ClassDojo User Reviews

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  • Fantastic class resource

    So interactive! I love keeping up with my child’s learning. Would be good if you could make videos full screen and rotate.
  • ClassDojo is a must have!

    Absolutely loving this app! Great insight to my child’s daily activities and behaviour at school and I know my son is loving it too, he strives to get more “classdojo points” each day. Love being able to communicate with his teacher too! Who would’ve thought there would be a more effective way than email! 😁👍🏼
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  • Multiple photo uploads please

    As a teacher, this app is so fantastic to give busy parents a quick insight into what is happening in my classroom. I would love if you added a feature where you can upload multiple pictures in one post rather than having to “spam” parents with lots of pictures one at a time. Another feature I’d love to see is being able to add a photo onto one/multi student’s personal feed but also have it viewable in the class feed too. I’ve had discussions with other teachers at me school about these two above suggestions and it has been a resounding “Yes!! I wish you could do that!” So please consider these in future updates! Keep up the good work!
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  • Participation test grade

    I use Dojo in my middle and high school classes. It allows me to track how students are participating in my class. I can keep track how often students come to class unprepared or are off task, and I can also reward them for working hard or persevering. At the end of the quarter, I run a report through Dojo, which gives me a percentage for each student. That percentage is used for a test grade called Participation.
    I can also connect parents. They see how their kids participate in class, so there are no surprises. I can also post private pictures that only the parents I think had particular class can see. I share pictures of students doing fun activities in class. Also, if they learn something particularly interesting, I post about it So the parents know “what happened at school today.” I enjoy giving parents the opportunity to increase communication with their student regarding school.
    This app also helps me with group work in my class. The tools option gives me ability to randomly split students into groups. The students respond well to Dojo, and this extrinsic motivation really gets them going.
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  • Effective Teacher Tool

    Class Dojo is a great classroom management tool that also allows for students to safely post their accomplishments for their classmates and parents to see. Like the fact that we can message parents about issues at school, and that we have the OPTION to write a note for any positive or negative feedback. Which teacher on the planet has time to document EVERY moment in the day? The messaging system is great for a blast to all parents or individual ones. I’m happy that you can sent photos and videos of student work and participation in class. If you’re a mentor at your school, then you have the option to communicate with all parents not just the ones in your class, this is great for school-wide announcements. The app has improved over the years, BUT I wouldn’t mind additional icons - even though you can upload your own.
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  • Most recent changes

    I love the most recent changes to the student accounts, especially the ease in switching for students now. I would like to see a more streamlined process of posting pictures and videos. Right now, they can take a picture or video, add a caption, talk over the picture explaining or draw on it. Once they click the little blue airplane, they have to select their name again (even tho they are already on their own account) and then click post. I think the airplane on the previous screen should suffice in posting it. If there were to be another screen, maybe just give the option of being able to post the same picture to another student account like before. Sometimes my students are partners and they shouldn’t have to take two separate pictures for their work. I also would like some sort of feature where I can toggle on a record keeping of who is posting. For example, I might want to have students post a picture or video of their center for the day- I’d love to see a quick easy way to filter who has and has not posted to their own account during that time frame. It would be so helpful, especially when I have some centers I give students two or more days to do. Just some ideas! Thanks.
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  • Needs proper update

    There have been 5 updates since I reported the loss of getting notifications on my iPhone 8 plus. I was told to reinstall the app despite this issue being recognized as a bug that needs fixing. It still has not been fixed and these vague release notes leave a lot to be desired.

    As for the app use, it's a mom's nightmare if you have special needs children. If you can not ask your child what happened at school this app will leave you even more baffled. Teachers are allowed to leave unexplained negative feedback. Yes it is teacher responsibility to use it fairly but I feel this app and it's setup makes poor communicating teachers even lazier. I am expected to write *them* notes that they do NOT respond to when they mark points off, cause simply telling me makes too much sense 🙄 So how about this- stop letting teachers just lazily leave negative feedback WITHOUT notes. It should REQUIRE a note. If my child isn't doing anything worth writing about it shouldnt warrant losing points either.
    Messages should have a priority setting because I am starting to think my child's teachers can't read the way they dodge messages. It's ridiculous and there should be more accountability built-in to it's use cause students are not the only bullies at school. Now we just have a bunch of lazy teachers content with bare minimum forms of communication. This app could require more of teachers, otherwise it's worsening communication and behavior problems.
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  • ClassDojo

    It amazing for teachers so the students can behave better and get more comfortable with in school and not have bad behaviour so it good for keeping track of who's been nice and who's not. It gets even better you even have your own little fluffy character or teddy and you get point. In my school we do at the end of term we see who have got the much and a boy and a girls wins a prize and we reset the point and it go on and on. We only give point to good children but the bad ones have as many point away as how bad you been so if you a teacher parents get this app it amazing even for parents because when you kids have been good and behaved we give them a points but if they don't behave take away point. GET THIS APP NOW !!!!!!!
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  • A few suggestions...

    I really like Class Dojo but... I teach multiple classes and it astounds me that with so many avatars available, a class of 25 still generated 5 identical avatars! Surely it’s possible to create an algorithm that doesn’t let this happen because it’s really time-consuming having to edit students so that they can be all unique.

    Also, it would make it a lot easier if you could select what day you want to take attendance because I see my classes once a week. Sometimes that’s all I use Class Dojo for, and if I were too busy to record who was there, it’s really hard to go back say a day later and fix. It would also be really handy being able to view class attendance reports through the IPad app.

    Another feature Class Dojo could look into would be recording class jobs. Perhaps a way to list the jobs and have the ability to “move” avatars around to change who is listed, or it randomly generates the next batch etc. I can see a lot of application for that.

    Hope to see some changes in the future!
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  • Classroom Management at its best!

    I teach 4Th. grade. At first glance I thought this app would be too childish for my students. However, I was surprised to find they absolutely love it. Their parents can see their behavior in real time. They challenge each other to top score of the day. The tool kit is amazing and I use so many of the tools they provide. I love the growth mindset videos, they are short and easy to use. The best part is the discussion points. I share pictures on our classroom story of projects, or helpful hints for parents with homework which make communication with all parents at once simple and quick. Finally, the installation and adding or removing students is super low tech and absolutely anyone can do it! Thank you ClassDoJo for creating such a helpful app that teacher like me can use to positively impact change in our classrooms!
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