Solitaire· User Reviews

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  • Continued review from before

    Well the App Store doesn’t seem to let me make multiple reviews, but there is always another way 😉.

    This game is fun. I see reviews on here about not winning, but I think I win more than I loose. At least it feels that way. But the winning feels earned not given. And this is my talking on the phone game.

    Also, the ads aren’t as intrusive as on other games. For instance, most games have ads that pop up and you can’t cancel until it finishes, after 30 - 45 seconds btw, but not this game. The ads can be canceled after about 10 sec or less. Another thing is the ads are actually something I’m interested in. I’ve clicked on a few, which I never do on other games.

    ——- Second Review——-

    Zynga contacted me shortly after my review below with a fix which worked well. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and the bug is gone.

    It isn’t often app developers contact me directly even when I give a negative review, so I’m impressed. Thank you Zynga.

    ——- Original review——

    (Now the new game button just plays adds without a new game ever starting.)
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    Developer Response

    Dear msjm421, Thanks for updating your review, and we're very pleased to hear the issue was solved for you! Steve, Customer Service Specialist
  • Works fine

    To everyone who says the game is rigged: you must not know how to play solitaire. Go get an old fashioned deck of cards and see how many you can win based on pure chance. My average for 3 card draw was about 25% and I know there were pleanty of games I passed up that better players could have won. The trick to this app is you have to press the undo button when you get stuck and find different orders to play your cards so that different cards can be uncovered.

    With the new update, my old problem with being unable to start a new game was fixed, so I changed my rating from 3 to 5 starts so long as the problem doesn't come back.
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    Developer Response

    Dear Ol81, Thanks for updating your review, and we're very pleased to hear the issue was solved for you! Steve, Customer Service Specialist
  • Problem since most recent update

    Since the most recent update, the app will open, revert to an add, but will NOT start a new game. Each time I try, it simply reverts back to an ad...too bad because I enjoyed playing it.

    After contact from the developer, I checked to be sure I had the latest version, 4.3.8 and I do. Since I turned my phone completely off then back on a couple times, the app (or phone) seems to have reset and the app is working fine now. I’m really glad because I enjoy it!
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  • This game in no scam.

    This game is no scam. Sure, it has ads, but what free game doesn’t. Complaining about the app making the ads tricky to close is stupid too. That is a common practice among all apps, and I’m pretty sure it’s not even the apps that design the ads. The game is certainly not rigged, when I first got this I had never played solitaire before, so I wasn’t able to win for a bit. Still, after a few games I got the hang of it and begun to win some games. Now, I win most of the games that I play. If someone wants to complain about how this game is rigged, I think that they just simply are not good at this game and need to stop complaining so much. It’s just a game after all.
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  • What are these updates for??!!

    I downloaded this app a long time ago, it used to be good. Updates (or what you always call bug fixes) are supposed to fix or improve the app performance, BUT instead it was making it worse than ever.
    What zynga was updating, are the ads! Stop this nonsense please and fix the remaining (real) bugs we're not complaining about the ads, anyone who downloads a zynga app will be sure he'll be viewing ads more than playing!
    I can't start a new game anymore for the last 2 updates, i can only replay the same set again and again, do something useful and fix this!! And stop developing more ads as a bug fix update.
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  • Game is rigged to give unplayable games

    I've kept this game for quite a while (maybe 1.5 years) to play during down time at work. If you are going to play in places without any service, like where I work, then this app is great!

    If you have service, however, your success rate is going to drop. When playing with service and data on, my games typically last 30 seconds before there are no possible plays. Even if I use the undo feature, which is nice to have, most games never last a minute. I have played for awhile so I like to think I am decent at solitaire and can play further but just in my last bout of games, I was able to take less than 10% of the games I played beyond 1 minute. I felt as if I was had similar results this whole last week so I decided to uninstall the app.
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  • Solitaire

    7 February 2018
    I feel that this is is the best Solitaire app out there today. I’ve played all of them offered at the Apple Store available. This one allows me to play the aces in the order I prefer them to be placed. Which for me is spades, hearts, clubs and then the diamonds. I don’t know why I prefer it this way but I do. I also appreciate the undo option along the bottom line. Quite handy when I realize I have made a mistake on a play. I can go back and fix it and return again. I do not mind the ads as they are necessary to remain to keep the app free.

    Thank you,
    Gayle Brown
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  • Not all games winnable

    I am hella good at solitaire. I used to be able to win games in less than 40 seconds back in high school. I went to find an app that I could play on (a few years later) and came across this one. Keep in mind, not every shuffle comes to a winnable game of solitaire. That’s why playing with a physical deck is often fruitless. Internet is required to generate a shuffle that wins on every other solitaire app I’ve played, though they have a “random shuffle” option for offline play that you may or may not be able to win. This game does not require internet to play normally, except for the ads. Therefore, I conclude that the reason I am losing all of these games has to be because they are random shuffles that aren’t all winnable! This screws up my stats, and it always leaves me questioning if I lost fair and square or if I just had a bad shuffle. Unacceptable.
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  • I don't know what all of the fuss is about...

    This is a great, balanced version of solitaire. Sure it has ads, but ads are present in all free games. Instead of whining about not winning, use your head and figure out where you went wrong, problem solve and learn from your mistakes. On a side note (with no disrespect to the devs), I find it baffling that this game is updated as frequently as it is. How many bugs can a game of solitaire have! Despite the fact that the last ten updates or so were bug fixes, I have never experienced a crash or glitch to date, and I will continue to play and enjoy this great game! Whatever you guys are doing in those updates, keep it up!
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  • Like Ads and Losing? This is your solitaire!

    Are you looking for a super basic, no frills solitaire? Then look no further. If it was any more plain, you’d think you were playing it on Windows 98. Actually, at least Win98 had a celebration after you won. Options are very limited and customization is none existent.

    I’ve played solitaire my whole life, and I feel like Zynga purposely sets the games to lose so you have to play again. Also, the ads play before and after every game. It’s frustrating and incredibly annoying. The only reason I keep this game on my phone is in the hopes that Zynga wises up and makes this game more fun, vibrant, and less ad laden, but I’m not holding my breath.
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