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  • Yeah yeah yeah

    It's pretty sad how buggy this thing is, I've started saving my game after every encounter. Can't start the swoop race because I can't select the announcer and obviously can't get out of the hall because you have to race at this point. Sketchy controls was a bummer too. Having the ability to play knights on the go seemed like a no brainer and the reviews are great. Sometimes I wonder about the weight of those reviews. Visually it's perfect, sometimes the sound is off. If I can get through this app I will have gone thru KOTOR more times then I have fingers.. I'd rather dust off the OL BOX and bring this game back to life. I'll consider the 5 dollars I spent on this app a donation for the wonderful years the StarWars franchise has given me. Update: 2 days after 1st review. Restarted a new game, got the accelerator and the "can't interact with anything" bug kicks on.. about an hour of gameplay before the bug originally happen. Restarted a new and the bug kick on when I first got to the under city. After deep research it seems the only way to fix this is to save your game a lot, A LOT. Restarting while the game is open does not help. This is one of my favorite rpgs ever but not on iOS. It's garbage on iOS. Before buying read as many reviews as you can. THIS BUG HAS HAPPEN TO MANY PEOPLE. It would be nice if this bug can get fixed.. anything with the starwars name is making fat cash so I don't think this request is too far fetched.
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  • The Glitch in the Enclave.

    To: Aspyr Media, Inc.

    In my resent play-through of my game, I noticed a bug in the entrance of the Jedi Enclave. I was using my main character fighting NPC's away from the enclave grounds, and I switched characters to my Utility Droid. Immediately I noticed My droid was away from the combat zone, and somehow on the side of the upper level entrance of the enclave, in an out of the map kinda scenario. I think somehow when I spawned in the outside area, my droid was rendered outside of the map, unable to move and effectively stalled from engagement. I took a picture to show what I mean. I personally have no problems with glitches in games, but I felt it best to let you know. Love the game by the way, on of my favorites, but you should really consider doing the second game Knights of the old republic 2. It has some of the best dialogue written for a game. It had greater gameplay and combat mechanics, and offered amazing elements unknown to games today. It was an all around superior game, and the fans of the series would love nothing more than for it to come back. If offered with the restored content, the game could be a great way to bring fans into the App Store. And if offered with the option to Mod the game, it would attract even more customers.
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    Developer Response

    If you meet all system requirements, please contact our support site so we can look into this issue.
  • Still my favorite game ever, but not perfect

    Playing this game on my phone has reminded me of how much I adored this game when it came out. I don't have any way to play my old copies, Xbox 360 doesn't work well and no pc, so I had to go out and buy this game for a third time.

    The nostalgia is definitely there, which causes me to play for far longer than I have time to. The story is as great as it ever was and for the most part the game runs smooth, with combat not being as bad as I thought it would be.

    But there are definitely problems. Touch screen control works well but is still not the best for this game, especially when playing on a phone and your finger covers your character. The bugs of the original are still prevalent, such as music randomly stopping and having to reload a save or your party members just not following you for a bit and then having to wait a few minutes for them to catch up.

    It begs the question; why didn't the team porting it try to fix on and improve these things?

    Overall it's a great game for people to pick up and play again. Though I wish there was a way to get some of the modded things in, I.E. robes with the hood up. And it may feel dated to someone who constantly plays new games. But the story and gameplay is definitely worth $10.
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  • Fantastic game

    Update: finished the game! AWESOME!! I can't say how fantastic each level is, they are all GREAT! And EPIC ending, EPIC characters and story. Definitely continue playing kotor2 on pc. Only 1 complaint: how come I can't loot Marlak's body and continue playing after the game is beat?
    I play tons of blackisle and bioware games. But I missed this one. Heard it's great long time ago, and now I get the chance to play it on the mobile phone. Awesome. Although the control is funky per today's standard, it's tolerable. Mainly is about the game itself, very fun, attractive story, classic system. ONE thing and ONE big thing to complain: where the h**k is the STOP button that was there since Baldur's gate?? It's so easy to click by mistake and issue wrong command, and there is just NO way to stop the stupid character from doing it: e.g., walk up and talk to another person, most annoying one. Attack in stealth mode, enemy too far, want to cancel but the character just stubbornly walks into the ambush. FIX THIS!
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  • KOTOR 2

