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  • Glitchy but still KOTOR

    It is well optimized for mobile, but has so many glitches. As expected, it can also be awkward to move and select objects also. Still it is KOTOR and I would personally buy it again. I just wish there weren’t so many infuriating combat problems etc. EDIT: After continuing to play, I keep to find bugs. It is frustrating. I’m too big of a KOTOR fan to stop, but it is frustrating and I have also lost some progress. It is ridiculous sometimes to select what you want, especially in crowded fighting, so you just end up not being able to initiate a move and enter dialogue, which is stupid. Combat is also generally frustrating to choose moves. The number of times I just do random things outside of combat instead of what I want, or have to turn the view just right to find something is discouraging. Moving the crosshairs vs selecting things is also janky. Feels unintuitive and I don’t trust it anymore to know what I’m selecting. EDIT: (OMG, the way this game screws with selections is incredibly infuriating. Also swoop racing is unresponsive. I’m lowering my review. The water puzzle in the Sith base is incredibly hard to select panels. Combat also just seems to get more glitchy, not less. After playing through, it feels like a trashy port money grab. I’m still too dumb and dedicated to KOTOR to not try, but I’d never recommend it to anyone. If you’re new to this game try it on another system first. Anything but Mobile)
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  • Absolutely Incredible And A Timeless Classic

    This is truly one of, if not the best, Star Wars story out there, game or otherwise. While the graphics are a bit dated, keep in mind that this is a 21 year old game, and the amazing story and characters make up for this one hundred times over. The sheer scope of the game is astounding, with many different worlds to explore, countless side quests, and an amazing overarching story. The party members who join you are some of the best written characters in Star Wars, as is your own character, but no spoilers from me! From the start to finish, you feel as if you’re creating your own story in the Star Wars universe. I would strongly recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the franchise. The first couple parts of the game are challenging, especially for first time players, but stick with it, as this is the coolest game ever created, Star Wars or otherwise.
    Many of the other reviews complain of bugs and other issues, but I never experienced any problems with the game. Well worth the ten dollars, I would pay one hundred for this masterpiece.
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  • Glitchy

    I have played this numerous times on my iPad, maybe the IOS 16 changed the game, but now the glitches have tripled. I’m currently in a place where I have 3 in my party and I have to switch between each of them to move. They get stuck and they won’t move. Won’t respond to anything. Save and save often, not the quick save either because the quick save is garbage. Players will not move during battle. Yes, I have that toggled on. So my player walks right up in the face of the Gamorean and gets whacked by his axe and dies quickly instead of standing back and shooting from a distance like they are supposed to. Glitchy glitchy. This game has been on mobile for a few years now and people are still paying for it, you have had the time and profits to fix these glitches. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate being able to waste a couple of hours on mobile, not having to drag my PC out, but the amount of frustration pushes it to the point where it isn’t worth it.
    Keep working on it. You’ll perfect it eventually.
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  • Not bad but needs some patches

    I’m so excited to be able to play this again. It’s crazy to think how far we’ve come in twenty years. The game is almost exactly how I remember it. The problems come with the bugs. For some reason the game will corrupt at random times and I won’t be able to engage dialogue. I select the characters but nothing happens. And when that happens you’re screwed because a lot of the game requires you to do this or you can progress so once that happens hopefully you saved because it’s back to the last time you did a standard save. No kidding I made the mistake of depending on the auto and quick save and my file was corrupted so badly that I had no choice but to go to the manual save file which had been an hour and a half prior. That’s a lot of time wasted for a buggy system. Worse still when you have that in the back of your mind while playing it. Don’t get me wrong it’s worth a play through and it’s a miracle of the modern age to be able to play this on my phone but it definitely needs a few bugs worked out. If you’re gonna put the cash down to get it I recommend saving your game often and being ready to have to restart due to this bug. Other than that it’s a good time.
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  • Like a needle in a haystack!

