Credit Sesame User Reviews

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  • James m Clark or clarky084

    Your actions mean well yet you need to be aware of illegal actions of the Consumer Protection laws. On denying my rights to negotiate a fair contract on a SUV loan at a fair price to a fair interest charge. The beginning of my negotiations on one Chevy dealer placed almost 10 hard inquiries on me before I refused. When I negotiated with another on a better deal they hit me almost 10 inquires taking my credit score from 757 in beginning to 622. I have all those denials in copy. There needs to be a different approach on their calculations on this illegal action under the federal consumer protection laws prohibiting me from a fair playing field on all purchasing negotiations. Of which is my right to have under the law. I am sending all papers and acknowledgments to the US Banking Committee as well as US Consumer Protection Committee Along with the USAtty office to help me and others against this unjust credit liability on us Americans. Clarky
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  • In need of accurate updates!

    I won’t lie, out of all of the credit tracking apps, Credit Sesame is probably the best one I’ve used so far. I love how they get you matched up for credit card offers, for those who are trying to build credit. I love the suggestions as to what you can do to raise your credit score. What I’m not too thrilled with is the inaccurate reporting. My score that shows on Credit Sesame is nowhere near what my actual score is. They try to push my actual current score off as a potential score after following certain steps. Then, they have the nerve to charge you either $1.99 for 3 days or $4.99 for 30 days to instantly update your credit for you. Of course looking to see if it would show my actual score, I tried the 30 day service. Wouldn’t you know, there were no changes. It sounds like the perfect way to scam a lot of people out of some money. Not only that, after obtaining the cards they suggested, they would turn around and suggest them to me all over again. It’s a good product, just needs more work.
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  • Sesame Says Me

    First off,
    Ever since I had gotten the Credit Sesame App. I find myself going into the app to see my credit score. This has given me a sense of peace and gratitude.
    I am 45 years old and have never had action on my my credit. Which kept my credit score at a low standard.
    I was married for 16 years. Everything was in my ex husbands name. He controlled everything, from finances to having only his name in our bills. I didn’t know anything better. I just thought that is how things were. Until we divorced. It’s been a tough road for me. But things are looking great for me.
    So with that said. I recently bought my first car. The greatest day in my life. Besides having my daughter.
    Ever since I bought my car and making my car payments on time. My credit score jumped up to 685 points! Amazing!
    Now having access to my score and the tools to keep increasing my score through the Credit Sesame. Has giving me comfort.
    I encourage all to get this app. You won’t be disappointed. This gives you the push to keep moving forward in a positive motion.
    Thank you Credit Sesame!
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  • Credit Sesame helped me,...a lot

    The suggestions I received on Credit Sesame helped me improve my credit score by about fifty points. I always felt it was important to maintain a good credit score but I didn’t know exactly what to do. I paid my bills on time and in full but I didn’t know that wasn’t enough. The suggestion about lowering my credit card balances dramatically improved my credit score.
    As a result I recently qualified for and purchased my own condo. I’m no longer a renter. I got a fixed rate mortgage at the lowest rate I’ve ever seen. Credit Sesame played a big part in my improved situation. Of course God was the ring master and the shot caller.
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  • Day One

    At one point I was with Credit Karma. Due to a lack of use I no longer had my login information. They made it impossible for me to retrieve access to my account without uploading personal information, which I was not comfortable with, and there appeared to be no human representatives to assist me. Therefore, I went with a suggestion to give Credit Sesame a try. Today is day one. The process of signing up was easy enough, and all of the information I no longer had access to, I now do. So far, I am quite pleased with my decision.

    Thank you,
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  • I don’t want another credit card - please go away!

    I signed up so I can see my credit score. Since then I’ve gotten tons of emails wanting me to sign up for credit cards. I don’t want any credit cards, I have plenty. My credit score is excellent, I’m retired and everything is paid for. Why would you want me to get more credit cards? Oh wait, you must make money based on how many people sign up for more credit cards. That trick may work with others but not me. You guys are nothing more than a drug dealer with your drug of choice being a credit card. The scary thing is, most of the sheeple you deal with are more then happy to go in dept. I’d give this app no stars if that was allowed. It would only be fitting for your company to go bankrupt.
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  • I love credit Sesame!!!

    Never heard of this app until my husband told me to download the app. I had credit karma before. But I have nothing but good things to say about this app. When I first started I was at the high 400 and this was back in January. Now I can honestly say it has really change my score. I have never been in the 700s and my score is at 734!!!! Follow the advice it tells you to do cuz if I would’ve never done it I would not be at where my score is at now. Oh and don’t fall back in those credit card habits either. Hope this helped.
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  • Not up to date with Experian Etc...

    I just received an update of my points went up on Experian , Yet CS said I went down 5 points? Obviously not doing up to date research? I do like this CS app just with it was more up to date . They keep sending me I am prequalified for two of the cards I already have had over a year!? All in all CS is what for me interested in watching out for my credit in more layman’s terms ! Not giving You a bad rating , just wish you were more up to date on us as individuals 😊
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  • Not bad, not great, Watch for snakes

    I signed up with Credit Sesame prior to suggesting it to a younger family member just starting a career. Here are my thoughts:

    Spams you to death. If you blindly follow the app you might end up with a bunch of less than ideal cards, and if you aren’t disciplined in their use you could wind up in credit hell.

    So, use the app as one of your information resources, but remember they are trying to sell you as many cards as they can, and the cards they want to sell you are the ones that make them the most money.

    I suggest new credit users/credit rebuilders get a secured card from a local bank or credit union.

    If you cannot afford to fund a secured card then you are the last person on earth who should want a credit card - it will ultimately make a difficult financial life into an unending nightmare. You must solve your income vs. outflow problem first. Credit cards do not solve problems, they compound them.

    Think of having a card like having a pet cobra - a cool thing to have, but if you let it out of the basket and it bites you, you are going to wish you hadn’t gotten it.

    Likewise, Credit Sesame is moderately helpful as long as you don’t let them sell you a bunch of Ill tempered vipers for your basket, er, wallet.

    Good luck.
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  • Slow Updates

    Credit Sesame is pretty accurate with information regarding open accounts and they provide great tips about credit card usage, etc. However, they take a longer than other credit reporting programs to update your current credit status. I recently open a credit card last month and Credit Sesame has yet to notice and update my report, however my other program already did. Other than that, I love Credit Sesame. I do think it is more accurate and provides better advice.
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