cloudLibrary User Reviews

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  • This app needs serious improvements!!!

    I was forced by my library to switch from Overdrive to Cloud Library. It's just not the same or as good. I can't find as many books as I used to. The search results are awkward and take up too much space to scroll through efficiently. And if I look at a book and go back, it puts me back to the beginning of the list and then I have to scroll back through to see where I left off - very time consuming. The sleep timer does not work anymore - it used to but something happened (a bad upgrade perhaps?) and now it never works. With the old app (Overdrive), I could easily -- EASILY -- scroll back 30 minutes by touch because you scrolled through chapters. This app, that scroll is for the whole book so you scroll back a little by swipe and you've going way too far. Forget going to the chapters and finding where you were. So finding your spot again is a difficult, near-impossible, colossal waste of time, so much so that I often find myself buying audio books rather than listening to them on here, even if they're available -- for free, mind you. This app is so non-user friendly that I prefer to pay for books rather than get them for free. Read that sentence again.
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  • Mostly good!

    I like to listen to audiobooks on my iPhone. When our library switched from Overdrive, it took a little getting used to, but all is (mostly) good now. My biggest problem is downloading. Sometimes it will download quickly, but most times it starts to download, then pause. I have to keep tapping it to resume downloading. Sometimes I’ll think it’s downloaded, and will go for a walk listening, but as soon as I’m out of range of WiFi, I get the message, “ Streaming not allowed”. Right now I’ve been trying to download a book for 20 minutes. It just keeps pausing. Very annoying. However, I love the convenience of being able to check out books to read or listen to without the hassle of going to the library.
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  • No longer opens on iPad Pro

    Worked consistently well (occasional glitch that quickly quit being a glitch) until the last update. Now when I try to open the app, all I see is the app trying to open, the ‘C’ and the never-ending circle spinning, but never opening, the app. Have re-booted. Doesn’t open. How can I send you feedback? I loved this app until now. Now I’m depressed that I can’t open it. I forgot to write down the version number but it was updated a week ago and the version ended in ‘.18’.PLEASE get an update soon which would allow me to open the app!!! I want to be able to use this appagain, and soon. Then I would change my rating, which is technically a zero right now, and isn’t allowed on the rating scale. But if the app won’t open anymore...
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  • Will you please fix this app?!

    Updated after iPhone upgrade: I just did the upgrade on my iPhone 6 and app won’t even open. So sorry I upgraded as now I can’t listen to my checked out audio books. Please get your developers working on bug and performance fixes. This app is a disappointment!

    I mainly use the iPad version and am displeased and frustrated with it, especially the new UI. History does not work. The biggest frustration is that every time I stop reading at book mid chapter, when I reopen the app it goes back to the beginning of the chapter. I thought a work around would be to set a bookmark before I closed the app, but that doesn’t work because the bookmark takes me to the beginning of the chapter. Earlier versions of this app did not have this problem. You need to deploy an emergency bug fix release soon as you’ve made this an unusable tool for reading ebooks from my library and I’m sure they are paying lot of money for their ebook subscriptions.
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  • I hate this app. Not user-friendly, it’s user-hostile.

    I just started to read a borrowed library book in the app, but have paused my reading to come here and give it a one-star rating. I find the interface confusing, buggy, and (compared to the far superior Kindle app), also less attractive (though the difference is subtle). It took me a few tries to figure out how to simply highlight a passage, and another few tries to figure out how to delete the one I highlighted incorrectly. Once I did that and returned to the page, the “deleted” highlight was still there, until I closed and reopened the book. I have memberships with a few local libraries, and I ALWAYS look for the ones that work with the Kindle app, and only use CloudLibrary when I have no other option. It’s a frustrating program.

