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  • This is the married persons road map for sex

    I’ve been with my husband for almost 13 years but only married two years and we were forced to cancel our wedding twice due to the pandemic so we only got married in our dining room very very briefly planning on still doing our planned wedding soon as possible because we had everything to. Have the ceremony and reception including already buying the meat. Unfortunately for the last two years though something happened to our sex life that was always amazing before but all of a sudden we were going months without it and any kind of intimacy too we don’t talk about it unless we are in an argument and throwing it at eachother to lay blame on one another which it’s not one persons fault it’s both of us we drifted apart somehow so I found this podcast after listening to many others first but I started following this advice and ITS REALLY REALLY HELPFUL I AM STILL DOING THINGS AND TRYING THINGS THE EPISODES SUGGEST BUT ITS WORTH TRYING IT OUT YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED AT THE LEAST!
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  • Please add a feature to search podcasts by most recent

    When current events happen, it would be helpful to use the search function to see any recent podcasts that mention the search term. It would lead to me discovering more podcast creators that I otherwise would not see. Instead, search results list podcasts by a poor relevance algorithm that produces episodes from years past that are not very relevant in terms of latest information.

    For an example, there has been a shakeup in my hometown market where a local media personality has been let go. I would like to search podcasts that cover the shakeup — but instead I see podcasts from this personality that were published 3 or 4 years ago, despite content coming from this person every day.

    I recently upgraded my rating from 1 star to 3, because most of the bugs that repeatedly deleted my queue, and crashed the app, have been cleaned up. One other feature that should be added is the ability to recover your queue if you accidentally skip queued episodes by erroneously tapping a queued episode further down in the list.
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  • Unexpected Playlist Behavior

    I generally like this app, but recently - I like it less, due to some unexpected playback behavior. I made a smart playlist including several different podcasts that have unplayed episodes published within the last week. I select the first episode on this playlist to start playing it and it seems to work ok, but if the app is ever interrupted for any reason and I resume podcast playback, it will start to play whatever partially played episode it was playing last (which is good), but instead of playing the next episode on the smart playlist, it goes to the next unplayed episode of only that one podcast, forgetting the smart playlist I made and playing episodes that are many months old. Because I often am playing the podcasts app while driving, I notice it and am irritated by the lack of variety and when I stop and park the car, I find myself manually adding episodes to “up next” and having to be more ‘hands on’ than I would like to be.

    The shorter summary is that smart playlists need to get a little smarter.

    I also have been requesting a new feature to allow me to sort a playlist by episode duration. I prefer to listen to my shorter 5-10 minute podcast episodes first and the 45 minute or the hour long podcast episodes last.
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  • Somber ol Illustrated by Max Jada

    A long time go somebody named him so and Gretel they had a lot of fun with their friend Jada and Jada was a good little friend Jada said has and get Gret what are you doing Hansel and Gretel you need to go and play with Jaden said go and play with Jada or she will not play with you remember what happened to Gray Gray was a very very very good child and he had no friends gra is not coming back to school anymore he’s going to Bieber school find Gretel and Hansel Hansel with Jaden they were going to play with Jayda and then Jayda can could not come to the house because your brother a little brother can her little brother can that’s your brother name can she can I And then somebody at her house was name is name Kaylee Kaylee was somebody who always always gets to be there for me and Kaylee are baby brother his name what is your name Jaden then Tyler came up the mean Tyler Tyler Dryder Tyler dried last name driving Tyler dried her last name and Tyler is the mean watch keeps saying that Malin Malin has peons bad but she does not that’s why Tyler is the mean one and then we cannot do nothing about it because my mom said everything is going to be OK Malin said just ask the principal that Tyler is so so so so bad for the
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  • The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

    The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe is the absolute best podcast out there. Mike’s brand of informative & insightful, yet humble and homespun commentary on remarkable people and relevant subjects is deeply inspiring and a pleasure to listen to. Mike clearly has an enduring connection with each one of his guests and they are able to delve into the topics and issues contained in the book or project being promoted, without giving too much away. Mr. Rowe has the unique talent for engaging his guests on a personal level, as well as revealing the value of the missions of their organizations, making the listener want to know more, just as he did on Dirty Jobs, Rowe’d Trip and others. Who wouldn’t want to listen to Mike Rowe talk about anything? (which he does, by the way…).
    Thanks, Mike! Besides being a fan of your wonderful mother’s hilarious and insightful literary and social media contributions, I continue to have a growing reading list to enjoy, based upon your guests’ books and projects, as I live abroad out here in a big, bold, ever-changing world. You help keep us grounded.
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  • Podcasts are my everything!

