Todoist User Reviews

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  • I’m “scatterbrained”, but this app has changed my life.

    WOW. Todoist GETS me. I continue to be grateful for such a clean, gorgeous, and amazingly user friendly app. I do not usually make in-app purchases, but I knew without a doubt that it would be worth it to pay for the Premium account, and that is coming from a millennial who is VERY stingy on app purchases or upgrades. I used to have trouble organizing my thoughts—EVERYTHING is important. My old “to-do” lists (yes, there were multiple) were ineffective. I would get overwhelmed and it would render me useless. I’m telling you—your search ends here. I’d been looking for something like Todoist for years. I HIGHLY recommend what’s called the “Getting Things Done (GTD)” method of organization if you’re anything like me. Take the app’s quiz to check out your needed productivity style! Glad to have Todoist in my life BIG time.
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  • Almost there

    Todoist is the best option on the market for both personal and work productivity. I work in tech and use todoist to manage everything, including shared lists with my partner (e.g. grocery shopping list, gifts, vacations, family planning). I use todoist on my phone, over voice through Alexa, and right next to email via an Outlook plugin. Alexa and Todoist are a match made in Heaven. During the day, while I’m working, I can just say things to add to my to do list out loud in less than 5 seconds vs the 20+ seconds it takes to use my phone. It’s amazing! However, in my workflow, I delete tasks frequently, and the design of Todoist in any environment (iPhone, Alexa, web) does not make it easy to delete. I tried setting a default swipe action on my phone, but delete is not an option. This is the one feature that if I had, I would move all my list making to todoist - but for now, I need to keep some lists on paper.
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  • Perfect app for the lazy or generally unmotivated

    I’ve tried so many organizational apps. Like so many. I was already preparing myself to delete this one in a week, because they never work out for me. It’s ridiculous how easy it is to use. You can be the ultra-organized, section for every part of life person on Todoist, or you can be a simple write it down and check it off when you’re done kinda person. The ease of Todoist is just crazy, I’ve never found an app so simple and powerful at the same time. It has really, really changed things for me. I almost hate to say that an app has changed my life but it totally has! I am so much more organized and get my stuff done on time. I only use it for tasks - Gcal is for meetings - and I never find myself procrastinating anymore. It’s so great. My fellow unmotivated people - please download this
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  • Helpful for College Students

    Ive been using this app over the last 3 years in college and have found it incredibly helpful to manage the large amount of assignments and projects through the semester. It’s ability to clearly organize a semesters worth of material at one time and only show the pressing tasks from each class folder makes my life easier not having to go in and add projects every week or sort through separate class folders to find what’s due and when. I love that tasks can easily be shifted when due dates change. and with the most recent updates, as well as my upgrade to premium, this app has taken it to the next level. Being able to see all upcoming tasks past just one week as well as synced on my google calendar has made the complex homework schedule easily visualized and just so much easer to plan and tackle. Here’s to another 3 years of not missing an assignment.
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  • Almost perfect

    I made the switch over to Todoist from TickTick and absolutely love it. It syncs incredibly well with my iPhone, my Apple Watch, and to my Windows computer which I use at home and at work. I love how minimal the UI is, the layout, and how solid everything feels in comparison to other task manager apps out there. Even the community on Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter are incredibly helpful.

    Literally the only thing stopping me (and many others) from switching, is how we cannot manually arrange tasks in Today. In the current beta, there are sorting options, but I cannot drag and drop a task that doesn’t have a time associated with it in Today’s tasks with one that does. It bounces right back to the bottom. Many others including myself like to layout their tasks manually the night before, in the order they anticipate doing them. But if you try to do this, some tasks bounce back to the bottom of the list which is somewhat annoying. But otherwise, fantastic app! I see why this is the #1 task manager app
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  • INCREDIBLE productivity app, highly recommend

