwise the app is generally very good.
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  • Darn good news service

    This is my daily read, it continuously learns and gets better at picking relevant news that one cares about. I monitor several overseas news sources such as Aljazeera and really appreciate that they are available. A couple of improvements would make it even better. One would be to remove annoying news sites that require subscriptions even though they are not marked as such. NPR, San Jose Mercury, Santa Cruz Sentinel are examples. The other is to remove the irrelevant or not credible news sites that usually have a very small print and barely legible unrecognizable logos and present regurgitated clickbait news, several examples of this are in the physics and science categories.
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  • Once brilliant now unusable due to bugs

    Google is really clever at knowing what I want to read. A nice mix of global, national and local news along with specialist stuff I'm interested in. No other app can match it for that. But when I'm scrolling and go in to an article, sometimes, more often once I've scrolled pretty far down my feed, it will just take me back to the top and I have to scroll all the way down to find my place. Or it will randomly refresh all the articles so my feed has changed before I get to see all the current articles. Like most Google properties these days apart from search, it's gone from good to bad and I need to find a replacement.
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