7 Wonders User Reviews

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  • Improvement from last update

    The newest update 2.0.3 is a refinement of the overhaul made to the game recently. The overhaul angered many of us including myself. This update has smoothed gameplay but still retains the elements that has alienated so many. While I prefer the original version, this new update has made the game tolerable, and maybe even makes me want to play again. The biggest issue that stlll is not resolved, is the really small icons and text. There is plenty of real estate available, why not use it to make the game more visually enjoyable and easier to see.
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  • Poor implementation of a great game

    The physical 7 Wonders is my favorite board game. This digital version does that game zero justice. The first mistake in implementation is that Wonder boards can be chosen instead of randomized, which is how the offline version works with a card being randomly selected for the corresponding wonder board.

    Expansion packs as in game upgrades are understandable, but only one player especially in a custom game should have to purchase it. If this were the offline version, everyone doesn’t need to bring a board game, so to make it paid per person is gluttonous.

    Lastly, since you offer cities and leaders, what about Armada?
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  • Ruins

    I suppose it’s inevitable that a game about the ancient world would eventually turn into ruins, with faint echoes of its former glory. I developed an addiction to this game during the pandemic, and am grateful for all the memories, but after playing the new early 2021 version once, I deleted the app for the same reasons many others have expressed, about the downgraded look and feel and playability.

    In reading other reviews, it seems the ask of the developers is simple—to just return the game to the previous version so many loved, though I’m sure it’s more complicated than that. I’m starting to accept the game has gone the way of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, but will continue to hope the developers can reverse this all and restore the beautiful game that they had once built.
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  • New Interface is an Epic Fail

    This is an awesome game, and the expansions are worth the purchase. Been playing the board and iOS versions for years.

    However, the new update is terrible. I literally no longer have any pleasure in playing this game. The UI feels clunky to me. It’s also way too dark. But the biggest issue I have is the aesthetic. The old game was beautiful. It had a historic feel to it that kind of took you back in time, which is entirely appropriate for the game topic. This new version has too many sharp edges visually and is too modern for the game topic, and just uglier in so many respects.

    Your UI was perfect for your game concept before. Why did you have to ruin a great thing? So disappointed. Truly. This was one of my top 5 games before. Now I’m not sure I’ll play it much anymore.
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  • A 5-Star game now operating as a 1-Star app

    I have had the 7 Wonders game on my phone for the past 2+ years and have played it on a *daily* basis. The interface was simple and I never ran into any issues with the app.

    Then at the end of February 2021, the app was updated to coincide with the new release version of the board game, so new cards were added. However, this new update has been a trainwreck. I have encountered issues with the game where certain actions are either not permissible that should be or flat-out lock the game so you have to reset the app. I have emailed the developers twice about this since the release and have seen little in the way of a fix. The lack of transparency and communication to fix these issues is unacceptable, and a previous go-to mobile game is now a disappointing shell of its previous self.

    I’ll change my rating if these issues get resolved, but until then it’s totally warranted!
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Your email has been processed, and a response was sent to you, did you not received it ? For faster response time , you can join the Developers Discord. You can also follow on a daily basis, all the work in progress. I can confirm that the bug you reported by email has already been dealt with, and scheduled for the next update. You can follow this evolution in the # Known-Bugs channel of the Discord.
  • New update is awful!

    The old version of this game used to be my favorite. The new update is virtually unplayable. The new UI is slow and buggy, and the cards are so small they’re impossible to read. (The size of the cards on the updated game is especially ridiculous, given the amount of unused space on the screen.) The update seems to prioritize fancier (unnecessary) cut screens at the expense of actual game play. What used to be a fast, visually stunning smooth, near-perfect game is now tedious and frustrating. The update looks worse, plays worse, and feels like it was designed by someone that had never played the game before. PLEASE bring back the old version! There’s nothing worth salvaging on this “update.”
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  • Great game! Big miss on latest update

    First, the game is great! This app does an excellent job of recreating the gameplay. AI is pretty good overall too. (I think other people are wrong about incorrect scores, or that has been fixed.)

    HOWEVER, the latest update (v2.0.0) is a BIG MISS and significantly worsens the experience:

    - Gameplay and cards are TOO SMALL.
    - Cards and resource requirements are too small. I can hardly read them on my iPad Air. Nearly impossible to read the upgrades allowed on cards. Graphics and resources are even kind of pixelated.

    - CARD NAMES are no longer shown! This is important, because you can only build one of each card. Plus it’s critical to get to know the game and what to call things. Otherwise it’s just pictures. How would I talk about the game if I didn’t know “Caravansary,” “Foundry” etc.? Yes I know you can click-hold to see card name but this is not enough.

    - Game Play is TOO SLOW. There’s this annoying lag as you drag cards and they are put into the center. Just let us play the game! Previous version is much quicker.
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  • I miss the old version!

    I’ve had this app for over a year and enjoyed playing it — until now. The new update with the new 2nd edition graphic design SHRUNK all the icons, making them hard for me to see. And all the text is gone too, so I can no longer tell at a glance (i.e., without having to hover over the card to see the pop up text) what a card is and what its chaining benefits are. Instead, players have to memorize all the illustrations and/or pictorial icons to remember what a card is, what its chaining benefits are, and what abilities those chained cards will give you.

    I also miss the text because it added a lot of thematic flavor for me. I liked being able to say, “hey, I’m going to build the Agora!” Or the Pantheon, etc. Right now, I feel like I’m just pushing around a bunch of tiny icons.

    To the developers: I would love to have the option to go back to the “classic” version instead. But if that’s impossible, then having a “low-vision” option with BIGGER icons would be wonderful. It seems silly to have so much empty wasted space when I’m playing this game on a large iPad Pro screen!
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    Developer Response

    Hello and thanks for your feedback, We are aware of the changes and corrections required in this new version. We are centralizing feedbacks monitoring on our Discord, which you can join by clicking on the button located at the top right of the main menu in the application. You can follow our progress and participate by sharing your opinions. This will allow us to work closer to the players and provide all the necessary improvements as soon as possible. Thanks for your support and understanding.
  • What happened???

    My partner and I love playing the 7 Wonders app. Or, we did, until the latest release. It rendered the app so unintelligible that he has now deleted it from his devices- the names of the cards, the costs, and what they build in the future are all either tiny or not even there. I still play the old version on my phone and iPad, but it will probably update automatically at some point and then I will be out of luck. I am always skeptical of the words “Major Release” - instead of focusing on the minor updates and improvements this app needed, the designers were working on making the interface look more like the “game of thrones” intro. I almost wondered if this was an accidental version control issue where someone re-released a years-old version.
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  • Bogged down by new UI

    7 Wonders is a great game, but this adaptation has been hamstrung by a slow and bloated “revised” User Interface. It used to be fast and slick, but now each card played is slowly deposited onto the play space and is accompanied by needlessly slow and flashy effects. I guess they were trying to add some visual “pop”, but all they did was mire a smooth experience with useless baggage. The redesigned cards are nice- but until they give a method to get rid of animations, I’m probably done with this game on mobile. It might seem trivial, but when you’re looking for a quick experience to fill time, flashing animations are a big detriment, as far as I’m concerned.
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