Reckless Racing 2 User Reviews

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  • Rc pro am flashback!

    Wow does this game remind me of the old NES game RC Pro Am! The graphics are great and the racing is really fun, but the music and the engine sounds could use a little improvement, but I'm not dropping a star because of this. Customizing your cars is awesome and I love how you can let the difficulty get harder automatically or you can make it whatever you want! I would like to see expansions where maybe a online auction for other cars or parts. Maybe an expansion pack that lets you buy a few different tracks. I love this game and can't wait to finish this so I can continue to race!
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  • Good could be Better

    Like the title says, good but could have been better. For 5$ I thought it would've had a little more depth than this. I just finished it and I've only had it for 2 days. Graphics and physics are the same as the first game. I Would have liked to see maybe some different camera angle options in this one. Body damage from collisions would have been cool too. The only thing that's really different in this one from the first is you race for money to modify the cars and i'll tell ya, they really could have done more with that.. If this game was .99$ Yea I'd buy it all day long, but 5$ really..? Save your money. If I knew then what I know now I would be 5$ richer..
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  • Last update deleted hours and hours of played game time

    I played this game quite a bit. Its fun, until they rushed out an unimportant update. Would have been a 4 star game, but the most recent update deleted all my progress (I had pretty much finished the whole game). Just plain sloppy dev work, especially when the update was so minor. Just a little bit of QA and testing goes a long way. Then they updated gain fixing the issue from happening to anyone that hasnt allready updated. When I went into the game I got a message saying sorry and they will send in game money soon. But will it be enough to buy every upgrade that I had on all those cars? Will it unlock the races I unlocked? When the heck will I get the money so Im not tooling around in the starter car and can actually race?
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  • Great game, almost awesome.

    Graphics, 5 stars
    Customization, 5 stars
    Real driving physics, 3 stars
    Sounds, & music, 3 stars
    Content, 3 stars
    Gameplay, 5 stars

    It's a great game that is almost awesome.
    It needs character. Trophies, and conversation that make you want to care about the game play. All this game says is race. And then Your done. Thank you please come again... Or not. I don't know maybe add a cute girl, or guy you can hire to the garage to greet you when you tune up, and cheer you on when you win. A trophy car at the end, or something with substance like a sponsor decal paint job to show off, anything is better then nothing.
    The cars have one speed, fast. There did not seem to be any shifting of gears, and the tracks didn't really allow you to enjoy the experience in some cases. And in some they did.
    The controls are nice, I like all the options. However they did glitch out a couple times. Especially when other cars where involved.
    I can't say much for the music, I turned it off and used my own early on. Nice option to have.
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  • Pooh... Already uninstalled after last update...

    Seems to have lost some of the charm that the first one had. Where as in the first game sliding was kinda the point, in this one it REALLY kills your momentum; seems like straight-line speed and no swerving is how to win. This is kinda impossible though because the steering controls force your car to fishtail with almost any movement at speeds, and the sensitivity adjustment slider doesn't do much of anything. Although the car purchase/upgrade thing is visually neat, i don't like not being able to sell a car onced purchased. 5 dollars is too high, but i suppose we're paying for all the new visuals and cars and being able to upgrade. Again, doesn't have SOMETHING that the first one had. Was super excited after whole family LOVED the first edition, but wish i would have waited for a sale now.

    Lost all progress, all cars - everything!! Not worth going through all this again...
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  • Worth it - 6 thumbs up👍👍👍👍👍👍

    This game is basically you racing Micro Machines around a track made of bucketsful of good graphics. In other words, people died to bring you this awesome game and you owe it to their kin to buy it. That is to say if you've played any of the "reckless" series, this game owns your soul, already bought itself for you, and you're just becoming aware of this fact now. the people who wrote the 1 star reviews are the devs and they were only doing it as a favor to keep you from getting hooked on their game for life. They actually already have enough money, so they make games for the betterment of humanity, and they're trustworthy.
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  • Best Racing game on iOS

    I'm not a huge reviewer, but this game deserves to be reviewed. I've got many many iOS racers, both top down and first/third person racers and this one beats them all. Loads of fun to play the career. Adaptive difficulty is awesome. All the tracks are a lot of fun and doing the upgrades for the cars is fun. Physics are great!

    This game is much better than the first Reckless Racing. First looked good, but lacked depth. This one is great. If I had any complaint about this game it would only be that the career ends too soon. I wanted it to keep going. Even if it was more races on the same tracks.
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  • Much Better than the First

    I had the privilege of playing the first game and hands down this one is so much more in depth! Customize you're car by giving it new paints, secondary and primary colors, or Rims. Make you're car faster along with better handling. Even has spoilers and bumpers to add. With dozens of parts and a nice selection of cars, you can be a force to be reckoned with. The physics are the same as the first until you get a super fast car.... Then you're flying lol. At 6.99 this app is a steal! What are you waiting for?
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  • Disappointed

    After mastering the first game I was excited to get some new tracks and cars, but Reckless Racing 2 seems to be aiming for a simulation rather then "reckless" fun. The first game, was reckless, bumping cars, unrealistic drifting, fast acceleration and ridiculous vehicles, not to mention the hillbilly theme, together it was a addicting and fun game.

    Reckless Racing 2 at first seems quite overwhelming compared to the original where all you did was choose your car and your track and boom your racing. Reckless Racing 2 implements a career mode that is just to much to be reckless. The actual game play drags on like a turtle race as your car crawls to mere 15 mph and handles like a elephant in mud, the most fun element of the original which was the ridiculous drifting is totally gone. In addition, the jumps are few and far between, and there are no river crossing hurdles like in the original.

    I was greatly disappointed as I had to shell out 5$ for what I thought was going to be the same experience, but Reckless Racing 2 is anything but "reckless".
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  • Better than the original but...

    All is great with this game when it comes to graphics, car selection, customization, & etc, but my first gripe is the control. It's too arcadey and sensitive. The original seems more tolerable but even then I feel like I get hung up in a fishtail on all the straights. Albeit I used the wheel controls. Developers need to get a tip from the guys that did Mini Motor Racing. My other gripe is the price, but the game does have alot to offer and it makes it worth the dosh. It would have been nice to play with a lite version first. If any game has a lite version and is worth all the hype, people will pay for it.
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