    I’m a stay at home mom with a new baby. I’m in real estate school and I live in the Midwest where we are stuck inside for most the year because of cold weather. Needless to say easy to go crazy. Did I mention I also have a teenager? Started life a little late and now I feel like I need to scramble to get a head and be successful! Seriously, ahead financially, Spiritually, I want to grow in self development so bad so I turned a podcast. It led me to a new world full of so much information I absolutely love it! Every chance I get I was in a podcast. Every time I hop in the car, when I’m cooking dinner I throw my earbuds in, when I’m struggling doing laundry, really anytime I have some time to myself. It’s not much but that’s my podcast the great! You can get a ton of information in a short amount of time and you can pause and go whenever your life lets you. This app is truly a blessing and a godsend my life!
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  • Why can’t I just swipe and delete?

    Apple -
    I used your podcast app all the time, but when you removed deleting as an easy option in my Listen Now queue, I’ve become clogged with episodes I don’t want and can’t get rid of.
    For episodes Im not interested in, there is no option to simply delete it — why?? I can Remove Download but then Mark Played, in an attempt to make it go away from the queue — and sometimes that works, but just as often, it does not and remains in the same spot on the queue list.
    Why in the world? It makes me not want to open up the app and my Listen Now queue, because it’s littered with things I choose not to listen to, making it harder to find things that I do. I may like a show and want to co to ie subscribing, but this or that episode isn’t of interest — and yet, it will. Not. Leave.
    I’m looking for tech to help simplify and streamline my life and time. Apple, you’re making me go look for another podcast app, because this became prioritized to keep stuff around vs allowing the user to edit easily, as it used to.
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  • Cautiously coming back

    I like the Podcasts App the best for listening to podcasts. I stopped using it for the past year when I discovered that a bug was causing it to burn up the battery on my iPhone. I then switched to the Google Podcasts app.

    Comparing the two, Google’s app did not have the battery problem but is a comparatively weak app for listening to podcasts. For example, while both this and Google’s app has a feed, and each lets you subscribe to podcasts, the google one makes it hard to get to your subscriptions and the main feed only lists subscribed podcasts sorted by release date. Worse, the feed list includes podcasts you’ve already heard (e.g., things you’re not likely to want to listen to twice). So basically you have to spend a bit of time finding podcasts you want to listen to at any particular time.

    One thing google has that Podcasts doesn’t have is the ability to make a playlist that will run to completion. That’s useful when I’m planning to listen for an hour or more but actually gets in the way when I want to listen to a single show (as the next show on the list automatically starts up when I finish the first). Still, I wish/hope Apple Podcasts has or gets some sort of playlist (and hope it’s not as terrible).
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  • Biblical teaching

    Pastor Justin Sweeney may be one of the best kept secrets in New England, possibly the US. My husband and I travel a lot and frequently attend “mega churches” when we do. Additionally, we have listened to or watched some nationally-known evangelical pastors for years, but Pastor Justin is the most effective biblical teacher we have ever had the pleasure of learning from. While many pastors offer the “milk” that new believers need, he provides the “meat” that committed long-time believers crave. However, I don’t believe his messages are lost on the new Christian, as he has a way of bringing the words and frequently-told stories of the Bible to life in light of their historical context but also in relevance to the world we live in today. God’s Word is truly living and breathing. Every sermon proves that is so and effectively inspires me to walk as closely in the footsteps of Jesus as I possibly can.
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  • Carson podcast by Mark Malkoff

    Changed my life. Changed my perspective on the past, showed me how to talk to people and how a lot of different people think and how they deal with each other in the real world of Hollywood and New York and in the past kind of interesting to where I can’t put it down. He’s up to 372 and I have gone back and listen to half of them. So Mark is a friend and brother in Christ I’ve known for many years. I have helped him with the number of his projects and the support of him and also really appreciated how he and his wife have taught my kids since they were infants. They are upper teens now, and he is also advised us as far as aspects of their artistry. I never want his podcast to end but if it must I’m sure I will be going back over it and also playing a number of the women involved in his interviews for my daughter who may become a singer. Is so interesting to hear all of the stories I can’t say enough about this podcast.
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