Scenic Route's Generations Achievements

Total achievements: 28
My Generation
My Generation
Create a generation.
Beginner's Score
Beginner's Score
Score 1,000 points in a game.
Novice's Score
Novice's Score
Score 2,000 points.
Proficient Score
Proficient Score
Score 3,000 points.
Expert's Score
Expert's Score
Score 5,000 points.
Master's Score
Master's Score
Score 10,000 points.
Grand Master's Score
Grand Master's Score
Score 15,000 points.
Generation X
Generation X
Create three generations in a single game.
Generation Why
Generation Why
Create five generations in a single game.
The Greatest Generation
The Greatest Generation
Create ten generations in a single game.
Baby's First Chain
Baby's First Chain
Create a chain from stork to infant to child.
They Grow up so Fast
They Grow up so Fast
Create a chain from infant to child to teen.
Hello, Playdate!
Hello, Playdate!
Found the Playdate Easter Egg
You're an Adult Now
You're an Adult Now
Chain a child to a teen to an adult.
Why'd You Do That!?
Why'd You Do That!?
Remove a Senior with a Minus Heart
Moving to Florida
Moving to Florida
Chain a teen to adult to senior.
Ten. Points.
Ten. Points.
Get the lowest score possible.
Fresh Start
Fresh Start
Clear the entire wall of portraits.
Clever Chain
Clever Chain
Chain a stork to infant to child to teen.
You Only Need Three
You Only Need Three
Make a match with four portraits.
Make a match with five portraits.
Chain Novice
Chain Novice
Get ten chains in a single game.
Hello, Poe!
Hello, Poe!
Pet the cat.
Chain Master
Chain Master
Get twenty chains in a single game.
Chain Grand Master
Chain Grand Master
Get thirty chains in a single game.
Where's Poe?
Where's Poe?
Tried to pet the cat while he was outside.
Judicious Chain
Judicious Chain
Chain from a child, to a teen, to an adult.
Shrewd Chain
Shrewd Chain
Chain a child, to teen, to adult, to senior.

Alternatives to Scenic Route's Generations