Yatzy Addict User Reviews

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  • Like it but....

    It takes seven button presses to start a game. That's annoying. I'm writing this review so you will stop asking me to write a review! I never use Game Center so I don't need reminders on that. I already have Farkle and it's annoying being told to try it Every. Time. I. Play. Yahtzee.

    The scoring could be improved by actually showing the points for multiple Yahtzees and showing the points earned for bonus on "the left side."

    It is interesting how the computer almost always gets what it's going for, even if that defies odds. Need a Full House? Only have one two chosen but gets another 2 and 3 of a kind on last roll, for example.

    I'm writing this in hopes of eliminating a pop up, but I am mostly repeating what many others have said, so it's obvious you don't care what the reviews say as you have not implemented any changes.
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  • Major Flaw

    This app could be great!! I love Yatzy, but every thing game or so, the scoring goes funky. Chatting with people during the game does in fact prove that what you are seeing on your screen is NOT what the other person is seeing on theirs! Because of this, most games are ended early by one of the players due to, what looks like, lack of effort! Durning a game last night, the gal I was playing said, "are you going to take this seriously? You're wasting my time!" To which I responded, "Girl, I have two Yatzy's and my score is over 300... Your score shows 83!! She replied, "My score is 298 and you are showing 51."
    Yeah.... You have MAJOR issues with scoring and syncing both players in the game!!! I'm going to look for another app... Sorry!
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  • Great game to pass time

    While I enjoy playing this game it doesn't have a few irritating factors like a lot of games where the computer clearly rolls an unreasonably high numbers of Yatzees and manages to almost always roll large straights, etc. I only play one person against the computer so I can't comment on the other options. I also hate being asked over and over to rate a game but hope now that I am it will "recognize" that I have and stop asking.
    Overall I enjoy it and would recommend it for passing time. Not a lot of hard-core strategy or thinking needed and probably most ages can play.
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  • Would be great if you could actually play

    Just downloaded the game a couple days ago. Yesterday I played the worldwide multiplayer levels and every single game at round four the other player would "take too long" so I automatically won. Which was awesome. The first few times. But for two straight days it's done it. Now it says "it's fixed" but you can't connect to the game at all. Says in the board at the cover of the game to reboot. So I did. Still doesn't work. Which is unfortunate because when it was working was a pretty great app.
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  • Quick yahtzee fix

    I’ve only played the single player option, but I love that it’s a really quick way to get a yahtzee fix. One game takes just a couple minutes! My only complaint is that your score card disappears as soon as the game is over. I’d love to look over my score card to assess where I could have done things differently. But it’s overall a great, simple app, and I appreciate the creator’s zeal for communication and improvement.
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  • Love it...however...

    I really enjoy this game, however, I read some of the other reviews and realized I wasn't the only one having this problem. When the game comes up it automatically asks you to rate it which up until now if ignored. Just recently it's been locking me out. I thought maybe something was wrong with my touch screen, but after reading some reviews, I'm thinking it's not my phone and this app. So when it allowed me to rate it I decided to do that to hopefully remedy to problem. We'll see.
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  • Addicted to Suh's games

    I'm impressed by how easy these apps are to use. All of my favorites are in this developers group of games. I like the graphics and how they enhance the games. There are glitches so I've heard, I haven't experienced any problems with Farkle, Yatzy, or Video Poker. If it's memory hogging graphics or cool little swirly wizbangs then go to another site. If you want a game that is streamlined, user friendly and without swirly wizbangs
    These are the game apps for you.
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  • Needs a little tweaking

    The biggest problem I have is that as soon as I bring this up the please rate box comes up and then locks up and won't let me hit anything. This is only the second time in 4 months it has let me hit a button to do anything. I rated without comment and then tried to open app and still asked me to rate game. The next time it asks to rate I will just delete, tired of trying to play and not being able to.
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  • Almost Great

    This app has all the makings of a great game and with small improvements, it will be. It's simple to roll, hold, and score. The mild sound effects enhance rather than distract. And it adheres to most of the standard rules. This makes it a great distraction while waiting to pay for groceries.

    Unfortunately, it goes wrong in several fun- reducing ways. First: unnecessary popups: the app doesn't require cellular data for single player nor Game Center for most functions, so remove those reminders. Further, don't insist that I review the app until I've played it a while, and even then, allow me to opt out.

    Second, allow me to go back to see my opponent's score; that might affect my play. Similarly, at the end, allow me to review all the board; the final score isn't that interesting out of context. I'm fairly certain some Yahtzee bonuses aren't awarded, but it's hard to tell without seeing the final scratchpad. Similarly, the main menu is too long — should take fewer gestures to restart a game.

    Finally, please include at least some stats; number of wins, average score should be easy enough, even if more interesting numbers might be possible.

    I like the app's simple UI and old fashioned colors, although I'd also welcome a remodeling.
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  • Perfect - except on small thing

    I love this game, I grew up playing it and was thrilled to find an app that allowed me to play. Your app is fast, user friendly, and enjoyable.
    I would like you to fix the problem with receiving a free gift every 4 hours, as your app advertises. I have not received a gift in over a month and I play daily. Either do not advertise the gifts or actually make them available.
    Thank you for listening and hopefully this problem is resolved promptly.
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