    This game was my childhood! I love it. I play it over and over even though I have beaten several times. It's flawless on my iPhone! It's amazing. Runs better on my phone then it ever did on Xbox! I can't get enough of this game. But now I want to play the second. If you guys made the second one I would be the first in line to buy it. It would literally be priceless to me. Whatever the price and whenever you developers decide to put it out. I will be the first one to purchase it and continue my Star Wars adventure. Please please make the second one haha. This game is my game I play when internet isn't available. And in my line of work, being an army infantryman about deploy, this game is a must have. It's long and very fun. It never gets old. Please make the second one. And I will always support you guys. And if you have made other games that are similar let me know. But yeah, great job with this game. It's literally perfect! Thank you.
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  • Worst controls, boring game

    This game the worst I have played in a while..An all around disappointing experience, with subpar, controls where u can't correctly look around, nor walk the right way , always bumping into things, especially into a close partymember, .

    besides that all u do is walk around, having to read some extra long dialogue boxes bcuz most of the NPC's speak gibberish & have ALOT to say. U can't skip some cut scenes , & the game itself is very confusing . U don't get a explicit map (it only shows what u've discovered/visited & walked through..

    The menu and UI are very large, difficult to use & causes too much confusions.. You are only taught how to move yourself and the cam ,and that's it.. Don't get me started on the FEW TIMES THERE WAS ANY ACTION ,and how infuriating the clunky, disastrous controls are. The worst part about this MESS that the devs concocted , (besides making such a bad game)' is the fact they have the nerve, the absolute GALL , to charge 9.99$ for this abomination of a game.. Do ur self a favor & please don't bother with this game... ur money, ur time, & even the device being used to play it ,are all worth way more than this game..
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  • Great port, could use some adjustments

    KOTOR is most probably my favorite video game of all time, and this port is fantastic. My only two problems w/ the port is that it destroys your battery life, and the controls are interesting but can be hard to use when playing on a small screen. The game sometimes lags like when you're in the vulkar base, but that's not really that big of a deal in my opinion. I don't know if it's just me but I also can't enable shadows and all those lighting effects. My suggestions are to fix up the controls a bit, especially during the space and swoop bike parts, probably put an option for a virtual analog stick and an option to make the buttons bigger in combat. Overall, this is a great port of a great game, I'm really glad and happy that it's a mobile title now. I hope that it will only get better in future updates.
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  • Bugs

    Great game overall, this is the first time I've played it again in many years. But the iPad adaptation is not perfect. The biggest issue I noticed while playing is that the kiss scene at the end with Carth is completely gone. The dialogue is there, but doesn't approach you. He just stands there. I haven't romanced Bastila yet so I could say about her, but I couldn't help feeling a little upset that I didn't get any payoff for all that whining I had to put up with. The other issues are minor, like that all water is invisible except on Manaan and the Unknown Planet. A couple cylinders on the Unknown Planet caused my character to have a seizure when I tried to open them. There was a lot of lagging and skipping on Kashyyyk, (and on other planets, but to lesser extents) even after I turned off grass and shadows. If I wanted lag I would just go play Swtor. Also, the characters never sheathe their weapons. I can't remember if they did on the original version, but it looked really weird to carry them in hand the entire game. That's all I really encountered bug-wise, but these did hamper my RPG experience more than I would have liked. Please fix these issues.
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  • One of the greatest games of all time in the palm of your hand

    This is a fantastic game, I would argue the greatest old school action RPG game of all time. This game has brought me endless joy over the years. This port is incredibly well executed and allows you to relive KOTOR in all its glory. (Port is of the pc version, minor technical variations).

    The swoop racing could REALLY use tilt control, and the lack there of makes some of the higher end races all but impossible, but between bioware owning the game and Disney owning star wars it's not gonna happen.

    The one caution I would have for you is to SAVE FREQUENTLY. Whenever you exit the app for more than a minute or so it will quicksave, and that can result in being stuck in a no win situation or continuing the game just to find out that your party is already dead. I understand why they chose to have the game quick save whenever you exit the app, but it does get a little annoying when you loose 30 minutes of gameplay because you needed to check Facebook.

    Also; anyone looking for the second one: get it on steam and find something in the workshop called the Sith Lords restored content mod. You will thank me.
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  • An All-Time Favorite, PLEASE bring back -KOTOR 2- PLEASE

    If you never played this on the original Xbox, love Star Wars and love a great RPG, well my friend you are in for one hell of a treat! I bought this when it came out over a decade ago, and I still love. This game is worth every penny. Please someone find it in their heart to re-release the 2nd game, I refuse to die until I play it again! I will not rest until my dream becomes a reality! Give me the power I beg of you! Oh and don't be thrown off by bad reviews, there from children. The only, and I mean only problem with the game is, the swoop racing controls are extremely difficult to master. But luckily there's only one race you HAVE TO do, the others are optional and will not mess up your experience at all.
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