Apple Podcasts User Reviews

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  • Updates are need for tiny things.

    The quality of the actual podcast are great. My issues are navigating through finding new, old, and recent podcasts without quite a bit of difficulty using my iPhone. I am able to browse with no issues, however if I find something I’m interested in, then select that podcast I’m having logistical issues with simply seeing the different episodes. I’m usually taken to the “about me (my words)” page and there’s no option to go to the episodes from there. If I’m listening to a podcast and have not selected pause, it vanishes and I have to search for it again. It’s not in the “Listen Now” list. It’s also hard to remove items from my library. I remove the podcast and the pop up again. These are minor inconveniences but when you have limited time you want to be listening to the podcast and not being inspector gadget meets mcguyver.
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  • Again with the play list!

    Every time this crap app makes a new version the playlist goes back to playing everything from a podcast, case and point: I’m listening to X podcast, I have selected for the app to only show me unplayed episodes, pressed play, still the playlist goes all the way to the beginning of the show! Now, sure the settings are to play newest first, but it is a news podcast, I have no used to listen to something that happened a year or more ago, sure, if I run out of podcasts, which is unobtainable at this point in 2023, as more podcasts pop up that their are hours in a lifetime, sure, I will check out what the people of this podcast had to say during January of 2021, but as it stands, I only want to listen to new episodes on the news! Not old ones. But no, I have an unending playlist of everything they have ever put out, even though I selected to play only unplayed episodes? Crap app. I’ve already listen to December, November, October, and so on, still, there they are on the list, waiting for me to rehash what has already been listen too. I download the episodes too, if I change to downloaded, the list is still the same.
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  • So many issues to choose from.

    Ok so I think my absolute favorite new feature is the one where it sometimes just completely deletes your “up next”, then as you go to rebuild it, shows from the old list start popping back in. Deleting these new entries will also delete other items in your list and you won’t even notice unless you were paying close attention. That’s my favorite, but I won’t bore you with a novel about how few things function in this app. How about you guys just roll it back about 5 versions to when everything worked? Then add your precious new ui on top of that. The saddest part is most of these issues are not simple to diagnose while driving and the average person is going to try to fix it while driving instead of pulling over to fix it. So you are literally endangering lives by pushing these updates out in unacceptable states.
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  • I hate the way they run ADD’s

    I am ready to delete apple pods cast, due to the Adds they constantly place. In fact the only positive thing, I can say about Apple Pod Cast is that they don’t listen in threw my phone or searches. The reason I know this, is these adds would never play.
    Due to my extreme distain for the constant add for this subject, I can’t stand listening to my pod casts. I would rather go clean the dog poo out of my yard. To make it clear, if my wife made me clean up after the dogs, instead of the kids, I would be finding a home for both our dogs in a day of it becoming my job.
    Every add I get, before and after each pod cast, is for football pod casts. I have never cared to watch or follow football, since I was a kid. Since the NFL allowed the game to become a political statement platform, I hate the game, and refuse to watch any part of it. (All sports are so you can forget politics and enjoy life and forget world problem).
    Please stop with the constant same pod cast Adds or figure out how to look at what your audience might actually be interested in.
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  • “Episode Unavailable”

    I’ve been using this app for 10+ years with various iphones. Initially it was great. Then a few years ago after an update it began saving all podcasts on my phone, using all my storage, and setting to “delete after playing” stopped working. I had to manually delete each podcast from my phone storage. This continued for at least a year before apple did anything to change it. Now, for the past 5 days or so, half my podcasts won’t play at all. Attempting to play results in “episode unavailable” errors. I did a factory reset on my phone, deleted and reinstalled the app 2x, rebooted Wi-Fi, turned off Wi-Fi completely and tried cellular data, and still, my top dozen fav podcasts refuse to play at all. I deleted all cookies/cache/downloaded episodes. Nothing works. Podcasts are the main thing I use my phone for, so I guess my iPhone is useless to me now. Maybe in a year apple will finally correct this issue, but they don’t seem focused on making great products anymore so I doubt it. I’ll probably switch to another player and skip the apple price tag when I purchase my next phone. Very disappointing.
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  • Ultra

