AMC Theatres User Reviews

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  • Not user friendly

    Below is a full description of my experience but the short version is if you are going to force people to only buy tickets on-line then you need to be able support that with out creating absolute frustration.

    AMC drives you to use the their on-line portals but when I tried to buy tickets on-line it would not allow me move forward with my purchase after selecting seats. I tried using the help window that did not provide any useful information. I tried calling the theater and was put through a recorded message and then let the phone ring for and extended period of time before finally telling me to call back later and hanging up on me. This forced me to download the app to finish the purchase. I only went through this because this was the only theater that was showing this movie and this was for a family Christmas outing. I am perfectly fine with doing purchases on-line. I do not want to be forced to download another unwanted app to take up space on my phone to watch a movie. Especially when I have normally have so many more options. I will be deleting this app immediately and I will be doing my very best to not use your theater in the future.
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  • Best theater ever

    AMC theater what can I not say bad about this company. This company gives you one of the best experiences ever made if you compare any other theater like Harkins and fatcats you won’t get anything as good as AMC. AMC is going above and beyond for there customs starting with the one thing any movie theater doesn’t have. A movie subscription yes you heard me right a movie subscription for just $20 bucks a month you can see three free movies a week for one person with free large popcorn refills. So say if you see a movie twice in one week your subscription is already payed for. For just $9 a movie going twice in one week will already have payed for the subscription for full yes it’s $20 bucks a month to see three free movies a week. You guys better get this subscription now because your already missing out on something huge.
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  • Could be 5⭐️…

    As an AMC A-Lister, I use this app a lot. Everything about this app makes my theater going process easy. I can see everything playing at my local AMC, pick my seats, and order foods and snacks even before leaving the comfort of my own home. I also like the ease of being able to use my A-List privileges at at other AMC theaters in any State.

    What prevents this app from being a 5-star app, for me, is that it does not function with WiFi. I get an error message that says “Error connecting to AMC Theaters. Please check your internet settings and retry.” My internet settings are fine. Everything else works. I even get this error message when connected to the WiFi at AMC Theaters! I then have to turn off my iPhone’s wifi settings before using this app. Normally, this isn’t such a big deal. But, I depend on WiFi at home as my area’s cell service isn’t that great. Once I have WiFi switched off, I can use the app as intended, albeit slowly. Please fix this, developers 🙏🏻
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  • Another glitch with seat availability

    I had selected seats in the back row, 3 all the way to the left and then 2 seats towards the middle/right side. When someone is actively checking out, the seats they select appear as unavailable since they have already selected them and are checking out. I’ve tested this in the past when purchasing seats at the same time as friends/family while on the phone; where the seats they’ve selected are unavailable since they were checking out. Anyway I was about to complete the check out when an error message popped up claiming that the 5 seats that I was purchasing were unavailable despite obviously being available since I was able to select them. Then I went back to the seating chart and those EXACT 5 separate pairs of seats were showing up as unavailable. So I’m assuming that now those seats are going to be empty since it thinks someone purchased them when really it was just me since I already had them to purchase. So thanks to AMC those 5 seats in the back will be open but unavailable. Congratulations AMC, you played yourself once again. Have nice day.
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  • Dirty Theater

    We attended a movie last week. In all the years I have been coming here, I have never seen such a filthy movie theater. I had to move peoples used popcorn buckets & cups to sit in our assigned seats. After sitting I looked around. Idiots who leave their trash rather than putting it in cans outside the door was in other seats & on the floor. Please do not have all the correct messages regarding cleanliness after opening from Covid. I realize all businesses are short handed because people are making more sitting at home. My expectation would be to show less movies & space the time of those movies to allow staff & management to at the very least pick up trash. Have disinfecting wipes at each movie entrance so we can wipe down the armrest. The crowds are small anyway & if this continues Covid or no Covid who wants to sit in dirty theaters. In the past a crew came to clean after the credits & it is not optional to only clean at the end of the day. What if restaurants had signage stating their expanded cleaning strategies & only cleared dishes & wiped the table at closing? I see no difference in my last experience at AMC. We are going back but if we continue will depend on how comfortable we feel in your theater.
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  • Use the App, skip lines, and join the club

    I’m a teacher with 13 & 15 yr old boys; summer movies, especially on $5 Tuesdays, are a staple of our summer. While waiting in a super long concessions line, I read up on the perks of their Stubs club. It. Is. So. Worth it!! Pays for itself! So, with the App, I purchase everything (including choosing seats & buying popcorn) from home. We park, walk past the ticket line, the attendant scans my phone, we skip the concessions line while picking up pre-ordered / pre-paid popcorn, and head to our seats. Means that we can arrive 5 min before the showtime and still be good to go.

