Reckless Racing 2 User Reviews

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    I really enjoyed the first game, and I can say RR2 followed up very well. The additions keep the game more interesting than just racing the same car over and over again. I've heard some people complain of a "lag" for the steering. An explanation could be that the starting cars are too slow and have lower grade handling. Just wait a while and, I promise, the controls become more fluid. If you are still having trouble, the in-game options allow steering sensitivity. Also, people complain that the camera messes with their sense of direction. For example, when the car makes a u-turn, the controls seemingly reverse since the car is facing the opposite direction. One word: adapt. Use your imagination and pretend that you're actually in the car. Do something. Practice makes perfect; I know this gave me trouble in the first RR, but it is easily overcome with more playtime. One more thing, if you're new to racing games, please look at the type of track (e.g. dirt or street) to choose the type of car to buy for the cup. Don't race street cars on dirt tracks or vice versa. Finally, if you find yourself having difficulty passing a level, lower the difficulty. You can do this to bypass the track temporarily or just to beat the game easily I guess (but where's the fun in that!) If this helps at least one person, I can call it an accomplishment :)
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  • Hmm

    Well I don't know what they were trying to do with the physics on this racer but they failed miserably . What's worse is the AI cars don't seem to be hindered by the same wonky physics as you are. Hit the gas and slip and slide and get stuck on an object. Since there are no analogue controls you end up using the gas and brake to try to control your vehicle .

    With the horrid controls this doesn't even come close working and quickly becomes frustrating in the more challenging races . I don't want to turn the difficulty down because of goofy physics . The graphics and little details are really nice but the actual gameplay is just lame .

    Real racing 2 is still easily the best racer on ios . I actually enjoyed the first reckless better ,even though less 'realistic' at least it was fun . Not that # 2 is close to realistic by any means. No vehicle should lose traction that easy, especially when it's upgraded with better tires , shocks and struts, weight reduction and etc. Lol

    I'm really glad I waited to try it when it went on sale ;) I'm only out a buck at least .
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  • Amazing controls, graphics

    I'm astounded at how good the controls feel. The car feels like it has weight, unlike most arcade racers. I was able to sit down and compete instantly even with high difficulty and unfamiliar tracks. Drifting is great, takes practice and, most amazingly, they've done an excellent job at modeling (or faking, but who cares) terrain effects on your vehicle.

    The dynamic difficulty seems accurate, at least at first. As noted by the haters, though, it quickly becomes apparent that the "dynamic" nature appears to simply crank up the lead racer's skill to 100, makes the "second" a good challenge, and allows the rest of the AI pack to drift back into irrelevance. I'm not going to knock a star, though, because every arcade racer EVER uses the "rubber band" technique for AI skill. If anything, RR2 just kicks you in the trunk.

    There are lots of races per event and plenty of events but a prevalence of two-lap races combined with very short tracks means you can plow through the career mode in no time. There are lots of other modes and track variations, though, so you still end up with a lot of content for the asking price.

    Buy this game: it's tons of fun.
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  • Evolved fun

    This is the evolution in the right step for this iOS IP. The first game was fun and addictive. Throw in the southern theme and your have a racer with personality to boot. Some reviews say this isn't a true sequel because the southern theme is missing or what have you. Cars seem to have a bit of physics in play. I played the 1st Reckless Racing to see the difference. Cars in the 1st hug the road tighter where as in the 2nd they drift more. Graphics are improved a little as well. The career mode allows you to customize your ride as you climb up the ranks. Arcade mode is a great pick up and play mode. Online has a few issues with lag (opponents teleporting). Overall, great game. Don't hesitate to make this a purchase.
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  • Super polished...

    This game is brilliant. I dont often give out 5 star reviews but this one deserves it! The graphics, sound, and gameplay are all excellent!! I can't stress enough how fun it is to master each cars weight and the correct timing and speed you need to get around certain corners. Overall an excellent game that I would recommend to all of my friends even though the price is pretty steep.
    If your on the fence but like racing games with a pumping soundtrack and a chance to pimp out cars after getting cash won from events, then I can't recommend another game more than this one!!
    Buy it people .
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  • Not what I hoped for, but still a lot of fun.

