Star Wars™ User Reviews

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  • Great Game, Great Idea for iOS

    I have played KOTOR through so many times over the years that I basically have everything memorized, and this iOS version works surprisingly well. It’s crazy to me that my phone has way more pixels than the computer monitors this game was built for. The gameplay is pretty perfect for the necessarily clumsy touchscreen controls, as combat has an iconic built-in pause mechanic. I’m really excited that a new generation of gamers will get to experience one of the best games of all time, and on their phones to boot. KOTOR 2 (bug-fixed mod version) next?

    *HOWEVER*, the reason this review is 4 stars instead of 5 is the mini-games: specifically the star-fighters and the swoop races. In the star-fighter mini-game, you can’t move the turret and fire at the same time, which is horrifically bad porting, and will make flying from planet to planet gradually more annoying as the game progresses. The swoop races also need a total overhaul, as they were hard on PC controls, let alone on a touchscreen. There are PC mods out there that make the tracks easier, though I’ve never had to use them on that platform. I definitely want to use them on this one.
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  • Absolutely amazing game.

    I’ve heard so many positive things about this game, so I decided to have a try. Wow... 50 hours of gameplay in and I’m weeping over my tablet because this game is so rich & rewarding, so enlightening and challenging. It forces you to make real moral choices, think strategically & in a very “Jedi” manner to successfully accomplish battles and tasks. This game was so well put together and fun to play on my iPad Pro. I decided to follow the path of light, and it was such a fun and emotional journey. It’s very much like a book, where you become emotionally invested in the characters and their growth. I highly recommend this game and hope they release the sequel for iOS at some point. I am so eager to play it because of how addicting this one was. Knights of the Old Republic now goes down as one of my all-time favorite games, hence why I rushed to leave this raving review. 😃
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  • Best of the Best

    KOTOR is easily my favorite video game ever made. I’ve beaten it more times than I have fingers and toes. Even through my latest play through, I found 2 things I’d never experienced before. Can’t believe how well-developed and thought out this game was for its time. Probably going to play through the game one more time.

    For those looking for more of a challenge, set the difficulty to hard and don’t level up (except the first time they force you to on the Endire Spire to get to level 2) until you get to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. That’s my favorite way to play.

    The only downside is the touch interface. In most instances, it’s adequate, but there are annoying moments where you get locked into an action that you can’t cancel, or you do something you don’t want because the touch is overly sensitive. If it weren’t for the awkward moments from the touch, this would easily get 5* from me.
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  • It's the best dang SW Game ever made

    If you love Star Wars, or even if you just kinda like Star Wars, do yourself a favor and get this game. I've played through this game dozens of times on my original Xbox, and once or twice on my phone, and I still regard this as one of my all time favorites. Now sure, the graphics are dated as heck. But it's still fantastic! The story is more than worthy of its own movie, with a twist that is easily one of the most mind blowing things I've seen. The characters are very well written and serve to enhance the overall experience. It does use a kind of turn based combat system, but it's a system that gets more enjoyable as the game progresses (i.e. As you get more powers and abilities). Even as old as it is now, I still consider it to be one of the best out there.
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    It’s really a crime when an app that costs as much as $10 just to download has completely stopped maintaining the game to work smoothly with the current operating system on your device! Players really hate it when developers put out such an intense game that has a lot of interaction that relies on working properly with the current updates to iPhones and iPads and then they just desert the game completely to lie in an un-attended to dust pile of un-cared about maintenance and updates! Not to mention that after two whole years of spending so much on a game, the game gets stale, with no new twists, features, characters, weapons or just polished up update and bug fixes which a lot of people are complaining about! When developers stop supporting a game for this many years that’s when it’s definitely time for customers to not purchase it and those who already have to delete it from their devices in anger over how much they wasted on a game that the developers have left to rot!
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  • Great..Fantastic..EXCEPT

    Where on earth is the tutorial for the space mini game? I just escaped Tauris and can't get past the space ship battle. Can't save it...can't use medpacs or fuel or ammunition or repair kits for the ship. I am not the best at battling and can't get past this so what about players like me who need options? Or a tutorial. I play using my iPad and up til now have loved it. Please what can I do as I also can't find any help on utube or other forums. Please....I paid for this game and need better instructions or tutorials. Or if this is a game glitch what will you do about it? Can't believe you even have a battle mini game with no other options if it is too difficult for those of us with limitations but to reload the saved game and keep trying and dying over and over and over again..what are you thinking??????
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  • I love it

    This is honestly one of the few iPhone games that I can really enjoy. (Yes I know this was first a platform/ PC game). But honestly this is a really fun game that you will spend a good amount of time into. There is definitely a lot of replay ability in this game. I just finished it for the first time and so I can't wait to see how things can be different a second time. As a Star Wars fan I love the added lore despite it not being canon I still love it. The customization and different options are all there which is great. My only few things I didn't enjoy were. I felt that some of the companions were useless after getting Jedi companions I mainly stuck to them just because they had the force. I never used T3 except for one mission. And I barely used Canderous, Zalabar, Mission, and HK 47. I guess in another play threw I can see how it might be different. But yeah overall I love this game. I hope the devs can get the second game on here cause I would love that.
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  • Bad Ending And Lots Of Glitches

    The entire game is awesome I love it but the ending is just boring you know you complete the game and that’s it nothing else no free roam afterwards no nothing just ends I find it kinda boring all that build up and END I like to free roam a little bit after I complete a game not just have it end and that be it you know but the rest of the game is completely awesome and I am not going to delete it any time soon there probably just needs to be a free roam after completing the game update. There are also lots of glitches in the game though like characters won’t fire, frozen screen, aiming for the guy I didn’t tap on, won’t auto save, characters doing weird things like wandering off, walking back and forth for no reason, moves when not even touching the screen and more, dying when not even hurt, skips dialog when don’t even touch the screen, and even more and that is why there needs to be a bug fix update.
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  • Wonderful PC game becomes wonderful Mobile Game

    A superb, if slightly dated Star Wars RPG exploring an unfamiliar era of the Star Wars universe, The Old Republic. Full of interesting characters, clever plot twists, and big decisions, this game enthralled me for a good 20 hours on my first, light side play through, and for another 20 as I did a full dark side play-through.

    Now, the game is rather old, and it will show sometimes. However, the graphics are absolutely fantastic for a mobile game of this size, and the delightful quirkiness that comes with its age only help cement its place in my and many other people's hearts as one of the greatest RPGs in history.

    So, if you're a gamer, definitely give it a go. If you aren't a gamer in a classic sense... well, honestly, this could be the game to get you into it. It has a bit of a learning curve, but the controls and interface are quite intuitive for a mobile port. Think Baldur's Gate but done right. Once you figure it out, it is probably the most rewarding gaming experience on IOS.
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    I played this game and some of the glitches really aggravated me. No sound at all. Or maybe just music no action or footstep sounds. Not being able to continue the missions because I couldn't get Dialog with any NPC/AI. I actually had to restart and delete my save because of this! Until I found out! Just save your game. Exit out. Double click your home screen button so the app shows up. Slide your app to close it. And start the game again. GLITCHES gone! And after a certain point they rarely resurface! When you exit out of the game the KOTOR app is still open! You need to end the application completely to reset glitches. And to think at first I was resetting my iPhone every time! Hah! Hope this helps! KOTOR for life!
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