    My boyfriend got me on this app and within the day I had purchased a monthly subscription. I used to always be a physical planner person until this app, which is so much more helpful in getting things done because it sends you notifications of what you need to do. I also love that instead of a typical calendar app where you schedule things in by the day, on Todoist you just type in what you need to do and when and it automatically puts it on the calendar. I also love that you can organize with different boards and make sub tasks. You can also make boards with other people that have the app and it will notify the other person of things that need to get done. For example my boyfriend and I have a list together and we can put stuff on there that we need to do together!
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  • Almost Perfect

    I am very task-focused so I have tried all the different to-do and project management apps looking for the perfect one. I keep finding myself coming back to Todoist. I really like the simplicity of setting up a project or a task and the great syncing capability across all of my devices. The fact that I can assign a task to another family member is also a plus. Also, having a web app allows me to use it at work as well.

    My only complaint with the app is that, when you finalize a repeating task after midnight, it does not show up the following day. Instead, completion of the overdue task is treated as completion on the current day. This is a major pain as I work late and often complete daily tasks after midnight. There should be an option to change this behavior by the user.

    Other than that, this is a great app and one I use every day. If the developer would just fix this one thing, I’ll never feel the need to stray again.
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  • Simply the best so far for professionals with date critical needs

    If you’re just looking for an app to help you plan your garage cleaning and family vacation there are better looking and simpler options out there. If you need an app for professional use, where due dates and times are not merely “goals” (yeah I’m looking at you “GTD” method) but are actual real world cannot be missed deadlines, this is the app. If you need an app that allows you to have those dates appear in your calendar (your calendar, not just the app’s upcoming forecast of events) this is your app (the Fantastical 2 way sync is killer). If you prefer not to spend more time trying to figure out how to do things in the app than actually doing them (did anyone say “Omnifocus“) this is the one. Collaboration, ability to easily add notes and attachments on both the project and task level, straightforward interface, relatively easy to learn functions with good web documentation, TEMPLATES (a feature that for some inexplicable reason other apps seem to openly resist adding but is a no-brainer for those who have the same task and deadline structure for multiple projects, like I don’t know pretty much anyone who is in business and/or works with standardized contracts), sub-tasks, multiple reminder options, this one does it right. You will not see the benefit of the forgoing without the premium subscription, but $38 a year is a bargain for the features and functionality you get.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for sharing this! Great to hear :) We really appreciate your support!
  • Warning: Looks amazing, but Not Reliable.

    I am a paid customer. The app is not reliable. What they do not tell you is the fact that there is no backup from your Iphone todoist app!! Everything should be first synced to your web Todoist and then can be backed up through Todoist web app.

    So when My todoist on my cellphone stopped syncing with Web based Todoist with no reason ( my IOS is updated). I tried to contact the customer service. I also tried manual syncing, then I decided to log out and log in thinking that it makes it start syncing again and it was when I lost everything. The customer support was very slow in responding, they literally didn’t care! I can not express the rage I feel after reading their response. Here is a part of their respose to my support request “ If the data is not there after logging out and back in, I'm afraid it is lost 😞” This is how much they cared about my data! Yes this app looks cool with better features but IT IS UNRELIABLE. if your data is valuable and it costs you money and time to get it back, like mine, Do not trust this app.
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  • Just started using this- will give final rating in a few months l:

    A few days ago I downloaded Todoist because 1) the app was recently approved to be installed on my work iPhone issued by my employer and 2) I also need an effective organizational method for personal use. Until I started using Todoist my life was countless Post-Its at my work and home workstations as well as Calendar iPhone Entries/Alerts that had to be manually duplicated between my Work iPhone and Personal iPhone. As a bonus I upgraded my account (it’s created under my personal email) to Premium as a gift to myself cuz my birthday is in a couple of weeks.

    I already love this app: before I knew I had a lot to juggle but now that I actually SEE the amount of incomplete tasks on my plate it’s a miracle that I haven't dropped more balls than I usually do! I'm already sleeping better because I'm not up in bed half the night staring at the ceiling and worrying that I have forgotten or will forget to do something important. Go ahead and upgrade to premium - a year costs about $34 which is less than most of you who are considering downloading this app spend on BS items in a week- you know this.! Free yourself! - Kim
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