Baby Tracker & Log User Reviews

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  • Evident bugs and nowhere to report

    I like the app. Features are easy to use generally. I noticed some time recording bugs when feeding in the middle of the night. The timer was automatically adding an hour to the feeding time. It seemed to resolve when I paused the timer, but when saved the feed it showed that it had been over an hour since the most recent feed (incorrect). This is difficult and confusing when tracking middle of the night feedings.

    I’d like to report this bug as it seems easy to fix and reproduce, but there’s nowhere to report app bugs. Please fix this.

    Other less important bug: if you edit a one sided breast feed and click on the other side while editing, it automatically adds one minute to the newly clicked side. This can not be reset to zero once clicked. This also seems like a very simple bug to fix, but alas, there is nowhere to report these issues.

    I’m hoping this review triggers some kind of bug issuance/tracking to initiate a fix for these issues because otherwise I am enjoying the app. Unfortunately the first bug mentioned is a pretty big issue and hopefully not one that reoccurs often otherwise I’ll have to use a different app.
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  • Love it, recent issues are a pain though

    We have loved this app for the past 5 months, however within the past week we’ve had some irritating issues. The sleep tracker went haywire today on both our phones, our logged data has changed and is showing bizarre daily totals for sleep history the last few weeks, i know my son didnt sleep 21 hrs in one day, but now it shows that a few days ago. it also changed a nap from 3 days ago as being 48 hours long, instead of the 30 min we logged at the time. We have refreshed/restarted/uninstalled/reinstalled/backed up and restored data, nothing is working to get the correct data back. Also the “view all” screens have a different color scheme, the totals for each day are outlined in a gray bar with gray lettering, its near impossible to read the data at all. It used to be an orange bar with white letters, i cant find anything in the app showing an option to adjust the color theme. The “help” menu for these issues is completely useless.
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    Developer Response

    Hi @Sparkle2theMax - are you still experiencing this issue? Please contact are support team at if you are. Also, we have a new app update out (version 7.4) that address some sync issues some people have been experiencing with the sleep tracker tool. Let us know if you have any questions!
  • Good tracker but could improve!

    I use this app mainly to track breastfeeding and sleep but it’s a bit clunky. The bottom tool bar has shortcuts to things like Memories and Medical which I do not find myself using on a day to day basis. What would be more useful is having some of the elements like the Feeding, Diaper, Sleep trackers as the main shortcuts instead. Also, a minor annoyance is not having the option of selecting 0 minutes for either breast under the breastfeeding tracker. Lastly, under the Sleep tracker, it would be nice to be able to add a note to an ongoing/current timer. The app will only allow you to add a note after the timer has stopped and the nap time has been saved. All in all, it’s an okay app that does the job.
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  • Has everything I need

    We have used this app since January 2019 when the nurses in the hospital asked us to keep track of our newborn’s diapers. After proving we couldn’t get by on memory alone, we found this and used it religiously. I now have another newborn, and we’re using it again. We love how it saves and presents the data. I am able to go back and see what we were doing for my 1st daughter compared to my second. It’s easy, intuitive, and tracks every data point I might want. We like that we can both access from our phones and update the shared data. In 18 months we’ve never had a bug or crash! Excellent app—highly recommended.
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  • Comprehensive Baby Tracking App

    This baby tracking app initially stood out to me for several reasons: syncing across multiple devices, simple and elegant user interface, export to CSV, and options ranging from the basics like feedings, diaper changes, pumping, summaries and trends visualizations that really show how your baby changes over time, etc to more advanced options like growth tracking, medical history, creating medical reports, a “memories” feature to highlight those special moments (that are too easily forgotten), etc. Our special needs infant required medications daily with constantly changing doses and drugs to find the best fit and this app made it easy to track. Our son’s caregivers used this app so we always were on the same page and I could easily check if he fed or slept well while at work. The syncing feature is not free, but was worth the few dollars I wold have spent on a Starbucks drink. I highly recommend this app to anyone who is serious about tracking various aspects of their baby’s growth, development, and daily tasks.
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  • Love this app

    My son is 22 months old and I have used almost every feature during various parts of the last three years. A new mommy must have!!
    My only complaints is the milestones section where you can add your own. (A) there isn’t enough room for everything I want to write on each entry (b) I have well over 500 memories and I know some are duplicates there’s no easy way to filter or scan they them quickly (c). The pdf it generated is huge so I split out the first year of life and sent to Staples online to print in a huge book. It cost approx $150 but it’s got way more details then his baby book! The ability to be able to capture a photo and a memory or note has been priceless! My pregnancy and His whole 1st year is captured, thanks to this app. I am working on year 2 but the app is slowing down and it’s getting a little frustrating, but we are almost at his 2nd birthday so this app is a real gem in my opinion!
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  • Don’t bother!!!

    Paid for the app and thought it was good idea but it loses data constantly. What’s the point of keeping track using the app when it doesn’t keep track and info goes missing??? Waste of money!!!
  • Almost the perfect tracker!

    Sprout would be the best tracker if it included 2 key pieces of info: a) in the Sleep tracker, duration since end of last sleep and b) in the Feeding tracker, duration since start of last feed.
    Please please add these as all parents need to keep track of these details! I know it’s not difficult to include because these parameters are already being monitored, they just need to appear in the table on the respective trackers.
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  • Favourite feature - feeding tracking

    This app has been amazing to record beast feedings, times, and amounts of breast milk or formula by bottle. And the “Trends” feature for feedings showed me that my baby was favouring one breast over the other... I would have had no idea otherwise.
    Also, with an infrequent pooper, the nappy tracking is very useful for my muddled baby brain.
    There are lots of other features, the usefulness depends on you and your baby’s needs. Definitely worth the $13 fee. 100% recommend.
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  • So useful!

    I LOVE this app! I rarely find the time to review apps that I use but I had to make an exception for this one, even with a new baby at home. Everything about this app is wonderful and it has everything I need in a baby tracking app. I can easily record pumping and feeding sessions, diaper changes, sleep times, and more. It’s so easy to edit start times and entries after they’ve been recorded too. One of my favorite features is how it syncs up with other devices. I can start a pumping session on my iPhone and finish it on my iPad. I also love that my husband can record our baby’s events from his phone and it differentiates between his activity and mine. This is a great app and is very worth the eight bucks!
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