    8/7/19 update: The app is *slightly* less frustrating than it was when I wrote my original review in 2018. Some of the glitches I reported to their tech support over a year ago are still there (e.g., highlighting text is confusing, often difficult, and the interface for doing it is ugly and breaks conventions). It’s still far inferior to the Kindle app and I still will try to avoid library books which require using this app.
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  • Horrible after update

    I used to love cloud library, but after a recent update it no longer functions. Way to ruin a great app! It took me several tries to even find the list of ebooks from my local library and now the ebooks won’t download at all when, before this update, they downloaded easily. Also the new app deleted my user history including a carefully curated list of books I intended to read. The app supposedly has more features after the redesign (and it may have more features that I don’t use or care about) but the features I always used and loved now don’t work. The new app also offers many books that aren’t available at my library. It’s a frustrating waste of time to browse through books, see something that you like and then be presented only with the options to “save for later” (whatever that means!?!) or “suggest” (I don’t want to be the collection curator for my local library. That’s what I count on librarians for!) The interface is counter-intuitive and hard to use. What a horribly stupid update. Please restore the functionality of the previous version ASAP.
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  • SO Frustrating!

    I was so disappointed when our library chose this app to offer its members. It was not user friendly, was unwieldy and no where near as enjoyable read as Libby, the previously used app. But lately this app has gotten to be so awful it’s almost to the point of me giving up. 2 out of every 3 books I download ends with an “error in downloading” and I don’t even get the book I had been waitlisted for. Sometimes the pages won’t turn or they turn but return to the same page over and over. I’m trying to read a book now where every time I get to one particular page the app just shuts down. I’ve tried powering down and reopening and sometimes that helps, other times it makes no difference. I read 2-5 books a week so to not be able to use this app is highly frustrating.
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  • I’ve removed the Cloud Library app

    I’ve only tried to read two books on Cloud Library and gave up on both. I can see why it has a shorter wait list for downloading a title.

    The first book had problems with turning the pages. It would look like the page was turned, but it would still be the page I had just read. If I used the table of contents, I could jump to a new chapter, but on short order, if not immediately, that would lock up. I tried opening and closing the book, removing and downloading it again, but nothing worked.

    On the second book, I had much less trouble with freezing. It had a problem that is becoming increasingly common in various apps. A lot of different things are activated by tapping the screen, and it’s hard to predict what will happen. On the second book, when I swiped the page to turn it, as often as not, what happened is that the gray top and bottom menus appeared and cut off most of the page. I got so sick and tired of constantly having to get them out of the way, that I returned the book when I was about 20% finished. I removed the app. I’m going to get hard copy when my only other option is Cloud Library.
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  • Not impressed

    I am not impressed with the Cloud Library app. I have it up to date and on an up to date iPad. Sometimes it refuses to load. Sometimes it seems to forget I’m halfway through the book and sends me to page 1, so I have to hunt for where I left off. I can’t just pick up with a book I was reading on my iPad with my phone because it doesn’t seem to be able to translate locations.

    I uninstalled it and reinstalled however I continue to have issues, including new ones such as being able to see a book I have checked out listed in My Books, but not being able to open it, it taking 45-60 seconds for a book to open (gets stuck on the three bars loading symbol), and the latest - I tried to return a book and twice got an “unknown error” message.

    This is just so sad to have experienced six or seven distinct errors in a single app. The only reason I keep using it is because it’s the only way I can check out digital content from my library.
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  • Love it, but experiencing problems

    First I want to point out how much I LOVE the idea of this e-book library, it’s so so so great. However, the app has been glitching for me lately. I borrowed one book that I got quite invested in, but it would never remember the page I was on when I reopened the app even if I bookmarked it. I got tired of scrolling through literally hundreds of electronic pages to try to find where I was and I eventually gave up on finishing the book. Other books seem to be working better, but there have been a couple times where page turning didn’t work at all; it would show the animation, but remain on the same page. Fortunately, turning my phone off and back on has seemed to correct this issue so far. I have a new iPhone XS, so I’m not totally sure what the problem is. Again, I LOVE this app, and have used it for years now, but lately it’s not performing well at all. Pleeeease either fix or let me know that I’m just technologically illiterate! 😂
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