Mr L M
You stand with injustice and injustice and publish false news about what is happening in Palestine.
Shame and shame for you
The Palestinian people, children, abuse and old people, are being killed and displaced by the army and the Palestinian settlers.
Shame and shame for you
The Palestinian people, children, abuse and old people, are being killed and displaced by the army and the Palestinian settlers.
ليس كما كان في السابق
Radio and tv features not working :(
Could you add favourite list feature
Dear BBC Arabic App team,
I am sending this message as a feedback on the Arabic App. Would it be possible please to add a feature that allow the user to save the interesting articles or new to a favourite list to allow the user to read later. Other news Apps uses this feature which I found very useful.
Thank you and wishing you all the best.
I am sending this message as a feedback on the Arabic App. Would it be possible please to add a feature that allow the user to save the interesting articles or new to a favourite list to allow the user to read later. Other news Apps uses this feature which I found very useful.
Thank you and wishing you all the best.
Show less
The app is okay but doesn’t rotate with the screen on my iPhone 13 Pro like other news apps.
Why the app does not rotate on iPad. It was ok until the recent update. Please make it rotate when I use my iPad. It seems that this people are not interested about our commitments.After today’s update, still does not rotate with iPad
One of worst BBC app
The app does not offer any advantages over the webpage. Compared to other BBC apps this one does not offer any functionalities
متى سيتم إضافة إختيارات لتكبير الخط في التطبيق ؟!!
تعبت من اخبار الفيروس
للاسف هذه الأيام كل مقالاتكم عن فيروس كورونا، لهذا أقول ان انتم مسؤولين عن تزداد الخوف في عالم حول الفيروس، ياليت تكتبون عن شيء مفيد أو عن موضوع جديد، أنا تعبت من اخبار الفيروس
App stopped working four days ago
Tried everything and it just won’t renew the feed. I am in UAE. Is it banned here now ?
Wasted my phone storage.
Very bad 👎🏽