Goblin Tools User Reviews

Goblin Tools
Goblin Tools
De Buyser & De Wulf Consulting

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  • This is saving me from implosion

    This is such a great app. It’s simple enough to not get distracted on my way to using it as intended. The learning curve is shallow enough to feel encouraging, not overwhelming, and I don’t get anxious about how long it will take to just effectively use it.

    The part I actually used is the to do and the break down of the to dos. It saves me time lost to overthinking and indecisiveness. It’s like the sensible thought partner that takes the ball of mess you’re trying to sort out and then offers it back to you in a “Of course! Thank you! That’s exactly what I needed!” sort of way.

    I haven’t used the chef option but I don’t cook because of the executive functioning challenges I have and this option in the app makes me optimistic about the possibility of cooking one day (even if it ultimately isn’t as useful as I hope, the encouragement enough is helpful. I feel seen).
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  • A dyslexics friend

    I'm really enjoying this! Being dyslexic, I often struggle with words and find myself rewriting everything over and over again. It can be frustrating because I sometimes have to simplify my thoughts or ideas due to difficulty with spelling or organizing them. However, Goblin tools has been a tremendous help! It allows me to express my ideas and thoughts more effectively, producing far better results than I could achieve on my own. It would be even nicer if it offered UK English instead of American English.

    =-= My original text in Goblin tools =-=

    I’m loving this. As a dyslexic I have trouble with words and inevitably end up rewriting everything many times. In this process I end up dumbing down what I want to say because I can’t spell some words or structure my thoughts. Goblin tools helps with me dump my ideas and thoughts and produces way better results than I could. It would be nice if it was UK English vs American.
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  • Wizard, I can’t believe it’s only $1

    This app is amazing. Great function, not trying to milk me monthly. Highly recommend
  • Slay. Add more

    To be honest. This app iconic and I do not use it nearly as much as I should because it’s so unbelievably helpful. Especially as a broke college kid. The chef feature is so nice. However I have noticed that it will use every ingredient on your list if you give it the opportunity to… it’s a bit frustrating I can say I want to make creamy mashed potatoes and it will give me a basic recipe for mashed potatoes. Which is fine. It’s great actually. If that’s what I was actually looking for. I was looking to know what I could add to make those potatoes creamier (I’m just gonna experiment I think). It led me to wonder why there isn’t a general questions section.. the entire app is based on AI so theoretically having an “ask a question” area isn’t out of line for what the app is capable of. Neurodivergent people tend to not only need specific directions (of which the app is very good at), but we also tend to have very specific questions on how to exist that we just can’t find the answers for. I think having an AI section dedicated for questions on how to be an adult is a good idea personally. Not everything is a task that needs to be broken down. It’s simply a question we need an answer to ya know? Don’t get me wrong tho. I’m not bashing the app whatsoever. It’s literally the best app I’ve ever bought and forgot about and wish I hadn’t forgotten about😭
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  • Total life saver!!!

    A friend introduced me to Goblin Tools a few weeks ago as it’s just occurred to me I need help as am most likely neurodiverse. So brilliant! My daily tasks were overwhelming me so this app has helped me HUGELY! Also use Judge almost daily as I often misinterpret messages which in turn causes major conflict. I have told a few people about it now, I would hate to lose this app it is definitely making my life and communicating easier and less troublesome. Thanks from the bottom of my heart ❤️
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  • Helps me so much writing emails and messages

    I really struggle to put things into writing, especially certain work emails, and I can end up spending hours writing something that should take 10 mins max. The formaliser is so helpful, when I realise I can’t find the right words I just put in any old rubbish and it makes it sound so much better. Sometimes I use a mixture of the different tones. Haven’t used the other features so much, although I just gave “judge” a go for a message to a friend and it was super helpful and reassuring!! I use this on the web app and also now iPhone. I have ADHD and it seems to help a lot of us!
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  • ALMOST as good as the webpage!

    This app is a great way to support the creator of such a useful tool, and I’m so happy to pay for it and see how everything progresses! These tools are also fantastic and helpful, and I am so grateful for their existence.

    I have just one minor gripe: I had just finished typing a whole heap of ideas into the 'compiler,' and before finishing it out by exporting it to the 'magic todo,' I quickly went over to the 'magic todo' page to to see what I already had there. Upon returning to the compiler page, all of that work was lost, and I had to redo it. It would be lovely to have the app keep a memory of what I input, just like the website, in case an outage or distraction pulls me away from it.
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    I have used Goblin Tools online for maybe a year now and I am beyond excited to see the app available! I used to struggle with sequencing tasks and procrastination, but now I just type in what I need to do into Magic To-Do and Goblin tools breaks the task down into achievable and sensible steps. I then carry out the tasks quickly with focus. And this is only one part of the app. There is also options to enhance communication and understanding, time management, meal inspiration (just type in what food you have on hand and it will give you a meal suggestion), it can organise tasks from your brain dump, it can suggest how to reword a message in a myriad of ways (‘less snarky’ is a good one for diplomacy). I honestly would have paid a lot more to own this app. It is my life saver. Thank you Goblin Tools Team! You have made me feel like I am completely winning at being a grown up.
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  • Great tool

    Just works, cannot recommend enough, has some minor instability issues (relatable), and crashes from time to time.
  • Perfect for ADHD

    As someone with ADHD, I struggle a lot with feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated by my environment. I become particularly stressed from even menial tasks, because in my head, each little task requires a whole bunch of stuff in the background leading up to the task itself, which leads me to pushing off the task until it’s too late. This app has helped me a lot with breaking tasks down into doable steps, and it helps to literally see each easy step laid out in front of me so I don’t have to think about it. I was recommended this app by another person with ADHD, and I feel like it’s changed my productivity for the better.
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