    I want to start by saying that in my 17 years of playing games this masterpiece was completely unexpected for me as I am usually an fps gamer and dabble in a handful of rpg’s and I knew about KOTOR but never really have given the game a chance but when I played this game for the 1st time I was baffled with how the story draws you in and keeps you wanting more and then the 1 mechanic I can’t get enough of is the choice of the light/dark side of the force which has led me through 4 playthroughs already: the light side, the dark side, the light side to the dark side, and the most difficult dark side to light side. Anyways I see why this game is considered one of the best rpg’s in history
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  • Great port, one major flaw

    The controls. Different people have different complaints about the controls. Some agree, some say they’re great. I say they’re not bad, with one glaring exception.

    On console or PC, there is a binding for left/right selection of environment objects. You can stand in place and tap a key/button, and the game will cycle through all the nearby objects with which you can interact.

    This port completely lacks that control (could put up left/right tap arrows or something). You basically have to go around searching throughly, old school Final Fantasy-style, if you want to be sure you got everything in an area. Console and PC versions were WAY better about this. You never worried about missing anything, because that selection control made finding all interactables so easy.
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  • Just like how I remembered.

    Alright so I’ve been debating on getting the mobile version of this game. But man am I glad I did. I’m honestly impressed, I’ve played it on the console many times and it’s still my all time favorite Star Wars game. I will admit the controls are a little hard to get used at first but overall it’s great for mobile. I have an IPhone XR and the game runs smooth. I even feel like the graphics and gameplay are a little better for the mobile version compared to the original Xbox when I first played the game. I could be wrong it’s been so long since I played the console version but it’s close. Anyone reading the comments debating on getting the game. Go for it. It’s only 10 bucks come on you’d pay that getting snacks from a gas station. But overall great game and a great buy. If I could rate higher then 5 stars I would. Highly recommend giving it a try for all you Star Wars fans out there. 👍🏻👍🏻
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  • Well Made

    Well made, excellent story, overall great game. (Love the plot twist) However, there are a couple things I would like to mention. First, there is a glitch where the game will manual save at your death - without any effort on your part. Meaning that you have to go back to the latest checkpoint, losing any previous manual saves. Second, in the final battle there is a glitch that if you destroy the left Jedi on the second deck, Malak will freeze and combat will cease. Third and final, the ending feels a bit…anticlimactic. Perhaps you could allow the characters to run around the sandbox world for a while, rather than just throwing in a cut scene. It makes you feel like you’re being punished for winning the game. Thank you for reading the review, this was an excellent game. I wish we had more rpgs like it. (Might I suggest a text based rpg made by the same people on Star Wars? Just an idea…)
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  • A very clunky version of an epic game

    I wish I could write a better review of this game is this is one of the best RPG games in history. But it just doesn’t seem to work on the iPad. The interface is very clumsy and frustrating. You end up opening and encountering things you don’t want to because of how the touchpad interface is ser up. Even if stationary, your finger ends up running across items that you don’t want to interact with yet and it really ruins the game. Add to that: Malak is, essentially, unbeatable on this version. None of the techniques that work on the PC version gain any ground on the iPad. I spent hours researching ways to beat Malka, I’ve watched videos and he behaves completely differently on the iPad than he does on the PC. He will always end up killing you no matter what you try to do. This was, perhaps, my most disappointing experience with an iPad game since I so much enjoyed playing on the PC. I was going to purchase KOTOR II next because I never ended up finishing it. But there’s no way I would do that now.
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  • Unexplainable

    As the title says this game is unexplainable it might be because this is one of the first games I ever played but it’s just so good the feeling you get when you play it is one you won’t find anywhere else it’s just something else I played this beautiful game about 20-25 times and I can say from the very bottom of my heart it is the greatest game of all time I played many great games but none like this the story is amazing I hope they make a remake but even if they do nothing will ever be like this game my recommendation is to obviously 110 percent buy this game but also buy it for some kids who are getting into video games at about 10 years old so it stays with them forever in there hearts I also said in the title unexplainable if you play it you will fall in love with it like nothing else and bye the way this got me into Star Wars in the first place first I thought start wars was cringe and for nerds but after playing this game I fell in love with start wars of course I think this game is wayyyy better than the Star Wars movies But everyone please just hear me out it makes me very sad that many many people have not played this game Please for 5 dollars this is amazing it’s impossible for you to not be that into it or in any way dislike it sure it’s old and the graphics aren’t the best but that’s not the point the real point is the story thank you for reading this I hope you enjoy the game peace out my friends
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