    I loved the original game so much that not only do I have it on my iPad, but my Mac and BlackBerry PlayBook as well. The original game is a wonderful "pick up & play" arcade style with wonderful visuals.

    This sequel on the other hand is quite different. Annoying micro transactions included to further empty your wallet. The cars at default don't quite respond as quickly as you must upgrade to progress through the game.

    One minor tweak I did is increase the steering response to 70% for a bit faster response.

    I wish I could see some of the really flashy visual upgrades, but on the original iPad, the game performs decently but does get choppy with a lot of action on screen. The original never had this issue on any of my devices but really flies on OS X and the PlayBook.

    The game focuses more on upgrading your cars and has a limit per race or car so you're not lapping the competition. Overall, this is a well priced game and a decent sequel but does lose some of the charm in the process. If you're thinking of buying this game, give the first game a try before the sequel. You won't be disappointed.
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  • 5 Stars! Great Game

    You guys nailed it with this one. 6x better than the first one. Better graphics, Realistic tracks (not a drift festival anymore) tons of cars that you can modify, way way more tracks, this game should be one of the best games of the year. Only criticism would be the horrible techno music in the background. Get some rock n roll
    On there and your golden. I never write reviews but this one is worth it. $5 is a good price for a game that you know hard work went into. Multiplayer over 3G really sells it. Angry birds......pshhhhh.....please, I'll be playing Reckless 2 for hours and hours
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  • Stellar

    It is a rare occasion that I will take the time to actually rate a game, let alone write a review, but I think that this game actually warrants one. It is the first game that I've downloaded in over a year that I haven't regretted doing so shortly thereafter.

    I'll sum it up thusly: not since Dirt was known as Colin mcRae has there been a racing game that induces such a white knuckle grip, a sense of daring, and a primal desire to be first in every event. There's nothing quite like sliding around a corner with the rear end of your car hanging over a ravine, barrels flying, and an opponent barrelling down at your nose to put you on the edge of your seat...

    Even though the venues are used multiple times, they are designed In a way to where very seldomly do you race the same track layout, keeping the game fresh and engrossing, without bringing that repetitive feel that is so common to games of this genre.

    Finally, I'll close with this: the little details are where it counts. Racing along the course, you'll notice cameras on jibs, floating pig balloons on the side lines.... Persistent skid marks... Signage and fences and barrels and cones flying every which way as a car slams into them...

    Reckless racing 2 is a wonderful homage to the likes of pro am while adding its own brand of awesome...and with that, I'm going to go play it some more.

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  • About Reckless Racing 2 iPhone App Video Game for My Apple iPhone 4 32GB

    I just bought Reckless Racing 2 iPhone App Video Game for My Apple iPhone 4 32GB & I'm Enjoying Reckless Racing 2 iPhone App Video Game & it's a very Addictive & Very Amazing Game to Play on My Apple iPhone 4 32GB & Please Make Reckless Racing 2 for The Apple Mac Computer, I would Love to see it on The Apple Mac App Store Someday & I also have Reckless Racing 1 on My Apple Mac Computer that you guys made a while back, I love Car Racing Games keep up The Good work on Making Car Racing Game & also My Service is VerizonWireless from your Fan & Costumer Byron Koukaras. :)
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  • Great Game, an improvement in every single way

    This maybe the best bird's eye view racing game on the iOS market. I really like the original game and didn't believe a sequel that would live up to the fun factor, but I was wrong. This game has great variety in the tracks it offers and I love the gameplay improvements of the chase camera view, and career mode will keep you busy for hours. Don't believe a lot of these negative reviews because this is a great game worth every penny of the price. However that said I have yet to try the multiplayer at the time of writing this review only career.
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