Reuters News User Reviews

Reuters News
Reuters News
Thomson Reuters Enterprise Centre GmbH

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  • Videos are poor quality

    Overall this is a solid app but I just want to bring attention to the absurd situation with the daily video briefing. It used to be that you could watch the videos no problem. But one day Reuters seeks to have determined that they would rather not show videos that may have brief and occasional buffering. So now, while I watch the daily news briefing in the exact same spot I have been for awhile, every morning I’m prompted that I can only listen to the audio without video until my connection improves. The thing is, this is occurring in the same spot (on my couch) I use my computer and iPhone in for other stuff and I consistently have a strong WiFi connection. It is so annoying not being able to see the videos. It’s like I’m listening to the radio but I’m not driving so I have nothing to look at.

    Bottom line: don’t be so anal. I would MUCH rather have a few instances of mild buffering than have to stare at a screen that’s essentially blank.

    Frankly, Reuters is a superb news organization and I’m generally very satisfied with the app. I’d say it’s 4-4.5 stars in reality but I want to get this issue some attention and they aren’t going to pay as much attention to a 4 star review.
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  • Reuter’s briefing video works again, hooray

    Update: a friend with previously the same issue of briefing video in the Reuter’s app not working anymore told me to give it another try. To my delight, my phone app plays video again (and in great quality). Thank you for fixing the issue!!!

    Old review: Apple iPhone 11 with the latest iOS updates. As of February no more ability to watch the briefing on the phone. Sure, i can watch Reuter’s video on the desktop or laptop with the same WiFi connection, or even by using my cell connection as a Hotspot (which the Reuters app falsely tells me it’s not good enough to watch video!!!!), but the briefing function is only available on the app. It’s now middle of April and the video still does not work. I’ve moved on despite still believing in your neutral reporting— many negative reviews about your content is from people that don’t realize how far to the right their other consumed media has pushed them.
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  • Unbiased news and app to be improved

    I used to be paid users of FT, Bloomberg and other major financial news outlet. These media all seem to be slightly biased, though better than CNN or FOX. I canceled all my subscription once I switched to Reuter’s.

    However, the app is slightly unhandy, it would be nice to be able to switch between different editions without having to reset everything, smoother news loading is also a mandatory, customizable bottom menu and watchlist.
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  • Good but not great

    I like the collection of articles. What I find frustrating is that notifications don’t link to the stories. I get the notification, click on it, and it takes me to the general news screen, with no sign of the story they sent me the notification for. And often the news there is outdated. Example- I get a notification that Congress has passed the stimulus bill about a little while ago (it’s 2pm). Click on it, the app opens, and the only thing in the list of stories is one from 6am saying it’s expected to pass today. Had to go to the CNN app to find an actual news story on how it went down and the outcome. I’m turning off notifications because they’re worthless.
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  • Fantastic journalism

    I turned to Reuters because I was tired of reading the opinions and spin from other media outlets. Reuters does a great job of reporting the facts and providing context that is often skipped by other news sources.
    I use this app throughout my day to stay informed on what is happening in the world. I especially like the 15min videos that are updated daily. They provide a quick download on the most important events.
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  • Mostly Old News

    App is littered with old news. Example: Energy is a topic to choose when you first use the app and build a feed of content. But if you go to the Energy section, you quickly see “Editor’s Choice” articles from 10+ months ago. Scroll down, and you may (if you’re lucky) find an article or two within the past month, but it’s mostly old stuff. Which is funny, as Reuter’s writes multiple articles per day on crude oil markets alone, let alone other areas of Energy. I emailed them multiple times on this via their app customer service, only to get a “Thanks” from them. Months later, nothing fixed. What’s the point of caring to read their articles if they don’t care if you read them?
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  • Good but not great just yet.

    I love most of the features this app has but after a little over a year of use I’m still disappointed the app doesn’t have the ability to play the topics of interest you add to your tabs in the Reuter’s Now stream. It would only make sense they populate after you add them, yet they don’t.

    It’s very frustrating that the only way to hear/watch the story reporting for topics I’m interested in is by clicking on individual articles and pressing play on the videos. I’m someone that likes to listen to news while I’m in the shower; unfortunately I can’t listen to the topics I’m most concerned about along with the preselected stories.
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  • The best news app - NO fake news here!

    This Reuters application presents the best, unbiased news on a daily basis. It serves it up and we could category should I can find what I want to read about. It is 100 times better than either CNN or Fox or MSNBC where you get 99% biased editorial and 1% real news. Let alone some of the fake stuff that CNN pushes out the doors now a days. I am huge Reuters fan really glad that they have the integrity to break the news to us, unbiased, and unfiltered.!
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  • Thank you for bringing back the read offline option, but it doesn't work as it should

    Edit:I'm cautiously optimistic that the new update may have improved things, I'm changing my review to 5 stars pending further problems.

    I like this news app, I think it's one of the better ones in terms of content, but the read offline option leaves much to be desired and the app was much better before the redesign.
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  • Better than Blackboard!!!

    Our campus is piloting Canvas this semester (Fall 2018) as a replacement for Blackboard. And, from a student's perspective, the Canvas mobile app and service overall is MUCH more useful and accessible than the other system. Really enjoying it. The layout is intuitive and a delight to use. Mobile notifications always seem to work. And there is continuity between the web and mobile applications, which just makes sense. These things can't be said about Blackboard's apps. Looking forward to continuing to use Canvas as a graduate student. Thank you!
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