Keyaki Studio User Reviews

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  • 😍

    So I think it’s a good game but at the start I was really struggling with trying to make videos so then I figured it out on camera mode but my body is always twisting around and I don’t like that so that’s why I gave this a four star rating

    Developer Response

    Thank you very much for your review. レビューをくださり誠にありがとうございます。 Thank you very much for trying it even though there are few tutorials and explanations. チュートリアルや説明が少ないなか、お試しくださり誠にありがとうございます。 If you have any problems, please contact us via Booth. 問題がございましたらBoothよりご連絡ください。 Thanks.
  • it’s a good app but…

    i was very hard to use for me. and it kept glitching over and over again. there was not a way you could change your avatar in the game. i was looking for a app to be a vtuber but this was not it for me sorry.

    Developer Response

    Thank you very much for your review. レビューをくださり誠にありがとうございます。 I apologize for the misunderstanding. This app is not developed for VTuber streaming. 誤解させてしまい申し訳ございません。 このアプリはVTuber配信できるアプリではありません。 It is being developed as an Anime video production tool using avatars. アバターを使ったアニメ動画制作ツールとして開発してます。
  • Why -

    I’ve always wanted to be a vtuber and when I saw this game I thought I had a chance but this game led me too a sketchy website asking me for personal information and you weren’t even aloud to make your own avatar you had to use somebody else’s 👎
  • Cool app, but…

    This is a really good app, and I love that I’m able to pretty much make anything I want in it (though it took me a bit to figure out.)

    However, I’ve received a network error while in the middle of making a clip and despite my efforts (restarting my internet, restarting my iPad, redownloading the app) I am unable to regain access to the app. If there’s anything I can do to fix this, let me know.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you very much for your review. Sorry for the very late reply. レビューをくださり誠にありがとうございます。 お返事が大変遅くなり申し訳ございません。 I think this error was an operational error on my part. From now on, I will update carefully. 以後、注意深く更新作業を行います。 こちらのエラーは私の方の運営ミスだったと思います。 If you have any other problems, please contact us through Booth. そのほか問題がございましたらBoothよりご連絡ください。 Thanks.

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