    Rachael Maddow’s Ultra 8 Series Podcast was unbelievably amazing. As always she goes above and beyond to give the public information that we don’t even know is out there until she presents it to us. We are so lucky to have her. She has a mind that is incomparable. I have been following her since her “Air America” days. So I was elated when she came to MSNBC. I love her Monday night shows but I miss her desperately Tuesday—Friday. But I do understand that she wants to expand in other directions. Unfortunately, you replaced her with Alex Wagner which I do not like and never have. Therefore, I skip her show. If you ever decide to replace her with someone good—such as Mehdi Hasan, I would never miss that hour. Unfortunately, NBC/MSNBC keeps him and Ayman Mohyeldin under utilized. What a waste of supreme talent. If and when they leave you or are forced out, I too will leave MSNBC. Over the years you have gotten rid of some Top Notch Talent only to replace them with decent talent.
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  • Great Reseller Podcast

    Finally an entertaining reseller podcast!!! I’ve listened to a lot of reseller podcasts (A lot of them!) and they all sound exactly the same.

    Usually these reseller podcasts go like this, Here’s me telling you about all 20 packages that sold this week and I’m going to fill up this 30 minutes of the podcast by going over them one by one. (ZZZZZ- that’s me falling asleep half way through them.) In the last 5 minutes they get super excited and state here are the bolos for the week! What they don’t tell you they’re not really their bolo, but the same tired bolos that you’ve heard and seen a million times from other resellers like, Revere ware pans, don’t pass those up!

    Your podcast is unique, you never know where it’s going and you barely talk about reselling and bolos. It comes across more casual - like friends catching up and annoying each other. Keep up the good work.
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  • The Most Unfriendly User Interface

    I utilize this podcast medium only for certain podcasts I cannot get via the single best podcast medium available hands down and without a doubt … OVERCAST!! I wish their library was as large as this but to compare just how simple and easy to use OVERCAST is over Apple podcast, would be like scrolling the Bible.

    You guys are trying way too hard. I know your existence must be justified to earn a living but this podcast medium is so over thought and yet under-delivers in every way, shape and form. Exhausting itself over its indulgence of self-importance screaming nothing but “look what I can do…look what I can do…look what I can do!” - way to go Stewart.

    I give it two stars because I have to use it and I can be appreciative of that. But I am so tired of the convoluted navigational map that no matter what I want to do it’s always; off track, off my pending list and on and on with the back peddling trying to just get back to where I was just at. I don’t want a tutorial, I don’t want to spend hours learning how to hear a podcast your way. It should be as simple as “pick and play”.
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  • Therapy and Theology

    Thankful T&T has its “own” podcast so I can find quick and easy. I’ve been following along for awhile now -recovering and working through infidelity, forgiveness etc and these segments have been life changing. As a Christian, receiving the wisdom from a therapist, a theologian and a woman who has lived in and through betrayal has been life giving. Questions of forgiveness, staying, leaving, boundaries to further protect relationships are all touched upon. Having the psychology side of it and the Word to back it is so helpful during a time of so many questions. Knowing that a godly woman has walked this journey, felt the same things, thought the same things and questioned the same things reminds us to find our worth in the One Worthy during a time of low self-confidence, lack of joy, lack of peace and to see her come out on the other side still proclaiming Gods goodness is worth it all. Kudos to Lysa, Jim and Joel for helping so many through their own (my own) journey. God Sent for sure. Eager for many more segments.
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  • Goodbye PMT

    I’ve been an AWL for 6 years, but I’m sick of Big Cat’s hypocrisy. He pretends to be non-political and says you’re a loser if you care about the MLB moving the all-star game from Atlanta but then also spends an entire episode talking about racism in America after the Jacob Blake incident and posts videos explicitly accusing conservatives of “ruining everything” in the wake of the Dobbs decision. He has made explicitly political overtures countless times and they always seem to punch in one direction. He is perfectly entitled to his liberal perspective, but there are only so many blatant instances of hypocrisy before I say no mas. I know my “principled stand” will do nothing, but I’m writing this melodramatic/psycho podcast review because I am sad to say goodbye to PMT. I have been an AWL since 2016 and I genuinely looked forward to every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning for the past 6 years. Sounds pathetic, but they got me through some pretty tough times too. What I loved about PMT, and Barstool in general, was that it was a non-political sports media outlet that didn’t talk down to you. Sadly, that changed and it’s now reached a point that I can’t in good faith keep supporting the smug ignoramuses that run that place. They’ve lost one AWL and probably gained a thousand more, so make of this what you will.
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