Twitch User Reviews

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  • Mobile finally doing well

    I love the streamers I watch on twitch. I’m going to watch them regardless of my experience, but the experience can definitely cause frustration when it’s not working. There’s been a lot of headaches (annoyances) over the years on the mobile app and each update that would bring features also seemed to bring some annoying bugs. I say this as someone who will use this app most of my waking hours. Even at work or on a commute I’ll have it running but be listening in only. I’ve realized that the annoyances I’ve been having have significantly improved. I no longer feel like Im missing out by not watching from my PC. Picture on picture mode was a huge improvement. Im not stuck having to stop listening/watching when i need to multitask. Low latency mode brought to mobile no longer makes me feel behind the community in the chat. Ability to do sound only mode is excellent for lower connection areas (perfect while I’m driving!) and even when bugs come with new updates twitch is actually making some quick fixes now. I’m impressed. For years it felt like the app was an afterthought. They’ve turned a new leaf everyone!
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  • This Probably won’t be seen.

    But the advertising is becoming a big issue. Not only there is far too much advertising especially the annoying ones GOD plz atleast choose advertising that is worthwhile to watch. But the advertisements have gotten so troublesome that it is literally causing saved streams to restart from 0:00:00 every time. This advertising has gotten so ridiculous that its about time for someone to revolutionize the way advertisements are handled. So it won’t be as annoying and disruptive as it currently is. I for one appreciate advertisements in the middle of shows, its the same as watching tv. But when it gets this disruptive, this annoying, this detrimental to an actual feature of your product it begs you to question why don’t anyone want to figure out a much better and more consumer-efficient way to show there advertisements. But you know what you wanna keep being this careless with this advertising fine I got plenty other things to watch!
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  • Some kinks but otherwise good

    There’s quite a few things that could be implemented that the mobile version doesn’t have yet, but desktop does. I did notice that there is no longer a pop-out version for Twitch anymore and it’s frustrating that I can’t watch streams in a mini pop-up anymore while doing other tasks.

    Edit: after several updates the small media pop-out option is still broke and does not work. Twitch also has a glitch where they keep having your stream crash and restart a dozen times, sending a dozen notifs to your followers that can be quite annoying.
    Twitch studios software has also bee a huge reason for concern as the last several times I’ve streamed using it, it crashes the stream and then restarts it, as well as the layers I set will often times disappear and I need to reupload them. So I am removing yet another star till atleast some of these problems are fixed.
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  • Twitch mobile dashboard problem

    It’s been some time now (for about 2 plus weeks ) and I thought that within each update that you guys did, this issue would be resolved by now. The Twitch mobile dashboard has been having this problem where only two blank fields which are the category of the stream to set what game or just general category you’re going to be doing on stream and the other field which is the ad breaks section of how long you want to set it from as low as 30 seconds to the max which is 180 seconds. Hopefully, this probably gets resolved soon cause I use this feature frequently and been having to revert to creator dashboard on my laptop because I keep forgetting that certain fields on the mobile dashboard I can’t fill in.
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  • Bugs and excessive ads

    There is a recent bug that causes audio from a stream to keep playing even after it is closed, which results in multiple instances of audio playing at once, forcing a restart of the app.

    Also, why did they remove the button to put the stream picture-in-picture mode so you can watch it outside of the app? For a little while, it would automatically put you in picture-in-picture mode when you would minimize the stream. But now, the picture-in-picture stream doesn't stay open anymore when you close the app. For some reason, you can get the stream playing when you close the app, but only if you swipe up very, very precisely with some arbitrary momentum (I'm on an iphone with no home button)

    And the ads... man... they are getting ridiculous. Instant 30 second ad after switching streams makes switching to another stream to see another perspective of something happening impossible. And the blocks of 5-7 ads that are all 15-30 seconds long are appearing much more frequently on streams as well. At least get some good ads if you plan on shoving them in everyone's faces. Don't you guys already make enough money from subscribers and turbo?
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  • Optimization

    Edit: Even viewing the subscribed channel has been dreadful. With audio bug, video bug, random error msgs that force quit stream, after that, loading signs that takes forever. What a performance by the biggest streaming service.

