WebSSH User Reviews

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  • Excellant software

    I travel a lot and needed a ssh tool to be able to connect to servers and be able to do all my work on command prompt. Downloaded pro version and has made my international travel using this tool to do all my support functions remotely on my iPhone. Product gets updates and keeps getting better. It’s solid and works seamlessly over my vpn connections. Great tool and invaluable for admins.
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    Developer Response

    Hello 🇺🇸 👋 So glad to hear that you use WebSSH with success when you are traveling 🙏 I really hope that you will continue to enjoy it in the upcoming releases I will push soon. I wish you a nice day ☀️
  • Excellant software

    I travel a lot and needed a ssh tool to be able to connect to servers and be able to do all my work on command prompt. Downloaded pro version and has made my international travel using this tool to do all my support functions remotely on my iPhone. Product gets updates and keeps getting better.

    It’s solid and works seamlessly over my vpn connections. Great tool and invaluable for admins.
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    Developer Response

    Hello 🇺🇸 👋 So glad to hear that you use WebSSH with success when you are traveling 🙏 I really hope that you will continue to enjoy it in the upcoming releases I will push soon. I wish you a nice day ☀️
  • Pretty good, but I have some suggestions:

    Pretty good, but I have some suggestions:
    1. It is suggested to add a keepalive option for SSH and SFTP.
    2. SFTP cannot upload multiple files at the same time, please consider adding support for this.
    3. For SSH, it is suggested to add a new mode for the arrow. For example, clicking on "..." could bring up a small keyboard, which will allow faster adjustments to up, down, left, and right (keyboard arrows).
    Thank you!
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    Developer Response

    Hello NCPSNetworks 🇺🇸 👋 Thank you so much for your great review about WebSSH 🙏 1. No problem I will add this option 2. I will do too 3. You can already display a pad HUD inside the WebSSH settings. Could you make it a try? Many thanks again! I wish you a nice day ☀️
  • Wonderful Termius Substitute!

    I used to love using termius between my phone and MacBook to manage some local home lab servers, but their subscription model update that restricts usage to one device turned me to find a suitable alternative, and that’s exactly what we have here!

    This app has everything I need to save a list of devices and manage them on rare occasions. It syncs between my devices flawlessly and I was more than happy to pay the one time fee to get an endless list of hosts. Absolutely worth it and I’m so happy that I came across this app!
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    Developer Response

    Hello 🇺🇸 👋 Woohoo you have made my day! So glad to hear that you chosen WebSSH as an alternative 🙏 And I hope that you will enjoy the upcoming releases as well. If you need any support, feel free to contact me at any time. Many thanks again! I wish you a nice day ☀️
  • Great So Far!

    This was the second iOS SSH app I installed, and it has been pleasantly clutter-free and fully-featured. No cloud account required, easy to use, and containing useful features like a d-pad above the virtual keyboard to quickly access arrow keys.

    I liked this app and its clean approach so much that I paid the for one-time purchase of the premium unlock. I don’t intend to use the premium features, the free version was more than enough for me, but I am so grateful for the complete lack of ads, subscriptions, and cloud account requirements that I wanted to support the developer. And encourage others to take similar approaches.

    I tried another SSH app first that had around 14x as many ratings, but I quickly found out that it required a cloud account to do anything in that app so I noped out of it immediately.

    Thank you to the developer for making a fully featured app that is devoid of all the garbage that has been taking over the free-app space for years!
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    Developer Response

    Hello Enyalius 🇺🇸 👋 Many thanks for your so nice review about my work 🙏 Yes you have made my day! I'm so grateful! I'm happy to hear that WebSSH fulfil your needs even on the FREE version and I would like to thank you for your purchase that will help me to continue it's development without any future subscription 😉 Many thanks Enyalius ☀️
  • nice tool !

    A small request: when connecting to a service, there is a slightly longer time before the failure prompt or command line window pops up after tip dialog closed. hoping to reduce this interval time, I always have the illusion that it has no subsequent response.

    Developer Response

    Hello Miss_Thee 🇺🇸 👋 You're right I need to improve this behavior. I'm opening an issue to track progress : https://github.com/isontheline/pro.webssh.net/issues/887 I hope you will enjoy the upcoming releases. Have a nice day ☀️
  • Finally something that works

    This is like 4th app I installed from the AppStore, but this one actually working!
  • The best SSH/SFTP client on iOS I’ve found so far!

    This app is super well designed and is really good for beginners and advanced users alike, my only gripe is I wish it hade an “OLED true darkmode” but other than that it’s an amazing app, I’m also on the TestFlight beta tester group and I’m super happy with the direction the app is going! The 5.99 was definitely worth it and I advise everyone to consider getting it even if just to support the development!
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    Developer Response

    Hello johnnyJEL 🇺🇸 👋 I would like to thank you a lot for your feedback and your strong support about WebSSH 🙏 I'm happy to hear that it fill your needs and hope that you will enjoy the upcoming releases. Thank you again! Have a nice day ☀️
  • WebSSH does everything I need cleanly

    Hardly ever write reviews for apps but I had a minute to spare after using WebSSH and it is a really excellent tool. Was using the free version for a long time and that was plenty good enough but I recently added another couple of hosts and paid to upgrade because of the quality of the product. I’ve used a lot of different clients over the last 20 years and this is up there.

    No junk, just a good quality, clean, modern SSH client, and terminal emulator.
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    Developer Response

    Hello 🇺🇸 👋 I would like to thank you so much for your nice review and your strong support about WebSSH 🙏 I'm so happy to hear that my app fulfill your needs and that you have bought it. Thank you again 👍 Have a nice day ☀️
  • Used for 10 years - 1st download on new phone

    I have used webssh since I first got my iPhone 4. Remote adminning, quick server checks, updates. After having my trusty 4 pried from my hands due to 3G going away, webssh was the first download from the web store. Keep up the good work devs. It just keeps getting better. By far the smartest interface for those who really use the command line!
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    Developer Response

    Hello drankinatty 🇺🇸 👋 Thank you a lot for using WebSSH since the beginning 🙏 I hope you will enjoy the upcoming releases. About bgcolor : do you refer to the terminal (with a default grey color) or the general UI (which depends on the system colors)? Have a nice day ☀️

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