    The only thing I am surprised they haven’t fixed is that if you lose connection (or close the app) while trying to pay, it doesn’t release the seats you were trying to purchase the first time through.
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  • I wish someone would fix this app!

    Every time we open the app to make a reservation, the date goes back to January 1 or else it jumps to a different theater. We also have other various issues as we are a married couple linked by entourage… one is with reward certificates. One of us has 2 and the other has 5 and yet, they jump back and forth and show under each other’s account. This is the same for bonus bucks that AMC has given out and we are often blocked from making our 3 reservation for the week once we both have seen 2 movies ( as if the system thinks we have seen more than 2 each). We both have iPhones with current software and the AMC app is updated on both as well… the issues we experience make no sense at all and started once we linked our accounts via the entourage feature. Trying to contact support is not an option if you need immediate support and I am a caregiver to a hospice patient so, I can’t sit and wait with a phone in my hand long term… We enjoy AMC but, don’t enjoy your app. I wish someone would take the time to investigate these issues as I am tired of having to drive to the theater to purchase tickets when the app should work…
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    let me tell you, AMC hits all the feels. It’s a great spot to take your kids for some family fun. When those kids grow up they’ll take their high schools dates there. Then when THEY have children they’ll take their little families there. So go watch a movie. That being said what’s it not is, it is NOT a vessel for hedge fund meat heads to illegally manipulate its share price to the point where poor AMC would have to file chapter 11, Force 30,000+ people out of a job, in the middle of a pandemic.
    I refuse to let them blockbuster the best movie theater business on the entire planet. It will be like a Phoenix rising from the ashes mark my words - I won’t even sneak candy into the joint anymore. I’ll buy those goods at 700% give me one of each. I’m telling you right now, I’ll tell every girl I take there “nah you can’t share my drink, I’ll buy you your own medium.” I’ll head down to the arcade after the movie every night and throw pocket fulls of quarters in the air till the kids only wanna go to AMC for family vacation. I’ll switch my ENTIRE wardrobe to all AMC merch. Don’t mess with me Ken Griffin.
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  • AMC the experience

    Think about conversations that have yet to happened. The moments that took your breath away, made you shriek or just burst out loud with laughter. This can only be experienced with a bunch of strangers that for that moment share it as one, as humans yearn and can only be brought to you by movie theaters. These moments with friends, family and even first dates can only be experienced by theaters like AMC. Streaming at home is ok for shows and big worthy days. However for true human memories being experienced, like friends going out on the twin for a good laugh or scare, or parents out with their kids watching their kids stare at the big screen in awe as future heroes win their little hearts over, let us not forget those first dates from your teenage years to adulthood which will forever be engrained in our thoughts can only be brought to you by the movie going experience. Streaming is good and is here to stay it has become the new “norm” of watching TV, but For those moments that will last a lifetime. AMC
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  • Thank you for the invitation to review..

    Thank you for the invitation to speak about AMC. I believed then, as I do now, that AMC should be back stronger for everyone. I dreamed of watching movies on the big screen, especially for someone who is blind. AMC is a powerful provider of moving pictures, one that more than half of US households participate in. It all started in America by opening moving pictures to the mass public. I was born in America, a country with a system that was on the verge of collapse. At the age of five I went with my family to AMC in search of a better experience. I have benefited from all AMC has to offer and AMC’s mission to democratize moving pictures and has a very special significance for me. While others played games, i stopped to watch AMC in awe. Some people said the moon movies were out of reach. Others claimed it was not possible to get so much deep value from AMC.
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