    I go on twitch mainly to watch live streaming service and connecting with the gaming community. The current layout makes it impossible to enjoy what twitch offers. On full screen, chat taking half of the screen is okay, but the other buttons such as follow, subscribe buttons and streamer descriptions taking the other screen is just too much, especially when i have already subscribed or followed the streamer. When i open the chat the actual gameplay takes less than 20% of the full screen. As twitch updates its mobile applications it makes me not want to use the app. It becomes more and more inconvenient to users. Also please let users decide what they want to do when the ad is playing. I’m watching the stream at 460p trying to save data and this 5min ad comes out in 1060p. No way to change it. Maybe ill try to subscribe when the ad is playing or follow the streamer but it is not available. These buttons and descriptions that are annoying when people are actually watching the stream will be useful when people are watching the ad.
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  • User interface is TRASH

    The controls are atrocious to use. Can’t fast forward or backward without having to click the screen once where the busy user interface pops up, which serves absolutely no purpose. I already am following the streamer so why is this blocking half my screen as if I didn’t already who this guy I’m following was? Same thing when you pause the video in fullscreen. I pause it because there are things I want to look at but guess what? I can’t because this this thing is obstructing half my screen again. Can’t click it away like you do when it’s not in full screen. Are people who designed this stupid? Also for live, video and clip, only video does NOT have the sort filter out of the three. WHY? You have it on the web version. Why not on the app? The design is all over the place and inconsistent. The only good thing is that it has been stable for me. But everything else is trash. The controls, UI. It’s a mess to navigate through and it’s unnecessarily convoluted. Please fix it or I’m deleting the app. The web version is much easier to use anyway.
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  • Design Problem fixed!

    UPDATE: the below problem was fixed! Thank you for making hype train stop taking up all the screen on mobile! Keeping the original review below to show that there was a problem but it was resolved. Obviously still not a perfect app, with problems such as implementation of DMCA rules, but at least the UI designers are trying, thanks :)

    Please fix this design problem. When I am watching a stream on mobile (iPhone XR) in horizontal mode with chat, if a Hype Train appears, it extends the chat to over half of the screen space. This makes watching the stream harder, as it becomes very small in comparison to the chat.

    Please don't force the Hype Train to make chat bigger, or give an option to remove seeing it entirely please! When I am watching my favorite streamers sometimes the Hype Train lasts several minutes and I have to decide whether to not see chat or not see the stream well. Other than that, great app/service.
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  • The app has been made unusable after a recent update

    While the app has always had problems with stability no matter when you look at it, as of recently it’s been extremely unstable. The slightest wrong move and you’ll freeze the video you’re watching. But not only that, if you close your app and then try to come back to the video and resume progress, your app immediately freezes every time! Another problem exists where if you switch from landscape to portrait, and back again, you’ll cause the dimensions of the video to be out of whack (basically shrinks the picture and puts it in the top left corner and leaves the rest of the space where your video should be blank) and when you try to get the original dimensions of your video back by switching between the two modes, lo and behold, the app freezes! It works as it’s supposed to for pretty much everything else, although i can think of a few minor nitpicks. Like when fast forwarding and rewinding through past broadcasts clears the chat each time instead of the chat simply being synced with the video. As I’m trying to test the app to find these minor issues, my app is now freezing no matter what video or stream i try to watch. It’s truly never been this unstable, but currently, the app is unusable garbage.
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  • Updated App Design, It’s a no for me dog

    I’m on twitch almost every night and it’s not a huge issue but the new update is slightly annoying/ inconvenient. First world problem but when I go onto twitch I like being able to see who of all the creators I follow are online so I can choose which channel to watch at that time. Now it’s just the top 2 view counts that take up my first view and the scrolling is not as streamlined as picking from a more compact list. Experience of the app itself is worse with the new design. Just my opinion tho so it doesn’t really matter. I mean who’s really reading these things anyway. I could prolly talk about anything on here like hey did you watch the new bachelorette last night. Me neither I was too busy scrolling 5 miles down my screen to see the creator I wanted to watch. Anyways, I digress, is that the right place for “digress”? Is digress to a side thought what digest is to food. Very similar sounding. Anyways, digress, have a good night everybody
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