The Bible Memory App User Reviews

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  • Very effective!

    I have used this app since the beginning of 2022, and have noticed that I have been revising and reciting bible verses with confidence and accuracy. I recommend this app for anyone wanting to memorise the bible, as you do not have to spend money to get an effective service. However, spending that extra money will greatly further your ability to memorise, and I would recommend sacrificing a small amount of your money to upgrade. Thanks for creating such a great app!
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  • Poor Customer Support, NO NLT, expensive subscriptions.

    I cannot recommend. I tried to ask for customer support several times, but no one ever responded. This makes me wonder if they have any support at all! Good if you like KJV, but I do not speak Elizabethan English, with “thee” and “thou.” Me thinks you are out of date! Why is there no NLT version available in this app? Apparently, there is no ability to input or import text from another version! Why not? So, that you are stuck purchasing the versions they offer, which are all sold at a ridiculously high, premium price. This app is not for me. Let me know when you get NLT, and I will try it again.
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  • Memory Tactics Work!

    We memorize a lot of scriptures. Between me attending womens Bible study and we take on a verse a week, and all 8 of my kids in childrens ministry memorizing a verse or two each week, it’s hard to keep it all straight. This app has you systematically type the verse, then every other word, then the whole thing from memory. I was amazed at how easily I was remembering scriptures so quickly! You can also make flash cards, draw pictures, record yourself saying the verse or singing the verse, and make backgrounds on your phone.

    My kids have started using the app as well and have their own folders. I could add verses to their folders and track their progress in memorizing but I mostly just allow them to use it at their own discretion.

    I created a group for my womens Bible study and invited several of the women. We can track each other’s progress on our memory verses and remind each other it’s time to practice.

    I can also add my memory verses in French manually. All the features still work and I can work on memorizing in my second language as well. Very cool app
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  • It’s awesome

    It is sooo awesome! I can review verses with ease and it doesn’t demand that I do it on level 3!
  • This app is amazing

    I highly highly recommend this app. In fact, I tell all of the women I disciple to download it. You have the ability to change the settings to cap the max number of days between review (for example, you can set it to where you review verses you know every three days, which keeps them fresh on your mind). I never write reviews (or pay for apps), but this app has been instrumental in helping write scripture on my heart and reminding me of His Word. God is good. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (heb 13:8). He is with us. We are building the Holy Spirit’s vocabulary as we memorize His Word, and this practice will not return void. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that we are thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17). Thank you to the creators of this app for helping us to keep this Book of the Law always on our lips, meditating on it day and night so that we may be careful to do everything written in it (Joshua 1:8).
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  • Makes it easy to be consistent and make progress!

    The format and structure of this app is intuitive and has made all the difference between fits and spurts with little lasting memory, to now 4 months of steady progress where I am at 80+ verses of Bible memorization, with about 15 minutes each morning. Great app. Well worth the nominal price. Thank you.
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    I have been trying for years to memorize scriptures. I will memorize them and will quickly forget. It has been so frustrating. However, with this app, I love the review process. Now I understand why I would memorize scriptures in the past and would soon forget them. This app makes it easy for you to go back and review the Scriptures you have already memorized. I also love the voice recording. When I wake up through the night and can’t go back to sleep, now I can play my voice recordings and listen to the Scriptures until I fall back asleep. That helps when I go back to review
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  • Awesome app

    This really helps me know the word and pray it and speak it. Makes memorization fun!!
  • LOVE this app

    I’v always been keen on getting the word in me and have made several mini photo album books up with favourite verses- but kind of hit and miss to review them. My husband was using this app and I was just not crazy about idea of being on the phone -to do this! But I thought I’d try - well we are hooked and love this as it gets us intentionally reviewing our verses in a fun way - my sister is now loving it too. It was a bit of a learning curve at first - but is so life giving to have verses in our hearts to pray for others naturally or to quiet our hearts and give us peace... and I may be at a level way past my husband now - so kind of a fun competition ... but really we just both love how life giving it is getting the word of God in us! Thanks - we happily upgraded and got pro and the three of us are on it - room for one more friend! Update- continues to be a top life giving spiritual tool for me -ie When I have trouble sleeping I go over some of my verses in my head and meditate on them - the peace is real.
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  • Memorization app is fantastic!!

    I so appreciate this app. I love that I can go from one version to another and compare what God is sharing with us, and what resonates with me. It is a trust worthy app. I believe one can pay a few dollars and receive that first feature. It is so helpful in helping me memorize scripture. I can go over the verse reading it numerous times. I like that I touch the first letter of the word I am memorizing as I say it in my head & it advances to the next word. If I go on and it is incorrect word, it beeps. I can go back to this step and do it again if I don’t think I have it memorized. It has so many days & I can review. I also like I have it wherever I go with my phone.
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